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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Choose a quote...

    "It's good to be me"
  2. Spray them with carb cleaner. That'll clean everything outta them. Then lube with whatever suits your fancy.
  3. what about my suggestion, goddamnit? don't I get an atta-boy?
  4. Well, tell him to go fuck himself then. BTW, Maryloser, doesn't everyone send you nasty PM's?
  5. xxxth avatar, you're such a shameless gear whore
  6. Fire Beck. I nominate and support Wavy Gravy to head up the cc.com October RopeUp. Now that boy knows how to throw a party!!!
  7. Works for me. Send the riff-raff to Iraq to fight the good fight.
  8. HELLOOO -- THREAD DRIFT My point to this thread was not to get back into the WMD debate. We've argued that to death. I simply wanted to point out that we do occasionally find some goodies.
  9. Well, there's also the choice of "Really, Really Bad Luck." For 61-year old bank robber Edward Blaine Norton, strike one was called when he fled from committing an armed robbery of the Union Bank & Trust north of Richmond, Va. Having failed to secure his bag o' loot properly, Eddie left a trail of fluttering $100 bills in his wake. Strike two was called when he reached his getaway car and found he had locked his keys inside. Bystanders didn't know he had just robbed a bank at that point, but they figured a guy who's leaking large-denomination currency, screaming, and beating on the window of a car with a big stick prob'ly wasn't up to any good. Several locals moved in to wrangle him, and Eddie took off running. Strike three came when the posse tackled Eddie and brought him down. Whilst being muggled and hornswoggled, Eddie managed to reach into his pocket, pull out his pistol, and shoot himself in the leg. Not to be upstaged by a nutcase, one of the posse whupped out his own roscoe and shot Eddie again. That pretty much settled Ed's schedule for the day. Twilight found him double-dotted, locked down in the hospital, and charged with eight felonies, including armed robbery and two counts of attempted murder. Eddie is said to be "despondent" over the entire affair.
  10. well that blows catturd, I was gonna let you drive my spare Porsche 911 Targa for free. oh well
  11. I heard on the news two nights ago that Arnold withdrew his candidacy, and is backing numbnuts (the ex LA mayor, whatever the fuck his name is).
  12. Hey buddy - I certainly would be glad to see any WMDs taken out of circulation, but now we're going to tie the invasion to some outdated, sand-choked MIGs? It's another PR scramble to cover the lies. Jim, I think all they're saying is that weapons have been hidden (buried). We were lied to and deceived. Will nothing satisfy you people? I'd like to publicly announce here and now, that when the next democrat becomes President, I'm taking every goddamn opportunity to berate and belittle him and his fucked up administration. You choad liberals ain't heard nuttin' yet.
  13. allthumbs


    you sold out, beyotch I'm so ashamed
  14. This is a very cool turn of events if true. I might even have to eat my words and apologize to you Canucks.
  15. I'm not feeling the love here, people.
  16. I've been contemplating offering up an apology for the years of nasty abuse I've subjected y'all to. But I think not.
  17. Dru, whatever ; but does anyone take anything Canadian serious? yeah, I thought so.
  18. Yes you do, but let's keep the pillow talk outta this discussion.
  19. Ok... Now it's become a zoo... Larry Flint, publisher of Hustler, has paid the $3500 and gathered 65 signatures, and is running for Govenor of California....
  20. Jesus Christ Jim, just once can't you fuckers say, "Sweet, I'm excited to see that the weapons are gradually turning up. Maybe it wasn't all for naught." Go buy a clue, asseyes.
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