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Everything posted by LUCKY

  1. You know you are a internet jerk/wanker when you post day after day on an climbing internet site...crap that has nothing to do with climbing waist of band width LUCKY climbing access advocate
  2. http://www.climbing.com/news/dean-potter-killed-in-base-jump/
  3. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Errection of 500 ton bridge decks Climbing Access Advocate LUCKY
  4. 28 pages of spray ....some people have NO Life Go climb a Rock!!! LUCKY .....Climbing access advocate.
  5. 10 states that Gallup ranks as “most conservative” received 21.2 percent of their income in government transfers, while the number for the 10 most liberal states was only 17.1 percent. Now, there’s no mystery about red-state reliance on government programs. These states are relatively poor, which means both that people have fewer sources of income other than safety-net programs and that more of them qualify for “means-tested” programs such as Medicaid. But why do regions that rely on the safety net elect politicians who want to tear it down? 44 percent of Social Security recipients, 43 percent of those receiving unemployment benefits, and 40 percent of those on Medicare say that they “have not used a government program.” Presumably, then, voters imagine that pledges to slash government spending mean cutting programs for the idle poor, not things they themselves count on. And this is a confusion politicians deliberately encourage. For example, when Romney responded to the new Obama budget, he condemned Obama for not taking on entitlement spending - and, in the very next breath, attacked him for cutting Medicare. The truth, of course, is that the vast bulk of entitlement spending goes to the elderly, the disabled, and working families, so any significant cuts would have to fall largely on people who believe that they don’t use any government program.
  6. We have made a government that made multibillionaires of a few that could spare only scraps for the many. We are ruled by a narrow elite that have organized society for their own benefit at the expense of the vast mass of people." 10 states that Gallup ranks as “most conservative” received 21.2 percent of their income in government transfers, while the number for the 10 most liberal states was only 17.1 percent. Now, there’s no mystery about red-state reliance on government programs. These states are relatively poor, which means both that people have fewer sources of income other than safety-net programs and that more of them qualify for “means-tested” programs such as Medicaid. But why do regions that rely on the safety net elect politicians who want to tear it down? 44 percent of Social Security recipients, 43 percent of those receiving unemployment benefits, and 40 percent of those on Medicare say that they “have not used a government program.” Presumably, then, voters imagine that pledges to slash government spending mean cutting programs for the idle poor, not things they themselves count on. And this is a confusion politicians deliberately encourage. For example, when Romney responded to the new Obama budget, he condemned Obama for not taking on entitlement spending - and, in the very next breath, attacked him for cutting Medicare. The truth, of course, is that the vast bulk of entitlement spending goes to the elderly, the disabled, and working families, so any significant cuts would have to fall largely on people who believe that they don’t use any government program.
  7. http://www.politico.com/multimedia/video/2015/04/obamas-full-remarks-at-the-2015-white-house-correspondents-dinner.html
  8. and how much was b-ho's deficit? you seem to have omitted that... Obummers was Inherited but in case no one has told you the economy is recovering and it's a little early to be worried about who is running for POTUS inherited. LOL typical libtard rationalization. typical Rush Limbaugh Glen Beck wingnut...try not take'n a side and go with the best that is offered, too far right or too far left is nowhere to be
  9. and how much was b-ho's deficit? you seem to have omitted that... Obummers was Inherited but in case no one has told you the economy is recovering and it's a little early to be worried about who is running for POTUS
  10. Fiscal conservative Reagan 200 billion deficit Fiscal conservative 1st Bush 300 billion deficit Tax and spend liberal Bill Clinton 200 billion surplus Fiscal conservative George W Bush 482 billion deficit Vacation days first year in office Carter : 19, Reagan : 42, Bush sr : 40, Clinton : 21, W Bush : 77, Obama : 26
  11. Happiness is a warm GUN.... Quote from song: the Beetles Climbing Access Advocate
  12. There was actually a 17 year old kitty in the mix of this and scared said DOG'S off...kid friendly attack kitty LMAO
  14. Don't miss Satan's Wagon 10-C( stay on the face, if your on the corner you bypassed the crux) or Satan's Little helper or The Uprising ,Yeah everyone likes to talk smack about the feather but there are some good climbs to be had there, just not on a busy day.
  15. Love Dogs, out of control DOG OWNERS not so much, I don't care if you leash your dog, it's weather you have control of your dog, this weekend children were at risk by BAD DOG OWNERS and when ask to keep control of their DOGS still other climbers, the crews leashed dog in camp, and kids were at risk, this is unacceptable, and after you have been ask to take control of your dog and he bites someone let me know how that works out for you in court. Oh yeah for those BAD DOG OWNERS that statement he has never bit anyone ...hey I have had dogs from forever...you cannot totally trust a dog ever...2 years ago...BAD DOG OWNER... my dog doesn't bite...flip'n drew blood
  16. Let me see STUDYS ...Hummm long distance back packing, trial running, peak bagging, solo mountaineering never got hurt, reach up pull down climbing, unreported pulled shoulder, years to heal, blown calf muscle months to heal, other assorted other injury's, one DEAD acquaintance at the coulee, friend... can you say LAUNCH LEDGE, close friend long fall at Index, this is just off the top of my head... Yo climbing is dangerous accept the risk Climbing Access Advocate Lucky
  17. Sorry for the climber and any involved or around, that said if you don't want DRAMA the feathers is not the place to go on a busy weekend there is much better to be had, just not the short walk like walk'n into a gym. When you climb you know you could fall if you fall you could get serious injured or DIE, this is not hiking or some of the other safer sports.
  18. When someone ask nicely for you to control your dog(s) that means leash them, not let then loose and show there canines at climbers passing by Next time I will ask to LEASH your FRIKING DOG(S) after that it could get ugly, there was some aggressive talk around the campfire
  19. I was there this weekend, had a good time, enough room for me and the crew, sure there was a lot of climbers, but there were camping spaces available and all the climbs to choose from you could want.
  20. That funny story was told around the campfire this weekend
  21. AT Dinner, Your device (whatever it may be) TURN IT THE PHUK OFF!!!! Quote: LUCKY
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