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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I like girls in thongs and on roller blades.
  2. I said a hip, hop, the hippie, the hippie, to the hip-hip hop, ah you don’t stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat. You grow in the ghetto, living second rate And your eyes will sing a song of deep hate. The places you play and where you stay Looks like one great big alley way. You’ll admire all the number-book takers, Thugs, pimps and pushers, and the big money makers.
  3. Polks are over-rated. They're "Warm", and therefore unrealistic. Check out Martin Logans too.
  4. Necrogreazzystick, Dr. Numbnutz is right about the amp. 40 watts isn't much, and it isn't shit if it's a cheap amp cause of the distortion. Trask recommends at least 100 watts, but quality watts...meaning you'll need to dump at least $1000 on the amp alone (stay far away from those all-in-one receivers; they really suck. Start investing in seperates). Distortion kills - plain and simple. ROCKERS NEED CLEAN POWER
  5. bastard taggers (little dick syndrome)
  6. My Kornerhorns are boobytrapped fukka. Plus they weigh like 180 pounds each. Good Luck.
  7. You can't buy shit for $300. Are you fucking serious? Go get a real job and buy a pair of Klipsch Kornerhorns.
  8. I'm a gear bitch, so I've tried, and returned, a lot of the shit. When the dust finally settled, I found I was left with an Arcteryx bomber goretex parka. I cut out all the pockets and horseshit on the inside though. Now it weighs only about 18 oz. When I'm forced to wear the bitch, I leave the pit zips and main zipper open as much as possible, and wear as little shit under it as possible too. The fucking hood is what really makes me hot and sweaty, so I shun that bitch like the plague. I hope this short gear test from me helps you gumbies that can't decide.
  9. duh - what was your third clue?
  10. allthumbs

    Whatcha Readin?

    "How To Kill With Your Bare Hands", by Mike O'Bannion
  11. Klar, I'm with you, this isn't Everest. I'm really disappointed to see garbage in the PNW. It's just not right, and the perpetrators should rot in hell for their heinous insensitivity.
  12. Your poll sucks, Dru's is bomber.
  13. I said all along that we should nuke the fucking place. This is what you get when you pussy-foot around the special interest groups.
  14. Assuming it was all about oil, don't you agree that this commodity is worth controlling...whatever the cost? Are you people so daft that you'd actually stand back and watch countries like Iraq, North Korea, and the like, become so powerful and so dangerous that we couldn't gain control? If you feel that way, you're as dangerous as those countries and you should not be taken serious.
  15. erik likes his heifers wheezin Bwahahaha Erik, the choad guzzler
  16. Remember Apple Blossom and the Hydro Races in the 60s and 70s. FUCKING PARRRRRRTY!!!!!!!!!! Look at them now, with their beer gardens, Five-O monitoring everyone's every move, pussy events and corporate sponsorship. They're fucking ruined. Just a thought to chew on, boys.
  17. Looks to me Beck sold out just like TNF and REI. Say what you want, that's what it looks like. I'm not going anyway, but I sure as hell wouldn't go to a sponsored event, just like I won't buy a crabbing, fishing or hunting license. That's not the outlaw, dirtbag way.
  18. Perhaps so j_b, but come election time, guess who's gonna be elected for a second term? Stick that shit in your pipe and smoke it.
  19. allthumbs

    Choose a quote...

    "Dr. Flash Amazing? Why Hell Yeah - We got our eye on that commie sumbitch."
  20. Trask, I didn't ask how you'd clean a used vibrator... Dude, you use carb cleaner on your butt plug vibrators? Whatever, but you're a sick sumbeyotch - I use carb cleaner on my guns when they're filthy.
  21. hey Erik, do you like Hefeweizen ?
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