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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Because if we move it to spray people like me will stop trying to limit what I say in this thread to how praying improves or does not improve my climbing. It would become another Denali thread and could embarass Feck. Seriously, if you are truely working on improving yourself, introspection is a great place to start. What can you accomplish without motivation? How can you motivate yourself without clearly defining what you value most? If you are an atheist, prayer and faith are not going to do it for you and you really are wasting your time in this thread imo. So the question boils down to, will the non-christians be willing to respect christians enough to let this discussion be treated seriously by those who take it seriously. I really don't care whether you do or not. Just like I really do not feel responsible for any of your life decisions. I'm just saying, if you are a Christian, you take the question seriously. If you are not a Christian, it may be an awkward topic for you. Will you deide to be respectful or not? Regardless of what you do in this thread or what you believe, I respect your right to do so. Carry on.
  2. Turn off your computer and look outside. You will feel better.
  3. good for you - i climb like shit no matter what maybe if i gave j.c. 50$ though? Maybe you should spend that $50 on a Mountaineers class.
  4. Bug


    That's one of the differences between mountains and crags.
  5. Bug


    dude, irish ex-catholics only yield the floor when they're pulled off it by their heels, generally covered in their own vomit and piss n' fumbling w/ the words for "whiskey you're the devil" It doesn't matter. I just wanted to call him a republican. A republican senator from Montana said almost the same thing but since he was replaced by a Democrat I said Wyoming where they still have republicans. Aaaaaannnyway, "Joe Montana" ended his monologue by saying, "Hell I feel like I'm in a wilderness when I see a squirrel in my back yard." Apparently the concept of ecosystems escapes this sort. But don't let me interrupt your welding......
  6. Bug


    Dude...you got a really dirty mouth for a young guy and trust me, that's not an asset and it won't serve you well in the long run. To the point...the route IS a mistake....it was power-drilled in a wilderness area. It doesn't have the right to exist and in my opinion, correctly so. Mistakes should be corrected if possible. It's possible, preferably by the ones who make them. Wilderness areas are an arbitrary human designation, as is no-bolt regulation (is that regulation even on the books?)in such areas. Want to argue this point? I present to you the Marble Mountain Wilderness, where herds of cows still graze, and a host of other wildernesses that allow similar, far more unsightly use. So, we are really left only with your opinion, stripped of its usual holiday wrapping of false legitimacy and implied authority. Nuff said there. Will the honorable republican from Wyoming yeild the floor?
  7. Very nice form in the photo .
  8. Maybe one of the recovering catholics who have posted here can hook you up with an exorcist. I climb way better when I am happy.
  9. So, you climb well feeling anger and hate but climb poorly when you are happy? Did I get that right?
  10. I am heading up there Sunday early. Leaving Redmond about 5AM. Solo so far unless someone wants to join me.
  11. Perhaps that is why you are not sponsored. You are too busy re-arranging the i's and e's to see the bigger picture. I recommend Isha Yoga. It is a scientific methodology for connecting mind, body, and spirit. There is a beginning course offered starting Feb 10. My climbing has definately improved as a result. Here we go................
  12. Chairman Moderator, please ban Ivan for sinning in the wrong forum. And paste a sticky star to KKKK's avatar for the post of the day. We climb for different reasons. We hold our beleifs for different reasons. We post for different reasons. But we are all more alike than unalike.
  13. Spray is where some of this should be. Some of it does have connections to climbing at least for most people. Who does not feel the power of a sunset over huge mountains? Or the deep satisfaction of performing at your peek or even beyond? If we devolve into a debate over whether or not Jesus lives or whether Catholic, Islamic, or some other theology does or does not hold the key, we only detract from what seems to be common to most posters in this thread; There is something powerfully uplifting and life enhancing about climbing.
  14. Regardless of how you choose to define the basis for your self understanding, a deeper understanding of your holistic self is likely to improve your climbing. From a Christian perspective, I would say that anything that enhances the relationship is healthy. My most profound spiritual experiences were in Yosemite.
  15. Avalanche Site Weather
  16. Bug


    Right on. Last time I weighed 155 I was in 6th grade.
  17. Watch avy danger!
  18. I've worked on wilderness bills for 35 years. One thing is clear. There is a lot more money, intent, and power focused on permanently changing designated and undesignated wilderness areas than there is on preserving these areas in a pristine state. If not for those who stand up for wilderness on principle there would be none. The sacrifices made by those who stood up for wilderness are far greater than the effort it took to power drill IB. Every inch you give up is gone for generations at best.
  19. Bug


    and we all know how similar it is too (not to mention important. because i'm quite sure my world would come to an end if this happened. and that is how i measure importance). Since when did you develope the powers of descernment? You have stated in the past that you will bolt anything. Get out your drill dipshit. The masses will descend on the NR as soon as you provide the rich resource. Is there any arguement that the NR of Stuart wouldn't see more activity if all you needed was quickdraws?
  20. Muslims can divorce a wife simply by repeating four times, "I divorce you." to her face with MALE witnesses. Rumour has it they aren't any nicer about it in the long run.
  21. Bug


    OK Chairman OW.
  22. Minx, want me to see if I can salvage your files? I get to browse the pics on your hard drive if I do this. And I get full rights to sell a few here on the yard sale.
  23. Bug


    Mature eye sucks don't it? Freedom of choice. Ask the Chinese.
  24. Bug


    Hey Kimmo, Maybe you missed it but I asked for someone to bolt the Gendarme pitches on the NR of Stuart so fat old farts like me can get up it. Would you mind? It would make it accessable to the masses. We all know how important that is.
  25. I used to go down to Indian cr every spring. The nights are cold and the days hit 80. If it rains, hike the trails out of Squaw flats. If there are thunder showers, go watch the sunset over Squaw flats. That is the most spectacular natural color display I have ever seen.
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