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Everything posted by joekania

  1. You look at bitten dicks? heeheehee...this is too easy
  2. What's your cell phone number? I'll post it at Muir.
  3. Hey Boob! One more thing! ...oh...THANK GAWD! (and the moderators)
  4. Don't make me angry, Mr. Harmon, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
  5. Another stellar evening had by all the attendees of this evening's Pub Club. On the cozy, firelit patio of the Fremont Ballroom, well away from the wind-tunnel-tested-hairdo-Tommy-Hilfiger set playing pool inside, we were treated to quality people watching from the sidewalk traffic in the Center of the Universe. Guest appearances at tonite's event included Mattp, Chris_W (just back from the Valley), V, Tread Tramp, To The Top, Ehmic (back in town today also from Yosemite, as well as Thailand and other exotic and compelling locations), AlpineK, oo9 (sporting the Cro-Mag hairstyle-no gel, he swears!- and demonstrating his ability to summon cops with a single word), oo9's girlfriend, MysticNacho, Al, Allison made a late appearance- stealing the spotlight from the alluring Amber who regaled us all with her adventures at the REI spring fashion show while waiting for her turn to free solo the Pinnacle. I think she went home with Son of a Caveman. And, of course, the enigmatic Fred Beckey swept through the place leaving only a trail of furtive whispers and admiring looks. I know I'm missing a couple of folks, so jump in and mention who they are, those of you who know.
  6. There's sure to be at least ONE Polish sausage swingin' at Pube Club tonite!
  7. Crazypolishbob, Thank you and good nite. You are right- I give. Uncle. I'm tapping out. You win. Cell phones, smoke signals, bile spewing, whatever. I've come to the realization that I've been spinning my wheels arguing with you. No matter how hard I try to make a fool of you, you always beat me to it, and in fine style. You couldn't argue your way out of a paper bag if the instructions were in Polish. Hooked on phonics might help. You will single-handedly revive the Polish joke movement.
  8. make a thick paste of raw oatmeal and water and apply it to the affected area. the oatmeal will absorb the fluid and relieve some of the irritation
  9. Kinko's or a photographic memory!
  10. Boob, You want to help people be safe by bragging about your history with injured partners? Who would listen to or climb with you? People who climb with you get hurt! "Couple of my friends smacked me around for a good mesure and they were getting in my face for sure." You obviously aren't the friend of anyone on this board. Even Redmonk, who cheered you on once is telling you to chill. No one will listen to some asshole stranger. "i don't belive in rescues, i belive in accident prevention... i watched guided and unguided parties on snow/ice slopes, no pro, nothing and all roped up. i did not say anything, just kept my thoughts for myself thinking how stupid they were. accident like the one on hood was bound to happen." Nice work- way to prevent an accident. So you brought your passive-aggressive ass to cc.com to alleviate your guilt because some climber died since you didn't have the balls to speak up and tell them how to climb safely. "so what about the people they leave behind with all this shit to deal now. how rude is that?" So if they called in a rescue and get saved, are they still assholes? I have nothing against getting the word out that the mountains are to be respected and feared; or that if circumstances are dire and out of your control that you should call for help. I do believe that there are effective ways of communicating this to other climbers. I feel that this is a constructive and informative forum and is degraded by those who indiscriminately vent their anger here. I don't claim to be any kind of "expert" mountaineer, but I consider myself a responsible mountaineer, and have a healthy respect for my limits. Bob, you could be doing some good for the climbing community, but your self-contradictions, abrasive manner, lack of focus on a single point, and irresponsibility eliminate any shred of credibility you may have aspired to bring to this discussion.
  11. calling all gapers, NPR wants to air your lamest stories, now!
  12. joekania


    I like the "Guess the dictator/Sitcom Star" game on that site. So accurate it's creepy!
  13. My, my, Cpt. you're up late and philosophizing.
  14. fargin' hilarious!
