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Everything posted by Buckaroo

  1. Camera drones are way cool when used for recreational purposes. There's a lot of cool footage of mountains already. Imagine being able to fly up and down Liberty Crack or NE Butt of Slesse. Sadly it is going to be restricted. Last time I was at Smith there was a "No Drones" sign.
  2. 1) no one ever said the bankers would declare it, they just said "there would be" in other words it would be the result. 2) the majority of them on the first part 3) given how red Oklahoma is probably most of them, probably the token dem is the one that released the vid. 4) Crock of sh*t. $700 billion straight from the taxpayers, straight to the 1 percent, just another transfer of wealth. Economic disparity is higher than it's ever been in the history of man. Stop buying what the Orwell TV feeds you, it's just not true. 5) Dreams are just the representation of what happened that day that is then filed away in your sub-conscious. That's why you so rarely remember them because it then becomes a loop or multiple representation.
  3. Didn't say we did, just that it was threatened. [video:youtube]
  4. Back to the original thread. Love it when Repulicun*s claim they are not the party of racists. (that's perfect the asterisk representing the "T" looks like an apostrophe) The current scandal in Oklahoma (capital of white cracker racists) involves the University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity in which they were caught on video performing an anti black chant repeatedly using the N word. Well the fraternity house mother, 78-year-old Beauton Glibow, was interviewed by CBS and said "I heard the words. Unbelievable. This is not... this is not SAE," [video:youtube] Well a new video has just been released where the white haired house mom is happily singing a song in which she says the N word six times in a row. Republicun racist singing an "N" word song.
  5. I think 2008 was just an intentional scam from the top down. They intentionally gave out loans to unqualified people with ARM's. They knew these loans would go bad when rates went up. They bundled these bad loans and fraudulently graded them AAA. Somewhere in the process they multiplied things with derivatives. Then they sold the bad bundles to unwitting investors, at the same time betting against them, betting that they would go bad. Then they raised rates and watched their plan go through. Then when all the sh*t hit the fan they had the unmitigated gall to ask for a taxfunded "bailout" for the banks they were involved with that had taken a hit. The bailout bill failed the first time it went through congress. Partly due to the fact the American public contacted their representatives in record numbers. It actually broke the record for citizen contact with representatives. 95% of them asking congress not to bailout the banks. The bankers came back threatening the reps with martial law if they didn't give them the bill and the bunch of pu**ies caved. All this was allowed by de-regulation. Instead of breaking laws they just got rid of them. But even that was not enough and they did break laws and commit crimes. While the Raygoon admin convicted about 1000 bankers in the S&L scandal of the '80s the Obama "justice" department has convicted zero bankers in this scandal. Although recently they have levied some fines, which are of course pennies on the dollar, a mere fee for criminal activity.
  6. After you guys set the beacon off did you leave it in one place without moving it? Not sure that should matter but who knows.
  7. I believe I purchased it 2-3 years ago. The battery expiration date is 07/2018. I have only run the GPS self test 3-4 times and it is supposed to have enough excess battery life to run it many more times than that. Dang it! Now I don't trust my PLB! I'll add a couple more things. Learn how to dig a good snow cave and be ready to do it. People die quite frequently just on the Muir snowfield, and they would walk away unscathed with just a simple strategy. Hydration is more important than food, and it sounds like you guys might have been dehydrated before you even bivied. Dehydration makes your blood thicker and it doesn't circulate as well to keep you warm in the cold. When you are stuck somewhere and low on fuel it becomes more important to save fuel to melt more snow for water than to warm the water for heat, or to even warm it in the first place.
  8. It's okay, everyone makes mistakes while they're learning the ropes. And most of the rescue guys are doing it for the thrill so they don't really mind. Plus you got to test the PLB which revealed a flaw and might lead to needed improvement. I'm sure you will study your gear more carefully. When you go minimum everything needs to be 100% like the headlamp. Headlamps are so light now that I will take an extra with a 2 person team. Also try some different gloves. I have a pair of OR gore-tex and they go all day in the wettest conditions without getting wet inside. And good on you for telling your story, it helps others to learn from your mistakes.
