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Everything posted by Pencil_Pusher
Maybe why nobody replies to your remf comments is because nobody knows what a remf is. It took me a while to figure that one and the bfv out. Yeah, it's pointless for anyone in an M1 to wear body armor as would be the case for a fighter pilot. Anything that gets through either vehicle isn't gonna care too much about any body armor, ceramic plate or not. Plus, I don't know where the heck they'd store it except outside with all their other gear. I agree with what you're saying about this type of equipment being more suitable for fao's, mp's, 12b's and the like... I just don't think many folks here have much of a clue on your argument. Ditto with the skid plate, although gregm might be able to offer a more qualified opinion there. I'd be happy if you told me the army got rid of those stupid black berets for the masses.
Maybe it's my foggy memory, but I didn't recall a parking fee last year. Now there's a sign: daily parking fee is $5 or free if you have the annual state parks pass($50). I'm guessing it's new because the dirt around the sign and collection box looks new??? I'll let you know how anal they are about it. I only had $3 in change so I put that in the envelope. Nobody came by when we were there so maybe I should've played the "Don't have cash" card like the car next to us. So I'm half-expecting to get a coupon in the mail since the collection folks will see I didn't pay the whole thing, despite my note to them. To top things off, perhaps the icing on the cake, a friend went to camp at Eight mile campground only to learn that the campgrounds are now under private care and were closed for the season. I don't know if this is always how it's been. If not, the picture he painted was that they were closed because the private companies were not making a profit with the campgrounds open at this time of year. Where do our tax dollars go and how did the feds ever manage for years on end before these fees?
Hi Muffy, I read all these posts and it looks like you were saying the same thing here so ditto on the 'well said.' True enough on getting complacent at lower grades, I've done it myself.
This story sounds too peachy-keen to be true, IMO.
Booty...that's how I'd see it. Good luck getting it back.
Going light, eh Norm? I brought some thin plastic for a lightweight bivy and a light bag to a frozen Lake Vivianne once upon a time in June, years back. Nice to hear the enchantments have bit us all in the ass with cold weather! Good writeup!
We saw a couple guys on it Sunday, was that you Scooby Do? We went up the ramp route which is a fun one. Some loose rock, but plenty of good rock too. The traverse with the pitons was intimidating, big air under feet. We were all kicking off rock so it was nice they were on a different route and nobody was above or below us. Maybe that was the last hot day for the season? Twas too hot for me to climb in jeans, so boxers it was
I was thinking 'hookers' would be on Jason_Martin's list, for things to do in Nevada. Well do they at least have a Shotgun Willies?
While ignorance may prevail for newcomers to the sport, complacency is more amongst the experienced. That you've climbed a tree or rock hundreds of times in all sorts of variation and nothing bad yet has happened is what leads to shortcuts and the like. The tough part is being able to recognize this complacency in yourself and find some balance between being too anal or too carefree. For soloists I have no idea, that is the ultimate mind game, I think. I guess the law of natural selection will take care of the rest.
My that's small... (Beavis and Butthead laugh, "Uh, he said one inch groups at 100 yards.")
Nice crotch, uh, crotch rocket
I'm sure the offering of a hot meal and beer would bring out all the dirtbag skiers for AT specific instruction. Just make sure they get it after the lessons. Didn't Beck get the boot from Marmot? Maybe he'd have some time to teach for grub.