  15. ...and the climbers on Rainier earlier this week had no cell phone. Would the second and third climbers have died if there was a communication link? And the climbers on Baker weren't calling in a rescue (on their two way radios). Once again, Bob, the facts make you the fool. Hubris exacts a high price- sometimes it causes people to continue on routes that will prove deadly, and maybe in your case it will keep you from calling in a rescue, since you are self-reliant and solo every route you do. People treat many things too lightly, driving, boating, recreational drugs and they get into all kinds of trouble. You won't change human nature by bitching about it. So give it some real thought (if you're capable of such) and see if there is something constructive you can do other than scream that only gapers with cell phones die on the mountain.
  16. Bob, get over yourself. People die in the mountains, experienced climbers on easy routes, newbies on hard ones, just like you've been saying all along. Why do you care to post about it? You've already said you want more people to die, so you don't care about lives, or the fact that cell phones may save lives. And no one is completely self-sufficient. Think about whoever waited for your newbie bumbling ass to get up a route when you started. You sure aren't reciprocating by showing patience in return. And you are doing nothing to advance the causes of the climbing community, but you are definitely promoting dissension among the ranks. So pack it up and move on, brother.
  17. Crazy polished dick (er, head-Bob), You are making a bad name for all of us honorable Polish people. If you ever had a point, it was lost in the flood of sewage spewing from your gob. If you had any intelligence you would know that after the study of the $210,000 rescue of the climbers in Denali Nat'l Park, investigators found that even in record years the cost of climber rescues reached a mere 2.9% of total rescue costs. Or that climber rescues per climber have dropped dramatically since 1994 after a permit system was set up, or that nine times as much money was spent on rescues for swimming and boating accidents than for climbing rescues. Like veggiebelay said, it's people who never climb who bitch about the cost. So I suggest you take some facts to the people who scream about climbers soaking the taxpayers for rescue money instead of flaming out all the people know better. Oh yeah, and go back to school and learn to argue with something other than your bile duct, troll.
  18. Laughing at another person's misfortune's? Maybe I'm drunk, but you two are a couple of losers.
  19. Steve, feel no shame in surviving your ascent- when it's someone's time to die, their feet will lead them there. One man could have done little to save three. It is to our great benefit that the one survivor was able to tell his story that even able climbers find their time shortened in their finest moments. My condolences on the loss of your daughter, I hope to never experience such pain. And thank you for the trip report, I am forwarding it to climbing and non-climbing friends alike along with news stories to show them that there are different sides to the story. Redmonk- you have taken a beating on your self-sufficiency stand and hopefully it has you rethinking your opinion. Be considerate of the misfortunes of others and the lessons they have taken from them, you can learn much and pay little for the knowledge. You are young and strong and death is far from your thoughts, but there are things you cannot get around. The truth is people care about you and would rather you exhibited the good sense to ask for help (and had the ability to ask for it) when a situation went beyond your control, than wait ten or twenty years for a glacier to spit your body out at the ablation zone. The message of the last few days should be to consider them as well as ourselves, because we would be nothing without them.
  20. One of many reports, check the Climbers board for more. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/134465073_rainier31m.html
  21. Rate your gaper status (as appeared in Rock and Ice) The first sticker on your helmet was: A) DMM B) BD C) AO D) TNF A "Friend" is: A) The person who buys the beer B) Keeps quiet about your bumbly climbing C) The girl you sleep with but don't "date" D) Not a Camalot If you are "rapping" you: A) Have street cred B) Shop for Xmas early C) Bailed at the crux
  22. Dude you rock. Your hardman status is official!
  23. Hey Steamer, as I recall, you graced us with your absence recently to go climbing. I notice you haven't put up a trip report- is it because you were climbing a shiny metal pole at gentlemen's-only club in the Castro? Or were you peeling off a 5.5 bolt up in front of a crowd and didn't want to get IDed by posting a TR? I just wanted to ask you that.
  24. you don't know what Dan Larson *does*
  25. you posted on the "Gym Climbing Ethics" thread
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