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Posts posted by jordop

  1. NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!


    El Generale is NOT dead. He CAN'T die! I'm sure he just needs one more smallish repair?!?!?


    Will never forget driving back along the Faser Canyon at midnight and having the hubs lock at random moments and the truck jerking five feet left into oncoming traffic . . .


    The broken e-brake cord than hung below the truck like some distended, pregnant cat . . .


    The three feet of play in the steering . . .


    The canopy door that would smack you on the back of the head if you didn't prop it up with a trekking pole . . .


    Having to use both arms to turn the thing at low speed cause who needs to replace the power steering pump?


    They don't make em like that anymore!!



  2. If any of you had the distinct pleasure of driving any number of BC's highways this winter, you could see wholescale infrastructue privitization in action. Witness the charred semi wrecks outside of Golden when the curves weren't properly sanded. Or the mom and pop operations management company in charge of logisitics when the passes were closed to avi hazard.


    All of these folks were awarded the contracts because they were the lowest bidders on work for which there were no specific performance standards. Evidence would suggest that between Merrit and Hope the company only plowed the road beneath the traffic webcams where they knew government watchdogs would be monitoring.


    The government responded to public outcry by denying the contractors their $100k "winter bonus"


    Contracts are for 10 years. Large cancellation fees prohibit anyone from doing anything

  3. There was a great 1.5 hr examination of the Selling of the War by Bill Moyers on last night, only on PBS of course. The lack of any objectivity of the press in the war buildup and the total pass the administration got on their lack of evidence for their claims was stunning. Knight-Ridder seemed to be the only new service that was asking questions. So much for a liberal press. Within half and hour of Powell's UN speech they were able to find out the extend of lies and half-truths he put forth.


    And the pundits who marched through the Sunday talk shows spouting off a list of facts, WMDs, aluminum tubes, biological weapons, mobile labs, based on leaks from the White House and picked up by a complicit press were easily proved false with only a cursory examination. Now these same pundits, who lied and were dead wrong, are still to be found on the news shows as "experts" on the middle east. Amazing.



    Pretty riveting tv I thought. Also the complete difference in persepectives of the Washington-based press corps vs. those working in the Middle East who knew the real scoop, but were ignored.

  4. Executive veto powers=tyranny

    then why did the tyrant-fearing founders put it in article 2 then?

    Yeah, exactly. And we have similar measures in Canada. The veto isn't the problem I guess. It's just this sort of thing that seems so darn wacky.


    The U.S. Supreme Court in June struck down the previous military tribunal system at Guantanamo as unconstitutional. President Bush subsequently signed a law creating a new military tribunal system.



  5. The U.S. Supreme Court in June struck down the previous military tribunal system at Guantanamo as unconstitutional. President Bush subsequently signed a law creating a new military tribunal system.


    Can we have a new reality show about people not giving a shit anymore. Oh, wait.

  6. I once declined to take tp on a 10 day ski trip to the Columbia Icefields. I had always used good ol' Coastal compactible cake, which is like a bidet and a wipe in one. Needless to say unconsolidated Rocky Mtn fluff and one inch surface hoar didn't work out too well ;)

  7. I have no idea what you mean by "access conditions". The road is plowed year round to the parking lot. Beyond that there is snow all the way to the summit. Sometimes it might be slushy in the sun. Sometimes it might be icy in the mornings . . . There is no phone number for anything other than weather. What exactly were you concerned about?

  8. When you say there was no demand for the Pamir bibs, I think it might be a case of a product for which the obsolescence has proven to be extremely long, rather than a product no one likes. As well, the audience for the piece is a bit narrow, so it can't be expected to move as many units as, say, patagonia cotton pants.


    Many of my ski/climb partners swear by them, even though they're getting pretty old. I've put ~50 days year X 3yrs on thse things, both on skis and tools, and still love em. The only wear has been my own sloppiness in the poons. Just got down from skiing 10 mins ago and just got out of 'em! It's too bad the fit and features of the Cosmo bibs is so terrible: doesn't anybody ski in these things anymore? Gaiters/legzips?


  9. In fact, the MEC farmer johns are on clearance right now. Not sure if that stuff shows up on the website, so give em a call at mail order where they can track anything down.


    Horribly, MEC doesn't carry Powershield bibs with "number 2 capabilities" anymore. Don, I thought you were gonna mention that "I dunno about you, but my asshole goes north-south, not east west" story!

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