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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. Hilarious!
  2. hmph!
  3. well if you read through the captions he mentions that some people (friends? family?) from Nicaragua saw him on tv. Also I deduced from his name, the less thanperfect English and his picture near the end that he must be from Nicaragua.
  4. cc.com re-runs again.
  5. Not a photojournalist; just some Nicaraguan guy who was working at a hotel in NO. Wish I knew what the camera was.
  6. ChrisT


    I think it's a ploy by Bush to appeal to the core of supporters that put him in office in the first place. Rove probably told him to do it.
  7. ChrisT

    Breaking News...

    Bob Denver has died. R.I.P.
  8. ChrisT

    Our Fine President

    "Our infrastructure is devastated, lives have been shattered," Ms. Landrieu said during a helicopter tour of the area with an ABC interviewer. "Would the president please stop taking photo-ops?" --Mary Landrieu, US Senator
  9. ChrisT

    Our Fine President

    "If I put you out on the street and made you get into gun battles all day with no place to urinate and no place to defecate, I don't think you would be too happy either," Mr. Compass said in an interview. "Our vehicles can't get any gas. The water in the street is contaminated. My officers are walking around in wet shoes." P. Edwin Compass III, New Orleans Superintendent of Police
  10. ChrisT

    Our Fine President

    you scooped me! R.I.P.
  11. ChrisT

    Our Fine President

    I agree that it's easy to point fingers at a time like this and I keep thinking to myself "I wonder how Clinton would have handled this situation?" But I also keep thinking of Bush's slow reaction time on 9/11/01 when he sat in a classroom in Florida while the NY World Trade Center Towers crumbled to the ground. GW just doesn't impress me as a man of action IMO.
  12. ChrisT

    Our Fine President

    One thing's for sure, the GOP isn't winning any African American votes here...
  13. you first. oh by the way, the guy who founded Burning Man has this to say: BTW Is TLG at Burning Man? She's been conspicuously missing lately...
  14. ChrisT

    Saw the flood coming

    September 2, 2005 A Can't-Do Government By PAUL KRUGMAN Before 9/11 the Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the three most likely catastrophic disasters facing America: a terrorist attack on New York, a major earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane strike on New Orleans. "The New Orleans hurricane scenario," The Houston Chronicle wrote in December 2001, "may be the deadliest of all." It described a potential catastrophe very much like the one now happening. the rest of editorial
  15. From MSNBC: Norwegians generally reckon that their economic upturn is fuelled by high oil prices -- a bonanza out of any government’s control. A fund saving Norway’s oil wealth for future generations is worth $180 billion, or $39,000 for each citizen.
  16. ChrisT

    Saw the flood coming

    Good reporting Jim. Keep up the good work! Carry on.
  17. whatever
  18. The breath of the morning I keep forgetting The smell of the warm summer air I live in a town Where you can't smell a thing You watch your feet For cracks in the pavement Up above Aliens hover Making home movies For the folks back home Of all these weird creatures Who lock up their spirits Drill holes in themselves And live for their secrets They're all uptight Uptight. I wish that they'd swoop down in a country lane Late at night when I'm driving Take me on board their beautiful ship Show me the world as I'd love to see it I'd tell all my friends But they'd never believe They'd think that I'd finally lost it completely I'd show them the stars And the meaning of life They'd shut me away But I'd be all right All right.. I'm just uptight Uptight.
  19. yep and we're a nation of rubberneckers - myself included.
  20. ok I admit I'm a little late in discovering this band - anyone else diggin' Radiohead?
  21. Not to mention the refugees from Dafur. Africa always gets short shrift (sp?). But many are comparing New Orleans to the "third world".
  22. Yet another similarity: ex-presidents Clinton and Bush the first are headed to the scene of the disaster today.
  23. ChrisT


    thank you for that Commander Iain
  24. ChrisT


    Actually I just heard on the news that Japan and France have pitched in some aid as well as corporations such as Disney and Nike.
  25. ChrisT


    After the 1906 earthquake leveled SF, it was rebuilt on the exact same spot. They didn't seem to learn their lesson there either.
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