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Everything posted by The_Antagonizer

  1. You people are idiots. Hip belays are more secure than all that garbage.
  2. Todd is probably a wafer thin beanpole. So brave is his ass on the internet. My guess is that if he were to meet me in person he would just lay there and bleed waiting for the ambulance to rescuscitate him.
  3. You punk bitches will be staggering at the base of Icy BC sunday while I top out on Capricorn. By the way wimps from Spain must hang!
  4. You penises got your heads so far up MattP's ass.
  5. That stupid slut will never get any money from a lawsuit like that. Get a mother fuckin grip people. This is the damn internet and the next guy could be anyone including the idiot in the next cubicle.
  6. Shut the fuck up What a bunch of pansy asses Dru and Trask are. I got a skullfuck ice pick for your brains the two of you!
  7. quote: Originally posted by icegirl: Will follow just about anything (happily Won't anybody
  8. Mountaineers are a bunch of fucking pussies! They couldn't pull their own head out of their ass if they had to. They are nothing but a rescue waiting to happen. Whose idea was it to let those fucks in the mountains anyway ?
  9. Jonathan a Kennedy will rise and be shot down! My tongue gonna be your lasso...
  10. Somewhere in the middle of the Nevada desert the mescaline began to take affect....
  11. The Antagonizer=The Antagonizer Not any of the posters you mentioned. What are you going to do when you figure it out anyway? Lay there and bleed? Suck my nuts-ALL of you.
  12. Dwayne-my apologies on that one. I lived in the South and often heard that word used to refer to all North Easterners. While it is the antagonizers policy to antagonize without mercy it is not the antagonizers intent to create racial hostility. Ignorance of the term is my only excuse, but I promise to continue to annoy as I see fit. Fucking North Easterners! Bring it on!
  13. Oh wait, I see that you're one of those Pennsylvania types that think they're so bad ass. Fucking Kikes. Post on the east coast board and quit wasting the antagonizers time.
  14. Damn Junkie-Thanks for stepping forward and making yourself a target for me. Now I know who's face to kick in. Feel free to identify yourself via IM and I'll be happy to come over and do a little skullfuck on you today. Bring it on.
  15. Tell ya what? The Antagonizer will come to one of your little faggy meetings and then if you want to talk shit you can. Jman I do believe you can't climb shit so suck my ass pussy.
  16. Maybe they heard Cascadeclimbers was hiring a new webmaster and staff for the IPO.
  17. Don't you know New Yorkers are the single most hated people on this planet? They are a virus. Do you think that's air you're breathing?
  18. Well then...may your next quarter bag turn out to be parsley!
  19. I took the balance out on your wife jblakely. Retrosaurus you are so good. I have a new hero. Right here on cascadeclimbers to boot. How surprising is that? Why don't you guys climb my dingleberries and do a write up?
  20. I climbed 15 pitches of rock today you little fuckheads. FUCK U! The Antagonizer
  21. You all sound like a bunch of fucking dinks. Annoying. I think a better word than "newbie" is CHERRY. Cherries! Hey Sargent Rock. Did you know that a sarge is a fish that eats shit off the bottom of the ocean? That's one of the first things the friendly ol' drill sergeant beats into your brain during recruit training. Did you know Sergeant is spelled Sergeant? Going climbing. Later Internet Pussies!
  22. No shit huh?
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