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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Someone's "Walter Cronkite Junior Reporter Kit" just arrived in the mail! LMFAO
  2. True, they were on the fence yesterday, but they jumped on board a short time ago. Listen to me FDA, I'm on the inside track and I'll give you accurate and fair war reporting.
  3. drink up horndawgs!
  4. News Alert Turkey just capitulated and is allowing the U.S. needed airspace. Bout' time those fuckers jumped on board.
  5. Yeah, ain't she a peach? I'll have her put you two honyaks on her X-mas fruitcake list.
  6. scottpisshead strikes again
  7. Who's got the best deal on gun oil today?
  8. we are the eggman
  9. I'd take the women any day. move to utah too bad about the lack of beer I'll drink my fill of leud women and lust.
  10. I'll accept your general surrender. You can go play now.
  11. I'd take the women any day.
  12. Give Up Hippies- The writing's on the wall. Surrender now and save face. You're feeble taunts at this juncture are pointless. This is a glorious day for freedom. Do the honorable thing and stop protesting and enjoy the freedoms our brave military provides for you.
  13. Kind of rich coming from the "Land of the Bland - Canada". Surely war is a horrible dispicable thing; yet at times it is necessary. Einstein was wrong in his convictions and in dire need of a comb. and some cajones
  14. Einstein had a small pecker
  16. you're dumb. get back to class little gurl
  17. The world is getting a glimpse of the awesome power of the United States. Don't fucking tread on us, or if you do, prepare to meet your maker. Hope that pint-o-piss from Korea is taking notes. HooRah!!!
  18. Ugh, go visit Snopes and learn about what a crock of shit that alleged "quote" is. Damn, people! Urban myth in A-C-T-I-O-N. FDA you're a tool. Defending that fuckstick Gore just reinforces it. No one takes you serious; go masturbate.
  19. Nope, Gore is there having tea and rice.
  20. she fucks
  21. the accuracy is phenomenal. only military targets being hit.
  22. holy moly; they're getting the shit blown out of them
  23. Tune in to Fox right now if you can. Baghdad is just now getting the holy shit bombed out of it. We're creaming it!!!!
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