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Posts posted by jordop

  1. And to FREAK Jordop out, here he is with his boyhood dog, Flopsy. Yes, Jordop, I'm watching....


    JESUS! WhereTF did that come from???? I think that's the wallpaper in my old house. What the hell else did you sneak a picture of? Please not the transformers or the go-bots . . .

  2. bstach said:
    Any interest in this?

    Depends. How much can you drink.Also, somewhere "central" for all is probably something like Burnaby or Coq. What are the real good dives in those parts?

  3. Q: So is this really the final book? Timequake was supposed to be your farewell, and then Dr. Kevorkian came along.


    VONNEGUT: I don't fucking know. I keep thinking I'll die. Why do you think I smoke so much?


    Q: How many packs are you up to a day?


    VONNEGUT: Never mind. It's none of your fucking business. Fuck off—you know what I'm saying?


    Q: You were one of the few people to walk out of Dresden. Now, some fifty years later, you're among the last men standing.


    Vonnegut: Every so often I run into someone on the street who announces to me that they are really a survivor. I mean, who the fuck isn't? If you're not dead, you're a survivor. [Laughs]


    Q: When I was reading Dr. Kevorkian, I was reminded a bit of a Japanese film from a couple years ago called "Afterlife."


    Vonnegut: I haven't heard of it.


    Q: It's premise is that those who have recently died are taken to a waiting room for one week, during which time they must choose only a single memory from their entire lives which will endlessly replay for them, while all of their other memories are erased.


    Vonnegut: So everybody's fucking, right?







  4. Fuck those guys, it's fun as hell.

    As for conditions...you'll know when the time is right. Like the amulet you were born wearing.

    Here here. Various rodent entrails can also be used. For full effect, one should also yak at the base yage style. Wicked full spectrum auras.

  5. Nice big article today on the front page of the BC section of the Globe and Mail. Impressive. Also a really weird/spooky photo of Don's reflection peering out of the upper Tellot!


    Piece seemed to focus more on the impact on ski mountaineering, less on the eggregiously large nature of the tenure. The company's refusal to comment for the story is a nice shot in the foot for them I think.

  6. When I was shopping for AT skis it came down to my two top choices being the same skis you're looking at: the havocs (173) and the mt bakers (174).

    The havocs are very springy & snappy. The bakers are more damp, like the review says above.

    So, the havocs will be more suited to quicker turns, but the bakers will do cruiser turns a little better.

    I went with the havocs, and I'm happy with them. Since getting them, I have spent about equal amount of time in resorts & in the BC.


    A good friend of mine just bought the Bakers (174), and he and I otherwise have the same setup (same boots/size & same bindings), so I'll hopefully soon be able to compare the two head-to-head very soon.


    at 5'10" I think either one would probably work well for you. If you're not used to the fatter, more shaped skis like the Bakers, then the 167s might be more manageable.


    Ditto. I have the Bakers from the previous season (w/o the metal sheets that were added to this years') and have found them pretty soft, too much so for bolierplate and crud. Friends with Havocs love em for everything except extended tours as they tend to not be the best "straightline trackers".

  7. Sure sounds like an intolerant, narrow view of the world you've got going there Jim. Lets check back in a decade shall we once the gentrification of Squamish is complete and the quaint heritage/history of the region has been further sanitized and all those trees on the surrounding mountains have grown another few metres?

    Is the issue here not the hypocrisy in our society which you have so expertly hunted down with your long range sociological field glasses, but merely the fact that due process was completely ignored?

  8. From a buddy in Terrace. Over 100cms in 24hrs one day last week:


    Some monster natural avis in the Terrace area lately. Today a size 4.5 dry avalanche ran full track and destroyed a transmission tower, cutting off power to prince rupert and surrounding areas. Slide ran 1440 vertical meters and a distance of 2300m. Slab varyed from 150cm to 400cm with a crown of ~400m in width. This resulted from over 150cm's of storm snow on March 28th-29th followed by strong SW winds. Check out the attached pics.


    Also on the 28th another size 4.5 in the Kemano river valley destroyed another transmission tower, this one ran 4000m.


    The winter has been crazy up here and doesn't seem to be letting up. It snowed around 18" in town last week and around 200cm's in the alpine.


    Hope everyone else is enjoying their winter.




  9. If you're worried about weight get some foam core Verdicts before the wood jobs hit the market next year. If not a pair of Reverends is the best thing going.


    it's not the skis alone, and Verdicts are light, it's the skis + burlier boots + burlier bindings to get the most out of a bigger ski.


    Just get Dynafits and Spirit 3s and then the only extra weight you've got is in the extra 12mil or so on ski width

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