A fitting place for my 500th post. Yeah, I see so many more chiquitas doing trad than sport
Dang! I wanted to play devil's advocate... That Chris Rock bit was hilarious, I can just hear him the way you typed it! So true too. But for "worrying" about those "few" who are coming-up criminals... why? Criminals have zero problem getting guns and don't give a rat's ass about concealed weapons permits. They pack anyway... duh! As peachy as it sounds, making the world a less violent place by banning firearms, I don't see it happening. Not in America at least. The Canucks and Brits are close to no guns for the citizens. Actually, I bet if you're rich enough there you can have people with guns protect you
I'll throw something into the foray. I did read something about some SAR deputy sheriff pulling off some tests in the southwest or Utah, on the clove hitch. That 1000lbs sounds like the same number. However, I saw a slide show by Miles Smart where the dude did some sick and twisted route down in South America. These two were simul-aiding to some extent. Anyhow, his buddy took a 110ft whipper on a clove hitch when his first aid piece failed. What's 1000lbs? Something like 5kn? A 110ft factor 1 fall has got to generate more force than that. Maybe there was more to the story, but I feel pretty confident using them (not to tie in with). I know one person who had a bowline come off while on lead. Not just off, but completely off as in the rope fell to the ground. This person is very safe and level headed. Maybe a contributing factor was the belayer did not know how to check the knot. Most people use the 8 and know how to check it. Like caveman said, use whatever you want, it's your ass. 200 pounders unite! Edited for math... thankfully no one noticed
"Light and Compact With the diameter of a Nalgene® bottle and less height, Jetboil stows in places standard cooksets won’t go, like your fanny pack or side pocket." I got this off that jetboil website. So how does this thing have a one liter capacity? Diameter of nalgene with less height, and it looks like the stove takes up a good chunk of that height...??? That does look pretty nifty though, wonder how many clams they'll be wanting? I've got the SP Gigapower and have used the Primus and SP cartridges. The Primus ones are nice because of their capacity. I used to sing praise about the Pietzo igniter, but that thing has become less reliable to the point of non-functional as of late. Like was said, it is very wind resistant. I wouldn't take one of those small cartridges on a winter trip though. It's not enough fuel to melt snow/ice for water, even just for a weekend trip. For a cooking platform (for stove or pot), you can also use the flat sides of your pickets trying to make sure the edges aren't so close to the flame.
I'd feel pretty damned stupid if I had to wear one of those ski helmets. I think they look pretty stupid on others at the ski resort. They've only recently come into "popularity", I don't recall seeing them in the 90's.
Peakware website George Bell's trip report Excellent references and some beta for Huntington Great links, good luck.
Boy when I can afford that $100/month, maybe then I can ditch this monitor that takes up over half my desk in favor of one of those slim monitors or... a plasma tv... that'd be HUGE opportunity for cheap anonymous porn, eh?
For me it's about price. DSL requires a phone line and I just got the paperwork for the Verizon phone which makes it look like I can ditch my landline. So the phone service is $20/month basic and then maybe DSL can be had for $20 or so extra a month. I could justify some variation there. Comcast offers (or used to) free modem and $30/month for three months. Then it's $53/month. People without cable get charged $10/month extra, go figure. Earthlink DSL offers $30/month for three months but only on a one year commitment with the remaining nine months at $50/month. Now if I had a job where work had this T2 cable connection, then I could spray all day Otherwise I fear it's way too expensive for my cheap ass.
Mmm... pro deal (couple of posts down)... Maybe I can afford a new AT setup this winter. I do need to get a job. How long must an REI employee wait before they can pro-deal? Or maybe even Big 5 Sporting Goods... Thankyou Marylou (for the idea)
Anyone have thoughts/experiences on dsl versus cable? Do both "suck donkey dick" and should I just hit up Walmart for their $9.94/month dial-up? My six month free ride on MSN ends soon.
Yeah, thanks all, this is a good thread . I was wondering some of the very things addressed here. I tried unsuccessfully to do a search on Tua skis, seems someone's screen name is Tua. I grew up on Colorado snow and literally got my ass handed to me up at Baker when I moved here. I would like to try the AT setup though. Good luck to the beginner learning to ski in this liquid cement "Cascade glop". Maybe those curved skis help. Apparently Tua skis went out of business so Bent Gate Mountaineering and a couple other online stores have them for sale ~ $330, fyi. Those are the super-light skis, I think the Hydrogens weighed in at 1260g/ski at 178cm. Wildsnow.com has some good reading on the Dynafit system.
So are you saying the boots and pants were not used for your W Butt trip?
I think the ability to be humble sometimes and laugh at yourself is a good attribute. We're all sorta isolated and anonymous here in internet la-la land, so being a "hardcore" keyboard-typer on cc.com doesn't really mean much. I can relate to those pics from the laugh-at-mounties thread. I like going back to help new people learn about climbing because I can really relate to what some of them go through. Well, funny photo but I can't get it to display.