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Everything posted by Gary_Yngve

  1. Unbelievably lucky that (1) he was able to make a call while buried (2) he was able to survive for the several hours it took SAR to find him (3) SAR was able to find him, given that he didn't have a beacon
  2. The whole argument of PLBs saving lives assumes that: - the subject is physically capable of triggering the PLB - the PLB signal is received (how does it work if in a canyon or buried under something?) - the rescuers can reach the subject in time, even if having an exact location In winter on Hood, the weather / avy danger can suck so bad that rescuers have to sit and wait for their personal safety, even if they know where the subject is. That is why it is essential for the subject to have survival gear.
  3. One-arms seem to really work the biceps, whereas regular pullups target the back more.
  4. Gary_Yngve

    Pig Roast

    I think the best is when folks pitch in w/ appetizers/salads/desserts.
  5. Gary_Yngve

    Pig Roast

    That sounds almost Luau style? Wrap in banana leaves, also put some hot stones in the pig's cavity?
  6. Gary_Yngve

    Pig Roast

  7. "the father of high-altitude medicine", led American K2 expeditions in 1938 and 1952 he gave a talk at UW about five years ago.. he told a funny story how he convinced the DoD to let him study the effects of altitude in a pressure chamber to predict the potential effects on high-altitude mount.. err.. pilots http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20090929/NEWS02/90929008/Climber--researcher-Charles-Houston-dies
  8. I wonder how much the murder of his wife by the Mansons contributed to his later sexcapades.
  9. you're probably correct, they just come up in a search for dragontail They were on the Colchuck "Glacier", which is between the two peaks, but yes, I think their intended objective was Colchuck.
  10. A7 is when you attach a timebomb to your belay.
  11. I think a link to the original TR could be added without harming the look and feel of the short report, such as a small [original TR] link at the bottom of each report. The crosslinks between NWMJ and CC would be good for SEO too.
  12. great list. pineapple express and variations should probably go up there too.
  13. Gary_Yngve

    Dropping a Tree

    Ok, I just bought those at REI. See how shiny they look? I'm ready to chop down the tree!
  14. Those look dumb. Just go to Volunteer Park instead.
  15. what about archenemy?
  16. Gary_Yngve


  17. Yes, the double post was because my first submit resulted in a 404 response, so I posted again without looking. Internet Exploder 6 still has close to 20% of the market share. There are big Fortune-500 companies who still insist that everyone use it, either because they are too lazy to upgrade or because they think an upgrade will result in people goofing off all day.
  18. I have a Macbook Pro (17") w/ Parallels. I only use Parallels when I need to run Internet Exploder. Here is what I like about the Mac: Ergonomic. Stable. Magnetic powercord has saved me from near disaster many times. UNIX backend and shell. Seamless integration between shell and GUI.. can redirect stdout to clipboard, drag a file in to get the filename, etc. Consistent hotkeys between apps. Multiple desktop screens and easy navigation. Works well w/ wireless, iphone, camera, etc. I don't think I have any complaints, aside from its fanboy status... been well worth the price. (I bought mine a year and a half ago.) I'd recommend getting at least 4G of RAM, especially if you use Photoshop.
  19. I have a Macbook Pro (17") w/ Parallels. I only use Parallels when I need to run Internet Exploder. Here is what I like about the Mac: Ergonomic. Stable. Magnetic powercord has saved me from near disaster many times. UNIX backend and shell. Seamless integration between shell and GUI.. can redirect stdout to clipboard, drag a file in to get the filename, etc. Consistent hotkeys between apps. Multiple desktop screens and easy navigation. Works well w/ wireless, iphone, camera, etc. I don't think I have any complaints, aside from its fanboy status... been well worth the price. (I bought mine a year and a half ago.) I'd recommend getting at least 4G of RAM, especially if you use Photoshop.
  20. It sure seems that visitor centers and lodges are revenue-generating machines created outside of the original purpose of the parks, as cited by you. I'm not sure they generate that much profit, but maybe I'm remembering before the days of giving bids to corporate america. It's natural that some folks want to stay in the park, and some folks want to buy postcards and trinkets. But we shouldn't have five-star Vegas-style resorts in national parks. Visitor centers serve a purpose for education.
  21. Gary_Yngve


    http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,543180,00.html?test=latestnews Dog, locked in car, dies. Owner of dog and car is leader of an animal cruelty prevention org.
  22. What is your point, other than to argue? You are seeing the trees but not the forest.
  23. I think there's a big difference between basic access and extra amenities, and fees are necessary for extra amenities. I'm arguing against basic access fees.
  24. Let's respect the voices of our forefathers: 8. National park administration should seek primarily the benefit and enjoyment of the people rather than financial gain and such enjoyment should be free to the people with out vexatious admission charges and other fees. http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/kieley/kieley5.htm There is precedent for no fees!
  25. Interesting article: http://www.perc.org/articles/article145.php It claims: - poor people tend not to visit national parks as much, but relating to reasons other than park fees (such as travel/equipment expenses) - it's in the best interest of a poor person to have their tax dollars go to fund the general budget, and have the wealthier people, who do visit parks, to pay to play
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