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Everything posted by Juneriver

  1. Juneriver

    Mine Sweeper

    You bastard. Now I'm not going to get any work done. What's your high worm score?
  2. Juneriver

    Mine Sweeper

    I can't believe you saved a screen shot!!!
  3. Just tryin to get this to show up on the active topic list. ???
  4. I'm going down there to kill myself in the adventure race? Any other cc.com'ers going to be there? Might be fun to hook up for some of that free beer they're offering? [ 07-02-2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Juneriver ]
  5. Juneriver

    Mine Sweeper

    98 sec.
  6. Juneriver

    Nice Picture

  7. Juneriver

    Nice Picture

    I can't believe that's the photographer's real name superimposed on that first photo.
  8. C'mon Dru, give us a name so we can seriously trash talk him
  9. quote: Originally posted by Dru: [QBThese have been reported before in the book : On the Track of Bigfoot by Peter Byrne[/QB] I have seen such a mysterious thing in the N. Cascades. I just shrugged it off, and have no clue as to what it was. Now your freakin' me out.
  10. quote: Originally posted by erik: sealing yourself into tupperware and going down a river is kinda fun but real dangerous. becareful. Hell, I figure the worst that could happen is that I take the media interest off of climbing rescues for a while.
  11. Right on... Thanks all.
  12. I know.. not climbing related, but.... I want to rent a couple of whitewater kayaks in Leavenworth/Wenatchee area in a couple of weeks. Anyone have a suggestion of where they might rent them over there? Thanks.
  13. quote: Originally posted by ScottP: Paraphrase: "We were lulled onto the route by the guidebook, a reputable guidebook, that said the route was easy." Talk about not taking responsibility for your own actions... Doesn't that just make you cringe? Next thing you know, someone's gonna sue Fred for that whole "obvious gully" thing.
  14. Usual gaper call-ins.
  15. Alright... I'm even boring myself with this....
  16. I only listened to the show off and on, and I think that info that has been presented to the media by the NPS in the last week is great. Even better than what I would have hoped for. But when you get the callers on the show, talking about how they needed a helicopter because the guidebook misled them, I think that it gives a bad impression that might eventually effect us all. That and the fact that everytime there is a rescue in the news it's the same old blame game and the "who pays for rescue" news stories pop up, make me think that it's just a matter of time before someone introduces legislation or even just serious rescue fees. On the other hand, I think that the latest news report on King5.com that had the interview with Mike G. was one of the most fair and impressive things I've seen in the press on the issue.
  17. quote: Originally posted by erik: [QB]call me on this one if you want, but eho cares what the public thinks..... QB] Ok.. I'll call you on this one. I care, and i think anyone concerned about future access should too. When it comes down to trying to get rid off the Fee "Demo" program or other bureaucratic costs, this is just ammo for non-users and politicians.
  18. quote: Originally posted by Flat Lander: BTW, how did the two women die? Was it the collapse of the snow cave or exposure? The news never said... This report has pretty good details on what happened up there. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/134465073_rainier31m.html
  19. quote: Originally posted by freeclimb9: Bummer they couldn't self arrest, but the slope was pretty steep (65 degrees quoted in the article). How steep is that section? I haven't climbed it, but I don't think it looked like 65 degrees.
  20. quote: Originally posted by rbw1966: The problem as I see it is more of an owner-related issue than the dogs. If people showed more respect and consideration we'd all be a lot happier. [/QB] Amen, Brotha Rob
  21. Cap, That is one of the most selfish, dumbassed things I have ever read.
  22. quote: Originally posted by sk: [QB The owners were fairly cool about the whole thing, and no one got hurt, But I didn't get to climb much because I was on super kid alert.[/QB] This to me seems like the owners are not that cool. They were inconsiderate enough to bring a mean dog along, and you get to pay for it.
  23. quote: Originally posted by PDXClimber: [QB]"Any dog that threatens me gets a "Vibram" stamp on their forehead from the bottom of my boot. For myself (and many others that I have talked to), if someone were to physically strike or injure my dog it would be similar to some adult deciding to slap one of my kids in the face. Neither action would have a pleasant ending. QB] Ummm... If your dog is threatening to people, it doesn't belong around people no matter how much you feel like he's your kid. If your kid is of age to make me feel truly threatened, he better expect that same Vibram stamp. And yes that would be the owner's/parent's fault. Jamie P.S. Yes, I love my dog... but we play at home, not at the crag.
  24. You're such an inspiration for the ways that I will never ever choose to be. You're both wrong. Now stop bickering!
  25. needless to say.... the band of adventurous souls that risked life and limb for this illusive quest, unfortunately lost the scent of the road, and the great Mountain remained unconquered.
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