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Everything posted by Szyjakowski

  1. oh you love it cuz you waste away in A/C. sick of the heat...go jump in a lake or river and sip margarittas
  2. hey that video kicks ooops, i meant to think that. damn medication.
  3. yes, i am fukin bored at work. and same goes for me no disrespect to the dead poet.
  4. cbs why don't you go blow the damn statue up?
  5. yeah i too want to see that work of art. the other day at a buddy's house i saw a mock painting where the face was tweaty bird and the man shadow in the back was sylvester the cat from looney toons...caption: the Scweem (or something close) fukin hilarious.
  6. better yet, drive to hotvegas and grease up some cracks (without chalk) with that psychopath lancegranite.
  7. jb do you know how big the real painting of the scream is?
  8. on a side note you can get some really good gelato next door to the taco del stalin
  9. ahhh, the relief of stress. I bet your mrs. is shaking her head once again....damn evil website. now go guzzle some scotch!
  10. actually 85% of the earth is made up of minerals rich in silica, oxygen, iron, & magnesium (the mantle). the core which i assume drul was referring to consists of a solid nickel-iron alloy inner portion and a molten nickel-iron alloy outer portion. the analogy of the crust/apple is a good one.
  11. hot in jtree...just suck it up and start climbing at 420am
  12. HL sports is a great album tracklist: The Heart Of Rock & Roll Heart And Soul Bad Is Bad I Want A New Drug Walking On A Thin Line Finally Found A Home If This Is It You Crack Me Up Honky Tonk Blues
  13. there may have been some recent rockfall in the area... i heard a proj of burdo's was eliminated due to the unstable rock. good luck though...that face looks tastey!
  14. i knew freeman would have the beta. thanks. do you happen to know who/where the injured climber is/from? TIA
  15. cilley lives there now. email daryl for contact info...
  16. how the fuk does a thread go from brushing chalk off crimps to talking about "K" leave it to the zensprayer dru to keep things "real"
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