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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. He's ruining the economy, he's attacking everybody, he's ready to invade some inconsequential little African country, he's lying through his teeth to the American public, etcetera, etcetera...... I am still a conservative, but goddamn, this fucker is a loose cannon, and dangerous to our health.
  2. Never thought I'd say that, but I did. He scares the shit outta me now. He's outta control and is taking this country down...FAST!!! Impeach the fucker. That's all I have to say.
  3. allthumbs

    Tru Dat

    your call
  4. allthumbs

    Tru Dat

    that's a sorry state of affairs. you should rectify that situation immediately. ...might I recommend Wades' Gun Shop in Bellevue. No...not worth a brawl w/ spouse...haven't shot since i was 17...don't really have any interest in it anymore... Maybe I've grown up???? doubtful. you've lost your way...get back on the bus
  5. allthumbs

    Tru Dat

    that's a sorry state of affairs. you should rectify that situation immediately...might I recommend Wades' Gun Shop in Bellevue.
  6. allthumbs

    Tru Dat

    The love of violence is inherent in the human (male) spirit. The attempt to train it out of boys is both futile and immoral.
  7. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    old men with no sense of humor
  8. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    homo butt nugget nibbler
  9. I spent a couple minutes looking around over there. Lame, lame, lame. What else can I say?
  10. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    Because you made a point to bring it to the top, and I thought, "yeah, this is really stupid and not even entertaining", so click click click and its gone. Talking about it being gone is ever so much more entertaining than the original pissy post ever was. You should thank me. I take offense to you calling my post pissy. I piss on you from great height, pisshead. carry on
  11. are you still smarting cause i tagged your old lady first?
  12. ...and my buddies talk to them. should I take offense?
  13. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    Thanks for the reminder...
  14. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    minx, you're a doofus
  15. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    NOTICE TO THE FAITHFUL don't respond to this fucktard. he thrives on keeping stupid threads open.
  16. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    I'm sure you to the mods. and begged to have it pulled. you dickless wonder
  17. allthumbs

    Poll Pulled

    Hey, why'd my poll get pulled?
  18. what?
  19. here's to MEN ...the ruling class
  20. american women
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