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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. Just replying to myself to get this on todays pasts.
  2. I will bet my climbing gear that fees for loggers, miners and grazers are not going up.
  3. I will be there about 6:30.
  4. I have gotten many laughs with the term BOHIC. (Bend Over Here It Comes). This is a military term with an obvious meaning. Some climbers I know have aplied it to bad wether. This term can be modified as folows: BOHICED, paste tence BOHICING,present tense, BOHICER (an ugly looking cloud aboot to ruin your climb) or cumulobohicus.
  5. May I sugest the Latona Tavern for our post holiday gathering? This place is located at 65th and Latona NE in Seattle about 5 blocks south of the Albertsons at the south end of Greenlake. Agenda Items 1) Beer drinking 2) Bullshiting 3) Wanking 4) Comparing what Santa dropped down your chimney. 5) Planing the next epic.
  6. Looking for partners for area, back country or cross country on xmass eave or xmass. I will be gone this weekend- home sun eve around 8. Call 206-547-2633
  7. Were is Kit Lewis when we need him? A substitute may be found at the UW rock - his name is Choach. He exibits many Kit like trates
  8. No objections here. Machelle, this time I will bring the pictures.
  9. Thanks for all the hard work.
  10. If he climbed as much as he posted he would be great.
  11. Don't forget to include some $$$ for NWAC on your Xmass list. Govenor Pussy Locke will not help us.
  12. This is the internet!!! Just because someone uses a male name dosn't mean they are male.
  13. Hey Portlanders, stop wining and start your own deal down there.
  14. The North Face is going the same way. If you want a real store, go to small indapendent stores with stalff that knows whats up.
  16. Dave_Schuldt

    Spray King

    I wish I could beat off all day on the net like youu guys, but my boss wouldn"t let me.
  17. Dave_Schuldt

    Spray King

    Hey Dru and Cavie, do your bosses know what you do all day?
  18. When I was a poor bike mesenger I returned a busted pair of bike shoes to REI that I got From some bum. The nice people at the counter gave me in store credit for a new pair. Now I will burn in hell unless I give all my money to Jerry fucking Fallwell.
  19. When I was a poor bike mesenger I returned a busted pair of bike shoes to REI that I got From some bum. The nice people at the counter gave me in store credit for a new pair. Now I will burn in hell unless I give all my money to Jerry fucking Fallwell.
  20. Beck, go for the babes.
  21. Without dissing Tacoma, is there any intrest in a Seattle pub club?
  22. When I was a poor bike mesenger, I returned a pair of broken bike shoes that I got from some bum who got them out of the dumpster. They gave me in store credit so I picked up a new pair of shoes. I will burn in hell unless I confess my one sin to Jesus.
  23. The North Farce may suck but Gary always has the best pictures. The only avalanche I have seen this winter is all the great bullshit on this web site.
  24. Hey Scott, why don't you use your real name? I would respect your request to stop smoking in the hut, however, you are to wimpy to stand up for yourself in the real world so I have NO respect for you. Thank you for your post - it has made my lunch hour a funny one. Everyone, keep those replies comming.
  25. Latone Ave runs north south about 3 block west of I5. If you get to green lake, find the Albertson and head due south, you will hit 65th street mear Latona ave.
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