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Matt_Alford last won the day on July 28 2024

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About Matt_Alford

  • Birthday 07/21/1977


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    Teacher of Youth
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  1. Gray haired local here. Made a similar mistake several years ago on my first attempt of the Mythic Wall and aimed for the good belay off of the ground way far left. Ended up committing and climbing 4 pitches in the neighborhood of your route. Called it "Four-long and Forlorn". Amazing how much choss there is in on that wall considering the relative quality of the Mythic Wall Route. Cheers Fellows! Matt
  2. Agreed on the 5.7 r rating on this one. I took a 50 foot factor two fall on the second pitch about 25 years ago. The tree in your first photo and a good belay kept me from much worse outcome.
  3. My spiritual homeland has been desecrated. WTF....climbed that central arete a few years back and the abundance of good gear on solid rock was nearly overwhelming.
  4. Jason- Thanks for the show. Nice photos. The Golden Eagle is amazing, likely a rarer sighting than a wolverine in the North Cascades. I would dare say more elusive than Sasquatch as well, but Darin has seen several of those. Matt
  5. I was going to post a trip report for the Inspiration Traverse July 17-20 from North to South, but the important approach beta would seem redundant. I will just add to the visual stoke and affirm that this is one of the better traverses that I have done in the Cascades. \
  6. Hey, easy there young man...who you calling no-one? Nice job Michael T....crushing it! Cheers, Mr. Alford
  7. Wow! Thanks for the tour!
  8. Micheal T. sends the Dragon of Eden! Does your mother have a clue what you are up to? Nice job throwing yourself at a hard project! Mr. Alford ;-)
  9. No joke Jason. Have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that someone that would do the work to get there would act in such a manner.
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