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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    festivus in february

    people w/ fitbits
  2. ivan

    festivus in february

    enthusiastic runners
  3. ivan

    festivus in february

  4. ivan

    festivus in february

    99% of libertarians
  5. ivan

    festivus in february

  6. ivan

    festivus in february

    credits at the beginning of a movie
  7. ivan

    festivus in february

    indiana jones and the temple of doom (i'd add the crystal skull one too if i'd actually stayed awake long enough to work up a true hatred for it)
  8. ivan

    festivus in february

    children w/ ipads and headphones on
  9. ivan

    festivus in february

    the other 3 bangles
  10. ivan

    festivus in february

    brown rice
  11. ivan

    festivus in february

    people w/ complexes
  12. ivan

    festivus in february

    the prison-industrial complex
  13. ivan

    festivus in february

    the military-industrial complex
  14. ivan

    festivus in february

    people who smoke marlboro lights
  15. ivan

    festivus in february

    men who wear fragrances
  16. ivan

    festivus in february

    stampy long nose
  17. ivan

    festivus in february

    modern video game controllers
  18. ivan

    festivus in february

    the entire concept of nose hairs
  19. ivan

    festivus in february

    sports illustrated models not actually wearing swimsuits
  20. ivan

    festivus in february

    serious blondes
  21. ivan

    festivus in february

  22. ivan

    festivus in february

    every book of the bible except "revelations"
  23. ivan

    festivus in february

    wearing cotton
  24. ivan

    festivus in february

    holly trees and english ivy
  25. ivan

    festivus in february

    mustache hairs that intrude into the corner of the mouth
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