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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Fairweather

    "We are winning"

    Your skin is thin. Your skull thick.
  2. Fairweather

    "We are winning"

    That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. What makes America a great place is the ability to say what you think. If you disagree with someone, why not try and have a well thought out arguement with them. You are just plain sad man. Please spare me your selective indignation. Have you ever seen fit to address some of the lacking civility coming from those with whom you likely agree politically? No. Some real original stuff too! "Reichwinger", "KKK", "NAZI", "Fucktard", etc, etc, etc - all meant to shut down debate and bring conservatives and centrists in line. You are sad, hypocritical, and confused all at once.
  3. Fairweather

    "We are winning"

    Do you even know where that picture was taken, or who the killer was? If you're disturbed by images of Saddam's handy work, then you have no business commenting on our subsequent actions - IMO, of course. Back to your obnoxious briefs now, crybaby. No moderator will save you from your own weak constitution.
  4. Fairweather

    "We are winning"

    Why on Earth would anyone have thought Saddam had WMD's?? I mean, Saddam was just an all-around misunderstood guy, eh Treefrog? And yes, Allison - I too am ashamed that you're an American.
  5. Fairweather

    "We are winning"

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Can%27t_Wait http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Communist_Party%2C_USA Still waiting for some "truth" from you, Jim.
  6. Here's part II: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/preps/278778_sealth25ww.html
  7. Interesting article. I've often wondered the same questions that are posed and partially answered in the piece. The article seems to make the all-too-common assumption that humans are apart from nature. Creationism put aside - as it must be for a discussion like this - we humans are either wholly part of the evolution of this planet, or not. I don't doubt that if you remove one species from the web others will thrive. And I'm not trying to suggest we can't or shouldn't try our best to minimize our impact on this natural world of which we're a part. I'm not, however, in any hurry to go quietly into the night.
  8. http://www.sonyclassics.com/fogofwar/
  9. Um, yea - You better read the entire statute. Also, note in your snippet, "initial detention".
  10. This argument is moot. If fairy-land Seattle types ever succeed in usurping our constitutionally protected right to possess arms, I will become a 'criminal'.
  11. Actually, I believe it was liberal judges back in the early 80's that ruled the mentally ill can no longer be involuntarily committed to mental institutions. A violation of their civil rights, ya know. Now we have ten's of thousands of people roaming the streets of this country who, by all rights, should be receiving treatment in an institution. But if its easier for you to blame those evil conservatives, then by all means......
  12. Anyone have good photos of Mount Queets and/or Queets Glacier that they are willing to post? Also, Mount Christie and/or Christie Glacier? Ditto, Dellabare?
  13. You Jim's bitch? Let the man speak for himself, lappy.
  14. Welcome back! I've been hoping you could shed some light on your protest group's affiliations? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Can%27t_Wait http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Communist_Party%2C_USA
  15. Pussy.
  16. No. I believe you are lying to make your argument. Clear enough?
  17. I'm not sure how this jibe's with the other accounts of Romanian climbers that gave sanctuary, but this account regarding some of the western mountain guides pretty much sums up the bigger picture: "By at least one account, the climbers witness to the massacre did nothing to help, and the commercial expedition leaders, concerned that interference would jeopardize their future ability to work in Tibet, went so far as to dissuade expedition members from protesting."
  18. His 600 ship navy, for starters. You know, the one he started to build when I was in the navy? Huh? You get dumber with each post! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/600-ship_Navy From your own link: "The idea behind the 600-ship navy can be traced back to the Vietnam War....By 1978 Admiral James L. Holloway III concluded that the United States Navy had a very slim margin over its Soviet counterpart.[citation needed] Finally, in 1979, the takeover of a US embassy in the Iran hostage crisis, and the failure of a rescue mission in Operation Eagle Claw, heightened the sense that American military power was becoming more limited." To which I'll add... The 600 ship navy, the most expensive aspect of the Cold War military buildup, was an old idea that Carter pushed for and began funding in 1978. Reagan got much more funding for it during his term because the US was climbing out of its post Vietnam/oil shocks financial crisis that plagued the Carter administration. I think I would know. I war gamed at the Naval Academy using Carter's 600 ship doctrine in 1979. Why do you bother? Perhaps its just sickness or a personality disorder. Do you need some lunch money, too? Maybe you can provide source material to demonstrate your argument that Carter began funding the 600 ship navy? Your personal beliefs just won't suffice, and your "to which I'll add" trick is poor form. And remember, war-gaming does not financing make. Please show me where Carter conceived and financed the 600 ship navy. You just can't. And while you're at it, would you mind explaining your earlier Republican = genocide comment as it relates to the Rwandan slaughter and a certain Democrat's inaction?
  19. His 600 ship navy, for starters. You know, the one he started to build when I was in the navy? School away, little one. And don't forget your lunch money. Huh? You get dumber with each post! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/600-ship_Navy
  20. Don't vote Republican for starters... You're such a moron, Trash. I guess you don't remember the Rwandan genocide? (Clinton's greatest "regret".) Republicans? No. But just what the hell do D's and R's have to do with genocide? You're wallowing in a sea of misguided anger.
  21. Understood.
  22. Gotta agree with you on this one. Our hopes that the communist chinese government would change its ways with the carrot of free trade and openess are failing. In the past, I've linked to some disgusting photos of the PLA executing a group of Tibetans - including a woman. No doubt they harvested her organs and sold them. But what can we do? Walmart's store rooms (and REI's!) are full of beige boxes that all say "Made in China", and neither Republicans OR Democrats are interested in changing the status quo. The west should have seen the folly of it's engagement policy at Tianenman Square, but for now I guess it is business as usual. Sad. I truly believe disengagement would hurt China more than us. There are plenty of places we could do business and not help fund a totalitarian government that does this sort of bullshit. Additionally, I believe we are helping to fund our own demise. BTW: I salute those Romanian(?) climbers who provided sanctuary at risk to themselves. Well done.
  23. Where's your pride, man!
  24. I hope this thead title is tongue-in-cheek, Gary. Unemployment is at historic lows - virtually non-existent. I'm sure there are other factors in this guy's life that the story conveniently omitted. Drug use, perhaps? Or maybe something as simple as failure to maintain proper personal hygiene? If your outlook regarding this is sincere, then you have no business preparing our kids for a future beyond government servitude.
  25. Brilliant! Your proposal will 'protect freedom of the press at all costs' and impose a government standard? An absolutely amazing proposal, Trash. I think you, of course, should write the standard. Hey, do you still think we should jail producers and editors like your friend, Crux, wants to do?
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