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Everything posted by chelle

  1. You are so right Erik! Gowans - Floyds sounds good to me. I don't think we've ever had a pub club in Queen Anne. Are you gonna show if we visit your local pub?
  2. Thanks. Approach problematic because of crevasse navigation?
  3. I think the OP has trivia on Tuesdays. And we were just there a couple weeks ago. So how about the Nickerson? Haven't been there since last yeat. It has both indoor and outdoor seating (we can choose based on weather) also has decent food.
  4. sick to the laundry bro!
  5. Karaoke with this crowd could be I'll go wherever. I just have to shower before bed when we go to the Zoo. But then the same usually applies to the Sloop, Ballard Alehouse, Hattie's Hat and many of the other haunts. Guess I'm just extra sensitive to it. Can't sleep if my hair smells like smoke.
  6. The way I understand it...Ketones form from both fat and protein metabolism. You will burn through your circulating glucose first, glycogen stores second (about 1200 calories), then metabolize both fats and proteins, both can be broken down to form glucose and other molecules for energy production (including ketones). With regard to proteins circulating amino acids first to build glucose (to feed the brain, RBCs, and other tissues that use only glucose for energy), then will break down muscle tissue to form glucose and other compounds that enter the krebs cycle. Endurance athletes will break down muscle tissue during a big event (more than a few hours of activity without sufficient calorie input) especially since their fat reseerves are also likely to be fairly small. People who are in starvation mode and not moving around much (exercising) may take a couple days before breaking down muscle. The brain will only covert to using ketones or lactic acid molecules as fuel after prolonged starvation. During exercise it just robs the other body cells of glucose (made by the liver by fat and protein breakdown) and forces them to use other molecules for energy.
  7. See a good podiatrist. Custom orthotics will probably help out a lot.
  8. yes. reaction to poison ivy varies considerably from individual to individual and across time (you could still get it bad some other time). If you've been exposed to poison oak/ivy repeatedly and have no problems, you probably don't react to it. Lucky you. If you've only had exposure the one time, you'll have to wait until next time to see if you are sensitive. The second exposure (and subsequent ones) will let you know. The first one just primes your system for an allergic reaction next time.
  9. Anyone been up there lately? The lower half looked sweet from Skyline Ridge on Saturday (upper part was in cloud).
  10. Well, this week eat dinner there once and lunch once. It's been the site of some fun pub clubs. But if there is a better option I'll reconsider my vote.
  11. news flash for ya ehmmic, there's an unlimited supply of women out there....dime a dozen. Ahh! But cheap and easy are not traits that indicate good genetic material! But then noone wants you to breed anyway...
  12. Too many calories not enough exercise... Forgot sunscreen or think tan will improve appearance Because they are not ashamed of their bodies, also increases surface area of burn/tan.
  13. Hold on! Aren't you always bitching about the smokey bars. The Zoo is one of the worst and they don't serve !
  14. WTF is an iceworm?
  15. Also, there has been recent research on men competing for top dog status in salary, title, etc.... Speculation is that they are competing to keep their women by proving they are good breeding partners by earning high salaries, professional awards, better job titles, more responsibility, etc. There aren't as many "contests" in this day and age to show superiority of genetic material compared to the caveman days. It's too easy for women to move on to someone who is a better catch and leave the lazy uninspired scientist in the dust.
  16. Too bad the sit and spin had to close its doors a couple months ago. What more could Seattle want, pizza, laundry and booze all in one place. Toast - Shultzy's does have some space challenges, but they've put reserved signs on tables next to eachother in the past and have specials on pints. And the quality of the doesn't need any more explanation.
  17. R&D is a great multipitch beginner lead in the Icicle. Spaghetti Sauce is another one. Both have near to no hiking to get to the base. And on Spaghetti Sauce it seems someone has lowered the bolt just off the deck so us short people can reach it. I haven't grown since the first time I lead it when I recall having to make one move up to the bolt. What more could a beginner want?
  18. Toast - is that place set up for a med - large sized group? Or would we have to sit a different tables and shuffle around after 6 people show up? Maybe we should consider Shultzy's.
  19. Fine. AlpineK?
  20. One more pseudo-scientist infering causality into some form of literature review. I call B.S.
  21. Don't think killing a baby grey whale is something to brag about.
  22. ...
  23. I wish I could use laundry as an excuse not to climb. I'm still in rehab for another 3-4 weeks. Note to self: don't fuck up your shoulder at the beginning of climbing season.
  24. in the last three times i have been to index i have gotten a brand new metilious 4 cam, 3 nuts, a sling, two wiregates, and a tri-cam... i love this place! BOOTAE! Remember...The bootie gods giveth, but they also taketh. Don't gloat too much Fence.
  25. So since the Ever-wet pub club is on Thursday, where we drinking tomorrow night? I nominate somewhere in Ballard/Greenwood/Fremont area.
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