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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Shut the fuck up dweeb!
  2. Yo chiks' Chill TRASK IS A licker!!!!!!!!!!!! GO OUTSIDE and get some fresh air!!!!!!! quit stinkin up the damn trailer! GO lick yer snafflehounds you dweeb! [ 08-07-2002, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: ghost rider ]
  3. Hey Ya'll Where's the secret pub club this week? That last one was awesome dudes! Allison yer a babe I'm definately there
  4. You're looking a little red around the rim there Trashy boy. Looks like yer pal pulled out a little quick. prick! pencil dick?
  5. quote: Originally posted by trask: here's the attire for the BUCKAROO Trask After pube club at the Buckaroo
  6. Mt. Spears Fickle Finger Magic Line
  7. In fact, I'm slicing up a fine rare filet'mignon in about 30secs. What time do the festivities begin? Will icegirrl be there?
  8. Quit your eyeballing! What happened to freedom of expression? You all seem to be the QUEEN GAPERS! Someones liable to pop a cap in your Ass I enjoy seeing someone who plasters their $500-$25,000+ Vehicle in amuzing stickhers of any sort. Like the one I saw last night "What ya lookin at MuthaFucka???" That was next to GREENPEACE,End Apartheid, Volcom, Vortex, Visualize Ballard and K2 ,and an N.R.A.emblem.Who the Fuck? I laughed, rolled past in my 2002 paid for Lexus with my fucked up sticker plastered space case wondering, which actually came stuck to her 4-door 80's Buick Regal?
  9. Do those Summit posers even have their own Pub Club?
  10. What about the ass muncher AnusCling or that shit talkin SprayLard and that gilled punk Ass Aquasuck
  11. ghost_rider

    a joke from wyo

  12. ghost_rider

    a joke from wyo

    I heard it as one was a snob and the other'd be lickin a honkey's dong?
  13. OOH Yah!AlpineKittyKat and SparkyLittleRufrufAre Going To Dukey it out in front of D'old O & T [ 03-19-2002: Message edited by: ghost rider ]
  14. Allison I think they're all trying to flirt with ya.
  15. I heard AlpineK'll be rollin a big'ol doobie before the show!
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