  9. Ouch, that's what I'm using. Do you think the battery might have been low? How old was it? Please post the follow-up info when/if you figure out what happened. Usually you don't want to rely on being able to descend in the dark unless you've done the descent before, or it's well marked or obvious. Sometimes I will recon the descent beforehand, makes it easier to commit to going after dark. If not committing to the dark you need a turnaround time. If you don't make it you turn back. This gets tricky though on some routes when there's a point of no return and the shortest way off becomes up and over. When you go light you take the minimum, part of the trick is knowing what that is. If you get stormed you need to try to dig a snow hole. Also hydration is key. Maybe a full fuel bottle? Sometimes those get cold and the flame will go low but it's not out of fuel. Think about what it would take to comfortably survive this situation next time. How much more weight would it be? I think when you're climbing unless it's vertical to overhanging that a few more pounds (less than 5) doesn't make that much difference anyway. Less than 5 pounds each you could have both had puffy pants, a 3/4 foam pad, a real bivy sack, plenty of fuel for water, and some energy bars. The trick then becomes knowing when you might need this so you aren't carrying it all the time on day climbs. When the sun comes up you usually get a second wind. Also you can move in place without getting out of the bivy. Just shake your legs and arms. It sounds like you were more prepared than he was, and you made the correct call on the rescue. There's probably not too many stories like this untold because the PLB is fairly new. I got stuck on Shuksan in winter one time and hit by a storm. I dug a snow hole with a stove pot, it would have been dire without it. This was before even cell phones. All I had to save me was a pre-arranged return time. That used to really suck if you weren't going to be in trouble but needed another day to complete something, no way to call in and extend the return time.
  10. Good TR sounds like it's not in shape, unless you are looking for a winter ascent. The descent off the backside is not too bad but you might not want to do it for the first time in the dark.
  11. Early 90's on the toxic dumping and illegal fishing by foreign vessels. So I guess it can't be said it was the cause of the collapse but really a symptom afterwards, and now a reason for the piracy. http://www.projectcensored.org/3-toxic-waste-behind-somali-pirates/ I would have voted for Ron Paul because he was less of a tool than the other corporate puppets. Agree on drugs, corporate subsidies, the Fed, disagree on administrative regulation and privatization. The reason for the banking collapse of 2008 was de-regulation. Imagine playing a game with no rules, or a highway with no laws. Take away the rules and regulations and you get chaos. Some businesses are better off being public, usually the ones that are inherent monopolies. Like the power grid, water, phone and cable lines. Why is Comcast one of the most hated companies? They have a monopoly on hi speed internet, so they don't have to care and can charge whatever. It costs 2 to 3 times as much to send a package via UPS or FedEx compared to the post office, because the post office is not for profit. The predatory capitalists just want the profitable part of the business, they will leave the rural delivery to USPS. They also pay their workers sh*t compared to the post office. A USPS job is a high living wage where you can almost afford to have a one wage earner household and a stay at home parent which means much better kids. So here's the comparison. USPS, way lower rates, high pay to the 98%, nothing for the 1%. Private, higher rates, low pay to the 98%, obscene wealth for the mother fu*king scumbag sh*tstain on the face of humanity greed pigs. The saga of the USPS is a long story. Established over many years it is now and I believe has always been self sustaining. When you deliver to all rural points it becomes an inherent monopoly because it would not be profitable to maintain more than one infrastructure that large. So now the private companies want to come in and pillage only the profitable part built up by someone else. Recently the main way this has been done is through Republifu*k sh*theads in congress where they have enacted a law requiring the post office to fund employee retirement 80 years into the future. This is ludicrous and no company has ever had to do this before. It's just a way to try to drive them to bankruptcy so they can take over their business.
  12. A world class multiple award winning scientist. She's talking about scientific method, and making some very basic and truthful points. So of course you can't touch it. You can't take on her message so you attack the messenger with a cut and paste from Wiki, taking it out of context. And it looks like whoever posted it on Wiki took it out of context also.
  13. -I get a chuckle out of the "Somalia as Libertarian Paradise" meme every time it comes up, mostly because no one who trots it out seems to know much about the history of Somalia - particularly the part where it only started descending into desolation and chaos after a Marxist/military coup took over the joint in ~1970. Well it didn't help when the predatory capitalists dumped toxins offshore of Somalia, and ruined the fishing for the locals, because it was the nearest unregulated place. Democracy, great in theory, so-so in practice Communism, so-so in theory, terrible in practice Libertarianism, terrible in theory, so bad in practice it's never really been tried.
