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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. glacierdog, I confess I've paid little attention lately, but thanks for serving. the liberals will always have a stick up their ass...business as usual.
  2. allthumbs


    sure, be right there to bust your chops
  3. no offense, but how do you people manage to lose so much shit?
  4. that blows, i hope ya get it back
  5. joe_retard doesn't appreciate good humor.
  6. If ya need to bust a cap in multiple goblins (I prefer head shots) using the ghetto hold, start right to left. The ensuing recoil with each shot should place you on the next target automatically. It'll be like the duck shoot at the carnival. hehehe
  7. allthumbs

    WMD Part II

    press, load & take cover
  8. so you're the pervert that was arrested trying to burgle my mom's house.
  9. Catturdeater
  10. syphilis and ryes syndrome
  11. those faukin' mountie publications are too deep for me. i prefer the BSA handbook, circa 1962
  12. sorry Anna, ya snooze ya lose
  13. deal - catcha offline latah for the itinerary
  14. naw, but I'm invitin' ya down to Cabo with me soon. wanna go? lots of sun, drinks, food, fishin' and fuckin'
  15. Like I said earlier Minx, let me know if ya find a sitter by 6 PM or I'll be forced to find another date. I hear Allison is drooling with anticipation.
  16. then enuf of the negitive vibes already
  17. you shouldn't run against the one man that gives you multiple orgasms and then changes the sheets while you lie in a heap
  18. fenceshitter
  19. Quit yur bitchin', you're bringin' me down. btw - you have great tits. vote trask, and vote often!
  20. Die bitch!!!!! Bwahahahaha
  21. I like to wrap the rope thru a couple times and than slather the whole fucking mess with 2-part epoxy. In 20 minutes (two beers) it's strong enuf for Si.
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