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Posts posted by jordop

  1. A long time ago when I was just starting out, I took a good fall on that crack and crushed my ankle hitting the deck. Wanting to be Mr. Trad Hardman in sportoland, I didn't put much gear in and then slipped on the aformentioned dirt. It's a funky deal amid the TRs.

  2. FYI. RR Pass usually open by Vic Day Long w/e. Not this year. From bivouac.com:


    Safety considerations will not make it possible for the Forest Service to plow and open the Hurley Road through Railroad Pass from Pemberton to Goldbridge by the May 19 long weekend. The major problem area is below Green Mountain- the alpine starting zones are still loaded with snow and it is not possible to say with enough certainty that a wet snow avalanche cycle could not affect this area and cause slides to come down to the road once it is officially open to the public. There are two issues: direct impact on a vehicle (unlikely unless you decide to sunbath there during the hottest time of the day) and isolation- being cut-off by a slide. The branch road to Bralorne has a similar problem, although the total distance of slide paths that must be crossed is much shorter. When we did the snow avalanche risk assessment on May 4, there was about 13 km of snow-covered road across Railroad Pass. Some of that has since melted, but it is very unlikely that the road will be driveable by May 19 (there is currently no plan to try plowing it by that time).
  3. Jim said:
    And, Americans are, what?, I don't know. Fat and happy and who the hell cares? Certainly not well versed in how checks and balances of the Constitution should work.


    Too busy buying coffee:


  4. More accurately, he's in for no surprise.

    Or, he will lose the ability to tell that there is no surprise and will be compounded with dust whereto he is kin and by way of a worm and a fish go progress through the guts of an atheist.

  5. That run is one of my favorites. Other side has possibly the best ski day off the Duffey IMO. See those heli ski stakes?

    Coast Range [sic, Dru, sic!] Heli's tenure runs right over Cayoosh:


    So supposedly they only ski the west and southwest slopes from that drop?


    We were surprised to see SIX snowmobiles try to get into Marriot/Rohr on Saturday, but turned back "because they had a girl" according to one guy. When I politely asked the fellow if the drainage was not widely acknowledged as non-motorized, he said, "It's Crown land, isn't it?" :anger:

  6. Trip: Cayoosh - East Bowls


    Date: 5/12/2007


    Trip Report:

    After trying in vain to get someone to go ape on some remote couloirs, finally decided to hit up Cayoosh, which I had never before skied. The NE glacier is the Stanley Cup of ski runs, but since the newly high freezing levels were giving cornices and pocket slopes some really bad isothermic diarrhea, we decided to explore the more wide open east bowls, which were also found to kick some good ass. Also, it was very hot.


    Summer is all upons :fahq:



    I'd wanted to ski the chute directly off the summit, but it seemed to be the only thing that hadn't yet barfed itself.



    Joooofre. We had thought of trying to ski Stonecrop face, but the whole thing looked to be vomiting down the lower funnel.



    Jibbing madness from below:



    5 hrs return: Cayoosh rocks the national :tup:

  7. brutal! :tdown: Not sure the point of this lift at all...other then for bragging rights. :noway:


    this is advance planning for a warmer climate in which there are fewer days when it's possible to ski to the base of each mountain


    Yeah but during the year when you can ski out how many people do you think acutally ski both mtns? Sorry, it's a tourist draw plain and simple! It was put forth by a German company, NOT Intrawest/Whistler-Blackcomb/Fortress.

  8. Wicked stuff. Makes my brain hurt just thinking about how dumb some people are:


    Listen People,


    If we can unite to get Don Imus fired, we can certainly unite to get gas prices down. We don't have to sit back and wait for the politicians to help us. There is such a thing as RECALL. May 15th is a Tuesday. If you know you are going to need gas get it Monday night. We can really shut 'em down!! They think they can raise prices on us and we should just open our wallets? NO!! something has to be done. If we don't stand for something then we go for anything. Put the date in you Outlook, your PDA, your

    calender and even a even a sticky note in your car.




    In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.


    On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.


    There are 73,000,000+ American members currentlyon the internet

    network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.


    If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take

    $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.


    If you agree resend this to all in your contact list. With it saying, "Don't pump gas on May 15th"

  9. Relatively cold temps recently have kept spring climax slides quite calm. Crews are apparently waiting until they slide before they do the big parts near the Pass. In normal years they aim for May long w/e (19/20th) for the open, but this year maybe not by then.

  10. Found it, the perfect jacket.

    Arc'tyrx Fission LT...a shitload more insulation + a windstopper shell, 19 oz weight. ~300 fucking dollars new, or $120 on ebay!


    If you purchase said jacket you will only be allowed to drink lattes. They're pretty up-front about the requirement and there are even warnings on the labels.

  11. I tried to make some screen captures from that towering cinematic achievement of a climbing film, RISE, but the stupid director used some pirate DVD software that self-destructs every five seconds . . . there are some wicked scenes in that movie of the General being a man and pulling some dweeb out of the Ghost river crossing . . .

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