  14. You're boring Fairweather, all you have is ad-hom Can you debate any of these scientific observations? Otherwise you're just a waste of skin.
  15. exposed steep dirty loose 4th class if it goes never done it but "think" it might be possible
  16. Faked moon landings is from your friends at Faux News. I think it was a test to see how well their propaganda worked, they took a poll afterwards. I don't think even Brian Williams stooped that low, only Conservanazi Republiturds. Ever hear of Carl Sagan? Here's his wife, another scientist. (Oh wait, I'm sorry, Republicun*s don't believe in science) [video:youtube]
  17. Better than being a retarded sheeple that believes everything Brian Williams and Bill O'Rielly tells him.
  18. It's a waste of time Alpine, Fairweather has no answer for the Satanic symbol on the Repug logo, so he chooses to ignore it. He's too invested in his Orwellian television to ever wake up from his programming.
  19. I guess the pic was shopped to exaggerate because of the smile, there's plenty of real ones of him kissing this prince. There's also plenty of evidence bush jr is gay, and that pedophilia and perversion occurs at a higher rate among the super rich. Just look at the Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, the Franklin coverup, and the recent pedo ring uncovered in Great Britian. When you can have pretty much any woman you want all you life your attention begins to stray. Not that I have anything against gays or even satan for that matter. It's just the Republican hypocrisy that bothers me.
  20. Ah, the old fallback, ad-hominem. Truth hurts eh Fairweather? Because you didn't see it on Faux News or from Brian Williams it can't be true? Have you seen the American flag lately? Why are the Repugnicrooks stars upside down? Could it be that Fairweather is just an unwitting tool for Satan? Is the Washington Times mainstream enough not to be called conspiracy? Oh and let's not forget the Repukeniscum PERVERT HALL OF SHAME. It's up to 55 names now. http://recoveringliberal.com/?page_id=765 excerpt Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania pled no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo of Floyd County, Kentucky was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy. Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins of Asbury Park, New Jersey pled guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls. Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker of Nashua, New Hampshire is a convicted child molester. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury, Connecticut is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls.
  21. Fairweather, you are either highly ignorant or a world class troll. The Repugnicu*ts are more corrupt than the Dems and have been for a long time. If you can't admit that then you fall into one of the two categories. Also you are a staunch supporter of Satan and the dark side. I'm sure you're aware, if you are not completely ignorant, that the upside down pentagram is one of the primary symbols of Satanism? Now to educate your ignorant self and also to see if you can actually be honest (highly doubtful on either score) Did you know that the architect of the Bush boy's 2000 election theft, non other than KKKarl Rove subsequently initiated turning the 5 pointed stars upside down on the Rethug emblem? And thus gave the Repugnanturd party a new flag? Here you go, this is the new party emblem. Another juicy fact about these diabolical satanic henchmen. Did you know that the Bush boy's knickname for Rove was "Turd blossom"? Could it be that these two buddies were rump rangers on the probe to Uranus? You did know that the Bush boy was gay (or at least bi-sexual) did you not? If you look carefully at the weird way he's holding hands with this Saudi the Bush BOY is in the submissive position according to where his thumb is. Apparently he's enjoying himself also, just look at that turd-blossom eating grin.
  22. I never know which utensile you use at a formal dinner and the one on the right is really confusing me.
  23. Trip: Baring - Standard Route Date: 3/5/2015 Trip Report: Baring is in nice winter shape. Dry on the approach and snow in firm condition with boot track through the talus and to the summit. Up high (before the first notch) the dirt is frozen and slippery, you need crampons. will post more when time permits
  24. Put me down in the "Fairweather is full of crap as usual" column. you post a stat that shows Koch spending $10 million, but that's only part of what they spend and only at the federal level. ""Totals on this page reflect donations from employees of the organization, its PAC and in some cases its own treasury."" Koch spent about $300 million in 2014
  25. “If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."” “I named my dog Stay, so I can say, 'Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!” “If your friend is already dead, and being eaten by vultures, I think it's okay to feed some bits of your friend to one of the vultures, to teach him to do some tricks. But only if you're serious about adopting the vulture.”
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