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Everything posted by JayB

  1. Do you have the "Hijack This" program. If you download the program and post the results of the scan on one of their forums, there are folks who should be able to walk you through the steps you'll need to take to remove it. You can also plug the last bit of the address into Google, and often that will take you to a page with removal instructions.
  2. I don't think it's all that odd when you consider that Syria has served as a safe haven for Iran's proxy forever. Syria gets Iranian backing and whatever protection that they can offer in exchange for enabling Iran's proxy to operate their and attacking their mutual enemies. It doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to view the warning to Hezbollah as a veiled warning to Iran that they aren't going to give them a free hand in the Gulf.
  3. No kidding. Thank God Hezbollah and Iran have always been at odds with one another. Who knows what would happend if Iran supplied them with money, weapons, and training. Then they might occaisionally serve as Iran's proxy.
  4. Interesting. "RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia on Thursday blamed "elements" inside Lebanon for the violence with Israel, in unusually frank language directed at guerrilla group Hizbollah and its Iranian backers. "A distinction must be made between legitimate resistance and uncalculated adventures undertaken by elements inside (Lebanon) and those behind them without recourse to the legal authorities and consulting and coordinating with Arab nations," Link
  5. What, are you nuts? Nothing is worse than lying about a blowjob. Ever. If presidents are allowed to lie about blowjobs, then the terrorists have won. Speaking of winning, we're counting on you to help the forces of good prevail in the War on Tweakers. Food for thought at the next Squamish C.O.C. Meeting.
  6. Cocktail party chatter with new M.D.s indicates that for the average guy, every 20lbs of excess weight submerges 1/2" of unit beneath a layer of fat, so I suspect that transforming Rush into a spokesmodel for the restoration of functional potency would be a bit much even for the much-touted powers of Viagra. If someone out there invents a man-girdle that can exhume the tackle from beneath a heap of adipose tissue, Rush might be just the ticket for that spokesmodel gig. Hope everyone got a nice visual out of that one.
  7. I'm waiting for Plame-Wilson© to finish their contract negotiations with Andrew LLoyd Weber so that "PlameGate -The Musical" can finally assume it's rightful place on Broadway. Toss in some witty Plamewear © "I am a Secret Agent" clothing and logo-items while the musical show runs its course, and finish with a nostalgia-driven "Plame!" dramatization on the main stage at the Sands in a decade or so and they'll be in good shape. Toss in some savvy, demographic specificunderwriting by Viagra, Lipitor, and "Hairitage - a Radical (wink) Solution to Hairloss* and you've got an act that'd make the Wayne Newton and Siegfried and Roy look like nightclub acts in Winemucca. And - as a kind alternative to euthenasia, once the Boomers have blown what's left of their meager retirement savings on one last bender in Vegas, the stagehands can just roll a giant mirror across the stage, at which time the rapt audience will applaud itself to death. *The ONLY hairpiece which combines the requisite grey-ponytail with top-coverage in a SINGLE unit.
  8. JayB

    Dear moron,

    Glad I could elevate the conversation.
  9. Consider it charity bestowed on the unfortunate souls who own rock-climbing gear and live in the East.
  10. JayB

    Dear moron,

    Someone with access to the OED should check out the term, but to me it's always denoted a person who combined an aggressive desire to take a particular action with a conspicuous inability to do so.
  11. JayB

    Dear moron,

    Glad to see that that my re-introduction of the term "limpdick" to cc.com a few days ago has restored the term to its rightful place in the lexicon.
  12. Crazy. It's amazing that the Squamish COC hasn't taken any effective action. Seems like you'd be safer leaving a car with a giant "Free Heroin Inside" sign pasted to the windshield on Capitol Hill than parking a truck with a canopy anywhere near the Chief. Murray must be the lone, dangerous outsider amidst a group that one can only conclude is seriously incompetent or has determined that climber visitation to the town and patronage of the shops is a dangerous trend that they want to discourage before it gets out of control. Seriously - how hard would it be to hand someone a radio and pay them $10/hr to hang out in a single parking lot during daylight hours during prime climbing season? Hell - make it a pay lot so that climbers foot part of the bill for the extra security. I'd certainly pay $10 to protect a few hundred bucks worth of gear, and to prevent a few hundred dollars worth of damage to my vehicle. The fact that you've got thieves literally waving to climbers while they jack their belongings shows that things are way out of control.
  13. Seattle is actually a for-profit theme-park run by Halliburton, for the express purpose of confusing and/or deceiving Canadians and Euros with respect to the true nature of America and the character of its population. Cross an invisible threshold and it's all neon-lit, V10-powered corpulence, gluttony, carnage, and ecocide. Think its an accident that Spanaway doesn't show up on Canadian Maps of the US, and there's just a big Spanaway sized smiley staring back at you when you zoom in on Google Earth? Think again...
  14. Wow. Impressive. Glad you're alive. How long has it been since the previous summit via Willis Wall?
  15. Hey. Prole and SC in a single thread. What a treat. If you would have read the thread a tad more closely the first time through, you wouldn't have needed to ask your question. Take it one word at a time, and sound things out one syllable at a time if you get stuck.
  16. Oakley Edit. Good Footy. Dope Ass Footage
  17. If you ever re-cage your soul by sportclimbing at Exit 38, I bet the bridge on the old RR grade would work.
  18. Tacoma Narrows with goggles and snorkel might be a good bet.
  19. I think they'll leave you alone if you're wearing a helmet and have some home-made wings on your back.
  20. They've got a copy of the guidebook to the sport-climbs around Whistler in the Whistler public library. The library's right next to the central villiage, not too far from the "Deer Lodge" or something like that. Maybe 2-3 minutes from the grocery store.
  21. JayB

    Net Neutrality?

