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Everything posted by Dean_Lowery
You can climb (more like hike ups) the Hart Mountain range peaks. I was just down there and did Warner Peak. Its a neat area but some other peaks further east that merit consideration are Pueblo Peak and Pueblo West. Here's a link to summitpost for Warner Peak
I have the Canon G3 and S410 and they both are outstanding. If you are a Costco member, they are having a great sale on the S500. Check it out at this Costco offer.
Other difficult winter peaks: Granite Peak in Montana and Gannett Peak in Wyoming. I remember reading the -148 book some years back and I salute Dave Johnston for quite an accomplishment.
I've really been enjoying your TR's/pics. John sent me his TR on this one and you guys have just been having way too much fun.
REVA4 Exp 2/28 Worked for me today.
I get "joint juice" (gluco & chondro) at Costco and this formulation works well for me. I'm 64 and have had knee problems and I feel that the "juice" works the best of what I've tried. My knee problem is a tear of the medial medicus but not bad enough to require surgery. If the "juice" is what is making the difference, it is a lot cheaper than having surgery IMO. I still do lots of climbing, including Hood, Shasta, Adams and the like and I plan to still be doing this stuff another 20 years or so, so I'll be drinking a lot of "juice". BTW, my physical therapist recommends taking it as well as doing the exercises that will strengthen the knee area.
Thanks for the info, just in time for Christmas presents (mine).
I'd rather have a dentist who talked alot (if he talks about climbing or hiking) than the kind who say nothing. The problem with the provider list dental options is that there are some PPO's that very few dentists will join. You might considermaking a visit to one or more of those on your list. Just do a walk in and see how you are treated. It'll give you a chance to check out the office without getting appointed for treatment and see if things are friendly and up to date. Good luck.
I've had two hernia operations, one on each side. There is a simple self test you can do for yourself. Do you remember the old "cough" test? You slide your finger up the inguinal canal (behind one of the jewels you mention) and cough. If you have a tear, you'll feel the intestine press against your finger. If you feel that, see your doctor. Also, if you feel that pressure you mentioned, put pressure there with your hand and see if the discomfort goes away or is lessened. If it does either, see your doctor. They sell a truss in some of the drug stores that puts pressure against the hernia area and that is a short term fix. If you take care of a hernia in the early stages, its a fairly easy fix. If you wait around like I did before getting it fixed, it can cost you a couple days in the hospital and a couple weeks recovery time. Get it diagnosed and treated ASAP.
I have had one for about 5 months and I really like the convenience for most situations. However, it failed me on Mt. Shasta, couldn't get the piezo lighter to fire it up. I've used that stove now about ten times and that was the only time it didn't work. The altitude of course ( 10K )despite the fact I kept the canister as warm as I could. Fortunately, my partner had an MSR and that worked fine. I had taken the Jet Boil along just to see how it would perform at altitude. Other than that, super easy to use.
Thanks Josh, I'll check that out.
Anyone done the Little Wenatchee trail, then to White Pass and up over Disappointment Peak? If so, what was your take of this route and mileage involved. I'm looking for a possible southern route. Thanks
Great TR, read like a dime store novel but now I have to go to work and face my own reality (work sucks in good weather)
I was up there today and maybe a couple pics will worth bea thousand words.
I wonder if it joined up with the compact flash card I left up near the false summit. It wasn't the same level of loss as yours but it had all my summit pics on it and there were some good ones. Life sucks when that happens. I hope someone finds your camera.
I went ahead and deleted two of the pics since they were way off base. I'll keep looking, maybe I can find one that captures what you're looking for.
Post deleted by Dean_Lowery
Post deleted by To_The_Top
Another shot that might help photo by Tom Davenport
Is this what you're looking for? photo by Bob Bolton
I've been to over 9000 ft on NR and it gets real nasty after that (rockfall). I'm going to try from the west side this year.
Last year over Labor day weekend, the Snow Lake TH was nailed big time. Over 30 cars busted into and I mean busted. 27 vehicles had a front window (driver or passenger side) smashed and a couple windshields were also smashed. Can you believe it? Glass all over the lot and stuff spewed from vehicles making the area look like a garage sale. One vehicle, some folks from out of state and carrying everything they'd need for a couple weeks on the road really got ripped off. A friend of mine arrived on the scene after it had happened (early a.m.) and he immediately went back to L-worth and called the sheriff. Not a damn thing the sheriff could do after the fact but my point in relating this story is, don't leave anything of value in your vehicle, nada. Oh yeah, the few vehicles that weren't busted into were cars that already looked like they had been busted into. Its a bad deal when the TH's become more dangerous to leave your car at then downtown Seattle.
Drunk polar bears are as useless as drunk cats
When a cop gets lucky, he can enjoy the writing the ticket experience fully (check out the attachment)