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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. IMHO...the idea of the world as a wilderness park is as trite and far-fetched as the other extreme.
  2. time to take precautions
  3. RobBob

    Matrix Revolutions

    I'm going to have to find a copy of Yojimbo. The samurai inspiration for High Plains Drifter.
  4. IMO tri (or any other relatively-low-$-return sport) is a stupid way to make a living. Double that if ya have to sacrifice your future health in order to eat.
  5. God this thread is great.
  6. So what's your point? High percentages make it okay?
  7. those crazy Romanians
  8. RobBob

    Matrix Revolutions

  9. RobBob

    Bag on Dru day-

    Dru is really mattp's avatar. Notice how they happened not to run into each other at Ropeup...coincidence? I think not.
  10. RobBob

    Matrix Revolutions

    also Where Eagles Dare great Japanese flicks (all Kurasawa/Mifune) Yojimbo Seven Samurai High & Low
  11. I've been surprised to discover that a number of runners advocate never stretching, believing that stretching often causes injury. I can see how this might happen, given the fast/incorrect stretching that I have observed in the gym. my personal sauna rule is only after exercise, and only in mixed company.
  12. triathlon 101 practical sailor mag. airplane reading last week---interesting doping article in Outside mag. (dopers are idiots!)
  13. my entry for the new look
  14. RobBob

    Bag on Dru day-

  15. just how did you find this site, scrambler? I do think that the logo might be something to adapt into a cc.com logo...
  16. RobBob

    Bag on Dru day-

    what I want to know is what you're doing up so early. go back to sleep.
  17. If I may, I'd like to interject a chestbeat for a friend who says he was told by German ski-pals who talked him into it that he was the first Amerikaner to ski down the Zugspitze. His elderly mother found out about it later and told him he was a "fucking idiot."
  18. $12 billion in total isn't it? Darn, Jim, good post.
  19. fern, dru, and snoboy are all
  20. minx is , which is a little frightening...
  21. muffy caveman chrisT trask please add to list
  22. Sisu, I am not a post-WWII scholar, bu I believe that Jews wanted their own nation. Let's not 'enable' Isael's unacceptable colonizing effort by casting them as victims. Especially when the rest of the western world is affected by their actions, and we give them the tremendous aid $ that we do.
  23. oh come now catbird. Who??
  24. and may I say that men should not
  25. at some point this thread must intersect with the concurrent "what's your real name thread"
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