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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Heartfelt condolences to the her family and husband. Kyle Flick and I passed a female named Andy and her partner both from Portland last weekend low on Backbone Ridge. Could she be the same climber, since the story mentions she had climbed Dragontail a week earlier...
  2. Condolences to the victim's husband and family. Terrible news. Serpentine Arete is getting a bad rap this year.
  3. Anyone interested in jumping on a couple routes on Snow Creek Wall this Sunday? Or something longer in the alpine around Leavenworth would be fine too. Or cragging. I'm open to any ideas you may have. PM me or respond and we'll hit it on Sunday! John
  4. Kyle and I were on Backbone last Saturday, and there was an alarming LACK of mosquitos and biting flies, compared to two weeks ago when they were incessant and blood starved. Intersting...
  5. I think somebody just wants us to be impressed that he climbed the complete N. ridge. BFD. Yeah, you really pegged it there. Just a simple question, not a critique of their climb. Read my original post....
  6. FWIW, there is an easy but exposed walk off at the base of the last crack pitch of R 'n D/top of Cocaine Crack. Walk straight west over easy ledges, and downclimb 4th class terrain that leads to the descent trail.
  7. Ian, I think you owe everyone on here a big apology for having mislead us into thinking you climbed the N. Ridge of Stuart. Go ahead, we're waiting..... In all seriousness, it's just an F'n triviality, that's all, that's always confused me especially after climbing the N. Ridge. One of my all-time favorites.
  8. So, did this guy keep blowing his whistle right up until you reached him? Now THAT would be annoying.
  9. Nope, not a climbing ranger, just Kyle Flick. Since he's climbed the route a number of times, he knew exactly where to look. I was chatting with you at the staging area. Interesting Noah, I didn't realize they had flown all the way up to Stuart initially. The Huey had landed back at the staging area and the pilots reviewed the CCSO's topographic map from your SPOT signal, which was right on. That's when they enlisted Kyle's help, and flew back up there to lower their medic. They returned to E. Wenatchee Pangborn airport to refuel then returned to pull your partner out. I'm glad it turned out okay for you. Hope you get to return soon to send the routes!
  10. Because the "North Ridge" starts much lower than the c. 1/2 way point at the notch.
  11. Nice trip you guys I wonder if TR's on the N. Ridge should distinguish between the 1/2 North Ridge vs. the North Ridge? It seems goofy to label a TR as a "Complete" North Ridge climb if one climbs the whole ridge. The lower ridge is every bit as fun and classic as the upper, with two excellent starting pitches. But this is an old argument...
  12. Your best piece of gear will be an ipod to distract you from the overwhelming tedium of ascending then descending 3,000' of steep monotonous endless trail. Light ice axe may be useful below the false summit though if there's still snow...
  13. This thread still cracks me up! Though a lot of the photos are deleted, there are still enough hideous ones that it's worth another look. Bad Photo Contest
  14. My God, I'm parched just reading this and my forearms ache from chickenwinging. Great read! I rarely read a TR from beginning to end, but your narrative kept me rivited. Nice going and thanks for sharing.
  15. Can someone give me the link to the bad photo contest that was on here a few years ago? I tried searching for it but my search skillz leave something to be desired.
  16. The guy seemed legitimate, 60 year old gentleman who is out of touch with modern gear and what his gear is worth in comparison is my impression
  17. Yeah, I saw this too and contacted him. Wants WAY too much for slung forged friends and ancient runners...
  18. I'm looking to get up high and beat the heat. Alpine something or another. PM me or call: 509-699-9810. I have a few ideas, if you have some that's good. We'll figure something out. But it WILL be a full and fun day of climbing!!! John
  19. telemarker

    Child abuse

    There are many problems with a good 'ol fashioned whipping with a belt/switch/wooden spoon/any object other than the open hand. If the parent is leaving a welt, then that's excessive. And what more, when the kid gets to school and goes to gym class, the teacher is legally obligated to report what he sees to the principal, who in turn calls CPS and LE and then as a parent you go through the humiliation of having CPS and LE show up on your doorstep after they interviewed your kid (without your knowing it) at school. And really, as a parent if you're angry and using a belt you may not be able to tell how hard is too hard. Just not a good idea based on my experience.
  20. telemarker

    Child abuse

    And you have the law backing you in your decision to use corporal punishment.
  21. telemarker

    Child abuse

    PP, CA/N is not a perfect science, and mistakes are made no matter which side of the crest. Seattle Fatalities
  22. telemarker

    Child abuse

    I don't think anyone would argue with you that kids need firm boundaries. And RCW 9A.16.100 says you can spank your kids. Police detectives I work with always refer to this. It's understood that anything beyond a temporary mark is bordering in assault and at times it's subjective, and much of the time depends on the history of the family with LE and CPS. Why, as a parent would you flirt with that thin line?
  23. telemarker

    Child abuse

    IMO it is inappropriate to bring pain to a child ever for any reason. So it does not matter if the kid was misbehaving (what ever that means). The dad was in the wrong……. Not sure if you need to determine if it was wrong or not. Obviously you were uncomfortable with what you witnessed, so it never hurts to call it in to report it. It doesn't necessarily mean that it will be investigated, in fact it probably won't since you don't have a name or license number, and on the surface it doesn't look like abuse/neglect. But still, the family may have a LONG, chronic history that heightens the risk to the children. You never know...
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