    From the Wikipedia article... Below are examples listed by SaveTheInternet of past examples of abuses by ISP companies where they blocked rivals or unfavorable opinions about themselves. In 2004, North Carolina ISP Madison River blocked their DSL customers from using any rival Web-based phone service. In 2005, Canada's telephone giant Telus blocked customers from visiting a Web site sympathetic to the Telecommunications Workers Union during a contentious labor dispute. Shaw, a major Canadian cable, internet, and telephone service company, intentionally downgrades the "quality and reliability" of competing Internet-phone services that their customers might choose -- driving customers to their own phone services not through better services, but by making their opponents seem worse than they really are. In April, Time Warner's AOL blocked all emails that mentioned www.dearaol.com -- an advocacy campaign opposing the company's pay-to-send e-mail scheme.
  22. JayB

    Good Obscure Bands

    That you can listen to online. Share-em. Wolfmother Sorta Zepplinesque guitar-rock with a bit more oomph.
  23. To answer the do battle question, nope. With regards to eating meat and spit-roasting the wife, do you really think that the the two are morally equivalent practices under any framework? If not, then the Indians-invading-the-US-to-put-an-end-to-the-Quarter-pounder analogy seems like a bit of a stretch. There's probably a marginal subculture somewhere that would take issue with any given aspect of civilized existence, but recognizing that there may be a culture somewhere that's a marginal left-over from the paleolithic era which thinks that flaying left-handed toddlers is the moral thing to do is one thing, pretending that any critique that they would level against a culture that spares left-handed tykes that treatment carries a moral force equal to the arguments against the practice is quite a stretch. Far fetched, but training kids that politically motivated murder-suicide is the highest good that they can achieve in this world is not too far off.
  24. Of course they aren't equivalent, but neither is the nature of the objectives that they are intended to accomplish nor are the targets. You can effectively target specific cultural practices, like, Slavery, apartheid, female genital mutilation, and even eating meat with argumentation and various kinds of diplomatic pressure. Sometimes, but not always, you can get rid of a regime that alligns itself with the values that you are campaigning against, as was the case with the Apartheid regime, or the Indians getting the British out of India. If your primary objective is to elminate a regime that has stated its intention to kill or conquer you, then the odds that you'll be able to bring about your intended objective with anything other than force are pretty slim. Wouldn't have worked with Hitler, or Hirihito, and it wasn't the threat of widespread condemnation and dissaproval that kept the Soviet Union's tanks from rolling into Western Europe. I doubt that a loud chorus of "tisk, tisks" will do much to dissuade the Jihadis either, but I don't think that we have much to lose by criticizing behavior that's outside the parameters of civilized behavior in any culture.
  25. So if you had a daughter engaged in a divorce proceeding brought about by a husband who claimed infidelity, and you had to decide whether the case would be tried in a Western court, or in a court which enforced Sharia law - you'd flip a coin? Ditto for deciding whether a suitcase nuke would end up in the hands of a Baptist congregation in Lubbock Texas, or in a Mosque in northeastern Pakistan? Riiiight. so are you prepared to do battle w/ every culture that rejects our values? They can reject whatever values and norms they wish, but when they do so I think it's odd that so many folks in the West are convinced that it's an ethical duty to withhold comment and suspend their moral judgement entirely. It's not like we are talking forks versus chopsticks here. There's a wide variety of cultural practices out there, but acknowledging that is one thing, accepting every manner of barbarity practiced in a particular culture without comment is quite another, as is trivializing them with glib pc analogizing. "We have domestic violence in this country, so who are we to criticize: 1. Stoning a pregnant woman to death. 2. The widespread practice of honor killings. 3. Public beatings of women who shed the beekeeper suits in public. 4. Genital mutilation, etc." Does that really help the folks who are on the receiving end of these practices? Do they take comfort in the notion that while they are being stoned to death, at *least* they haven't been subjected to the indignity of outsiders pointing fingers and critiquing the practice? Anyone remember the Sutee? If not, give it a Google. The reason that it's unfamiliar is because the British ended it. A quote from general Napier summarizes the moral perspective that lead to it's abolition. "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours." I'm sure there were a million wonderful things about the culture in which this practice occured, but most widows in the region are probably quite thankful that this particular practice is no longer commingled with them. Appreciating other cultures and acknowledging their merits is one thing, failing to critique barbarity is another, especially when it seems to have widespread approval in that culture, and is unlikely to cease without external pressure. It's also worth mentioning that just like it was the widows who would have suffered if the British wrote off the widow-B-que as a harmless cutlural quirk, it's the kids in the video who are ultimately going to bear the cost of the "cultural practices" that we're busy apologizing for. What kind of future are they going to have in a society which instructs them that their highest aspiration should be to detonate themselves amongst civilians in a cafe? Thanks to a few decades of Western "understanding" of ever-more-inhuman practices and tactics, the Palestinians are now saddled with a political culture that bears more resemblance to a death cult than a governing class that's actually capable of bringing them either statehood or a viable economy. Even if they got a state, what are the odds that it would be either stable or prosperous, ever? In a world of intense competition for capital, is IBM going to set up a new facility in Bangalore, or the place where they danced in the streets after 9-11, mourned Zarqawi's passing, and march kids through the streets with mock suicide belts? And finally, anyone here remember the campaign that ended Apartheid? I don't seem to recall many folks who are ostensibly opposed to cultural imperialism arguing against the divestment campaigns, diplomatic pressure, and widespread public criticism that helped bring an end to Apartheid were unconscionable assaults on the Afrikaaner's unique cultural heritage. It was okay to condemn Apartheid and criticize the culture that produced it, but it's wrong to do the same for suicide bombing?
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