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Everything posted by sk

  1. Many people learn to place gear there. Crack system is nice... Not just top rope.
  2. sk

    Pope/Dwayner Omnibus

    If you eddited your ways of being in order to be less "offensive" you would NEVER see my twins.
  3. sk


    the actual quote is " just remember, no matter where you go, there you are"... It's from a "B" sci fi movie that was on HBO a million time in the 80's. Wish I could remember the name of the flic
  4. GO SPIDEY!!! Thats cool. That isn't ever a problem. What makes me quiver is some one climbing right under me, if they don't even say hello. I wouldn't even mind some one climbing under me if they said hello, or something.... Maybe mom just taught me to be too polite?????
  5. And you have more than 6 people show up. We are trying in eugene, but so far it is SLOW>>>>>
  6. dru is funny
  7. Age wisdom and experience have taught me that those that will not accept help from fellow humans are those that need help the most. Keep working at it jake, you will crack wise on me one of thease days.
  8. erik, can't chat, sorry. something wrongy with stupid non helpful computer. try again tomorrow after tech support comes home from day job, and fixes it. sk
  9. that's princess buttercup to you young one
  10. Please NO MORE MIKES. I'm putting a ban on the name, I'm running out of tags to tell the difference between them all
  11. I thaught ray was a lesbian
  12. county jake: read, killer afternoon climbing= the afternoon was verry fun, and we climbed (well i might add). If you need more help with your reading let me know. I'm available for tutoring. Can't help you with your spelling though
  13. quote: Originally posted by Country Jake: I don't know how killer any of the crack climbs are at the collums, there ok but not killer and I'll drink you under the table any day of the week... Fat crack isn't a long route, but it is a great practice peice. Beats the gym any day... and as far as drinking me under the table, son, you got alot to learn about older women.
  14. quote: Originally posted by ScottP: quote:Originally posted by specialed: KTK needs some female members, besides Dru ofcourse. Considering that KTK is really nothing more than a pubescent circle jerk, somehow I don't think that would work. Not all girls are so prissy. Some of us actualy like to laugh drink and have fun. Frankly if you hang out with guys who actualy have balls for long enough you learn to chip right in and play with the big boys( not to mention pee in the woods and other lovely things.). Man don't take your self so seriously. I have said it before and will continue to say it until all you boys hear me,,, NEVER GET INVOLVED WITH A GIRL WHO WONT GET DIRTY. that includes dirty jokes, dirty drinking and rock climbing.
  15. I'm up for it, have to check in with the man, and we will get back to you. Can never say no to a climb and a beer!!!!! see you sk
  16. You all make me laugh We will have to see about the whole dark side thing as far as heading north LOVE to. been working on my washington wish list. how many friends can I bring????
  17. I'm not world class, but I can climb okay... still learning to lead and want to place gear, no problem shooting off my mouth and can even hold my liqure. Think ann rocks, we just got back from a killer afternoon crack climbing at our little in town crag. as far as being hot well you would have to make up your own mind.
  18. quote: Originally posted by erik: quote:Originally posted by Bronco:
  19. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: quote:Originally posted by sk: ...........I've often considered taking an intermidiate rock class, or mtreer, I am totaly rethinking that.... As an alternative you can join the KTK and quickly reach the Hungover Journeyman Choss and Moss Bushwacker rank with a few short days of climbing with a some sarcastic smart asses who would give you the shirt off their backs as long as you have beer for them. sign me up... What kind of beer do you prefer??? [ 04-19-2002, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  20. I agree with allison. I don't know crap about much, but camping and then climbing with 90?!?!?!?! Yuck! Our little trainer crag here in town gets loaded fast, UofO uses it, river house and other groups, not to mention me and the crew... More than 10 or 15 and you just can't get anything done, too bussy saying "excuse me". I've often considered taking an intermidiate rock class, or mtreer, I am totaly rethinking that. Seems safer to learn from some one I know who will work with just little 'ol me. I read some where up there that chris can't watch all of his people to stop litter... how is he going to stop them from killing themselve??? Don't want to be cranky, but realy... educate me.
  21. sk

    I'm a poser

    Wouldn't that get kind of messy with chalk all over your phone? might keep it from slipping out from under your chin while you drive though. HEE HEE
  22. sk

    Rat Holes.....

    There are many cat advantages... Although they do require some amount of care. You can barrow one of mine if you will be nice to her... Have three, have never had a rat or mouse in any of the shit hole places I have lived. maybe you can barrow the puppy cam??? at least then you would know what you were up against.
  23. [ what makes you think I want to advertise your guiding business or carry your sticker garbage out ??? ] That is lame. I totaly agree. However, being a busness owner it does help when people who enjoy our service or product pass along the word. We often OFFER stickers, or note pads with company logo. I promiss to never fill you boots with my trash!.. [ 04-17-2002, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  24. sk

    I'm a poser

    I find that people with narrow minds have tunnel vision. Anyone else? (9)
  25. sk

    I'm a poser

    No worries trask. don't belong, wouldn't know it. They don't rock climb.
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