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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. A predictable answer from someone who likely subscribes to the local paper and doesn't bother to look beyond the pictures. No, the image you posted does not speak for itself.
  2. ...here's one of the chief 'tards now! And with irreverent anti religious bigotry to announce his entry. How...predictable.
  3. Malcon - What's your point?
  4. Classic fall-back maneuver. Where's your spine, man?
  5. I ask for substantiation of outrageous claims, and you respond with mock humor. Where's the beef, Ninja man?
  6. Um, those were different hostages than the ones in question. And they were held by Hezbolla in Lebanon, not Iran. That Reagan was willing to strike a deal for Iranian influence and spare parts several years after the embassy hostage crisis is an issue separate from the one in question. I think you have your history mixed up.
  7. This is Spray, Sobo. Don't go actin' all indignant n' shit.
  8. Doug has asked that you substantiate this outrageous claim. I heard that a young George W. Bush was the courier in fact! Oh Please! Not the famous SR71 Blackbird nonsense. You're too smart to believe that.
  9. Now that's a legitimate, albeit rhetorical question. Libtards seem to have much difficulty with the concept of clear and present danger. FDR had a shitty list of options, but the fact the Russian people were suffering under both Stalin and Hitler, while the German people were (mostly) willing participants in Hitler's deeds, makes his decision easier to digest on Monday morning.
  10. Doug has asked that you substantiate this outrageous claim.
  11. Since he did not demonstrate even a basic knowledge of the geopolitics of the 1980's it was a pretty safe bet he is/was either too young...or willingly ignorant.
  12. 1) It was less than 1% of his weaponry, which was mostly French and Russian. 2) No one was duped. It was justified at the time versus Iran. You're probably too young to remember that whole "hostage" thing.
  13. Gotcha.
  14. Huh??
  15. McDermott. McDemocrat. McDupe. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7315752.stm
  16. Your question is comparing apples to oranges. A roving gang of thugs terrorizing an American city with guns in the form of an illegal militia would not be protected in this country any more than it is in Iraq. Personally, I think it was a mistake to allow long guns to remain in private hands in Iraq post-invasion. Until our troops withdraw, it seems that handguns should suffice for the average Iraqi family to protect itself from thugs balanced against the security needs of American soldiers and legitimate Iraqi security forces. Too late now, I guess.
  17. You've got some serious anger there, mister green card. Can't even fuckin' vote, skinny little wannabe. Maybe you should take it home, punk. and you are a complete idiot. first of all i can vote since some time you ball licking sheepshag. so get your facts in order before you open your mouth here you fat jizz puke. and talking about taking it- maybe you should stop taking it up the ass you gerbil spelunker. Please don't miss the next boat headin' east, gutter slop. And once you get all burrowed in to your next host, remember to be polite by moderating your gluttonous blood-sucking and not spewing excessive amounts of bile. When in Rome... BTW: What is that fucking smell?
  18. That's supposed to grant it credibility? Gimme a break.
  19. "Metro Times--Detroit's weekly alternative" ...It's no wonder your brain has rotted away. But I'm sure it's all true 'cause it's in them fancy printed words 'n shit.
  20. KK - In case you haven't noticed, it doesn't pay to demonstrate concession, contrition, compromise of any kind with the angriest of the lefties that infest this site. Let the usual suspects wonder why they can't bring others to their point of view--which should be obvious given the myriad insults hurled your way in this thread--and continue to press through the muck with bare knuckles. It's exactly what they need. Find and publicly express common ground only with those who have demonstrated a willingness to do the same.
  21. You've got some serious anger there, mister green card. Can't even fuckin' vote, skinny little wannabe. Maybe you should take it home, punk.
  22. Aren't you being a little hard on our...guest?
  23. He's a Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog). Great dog for hikes. Stays right by my side and doesn't bother anybody--unless they smell like beef jerky or Cheezit crackers.
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