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Everything posted by kashmir
What the hell do you people make of this texas chick? what does she think this is a dating service? That was my idea. Hey fencesitter what kind of cat food do you prefer? "And I'll never go to texas.....anymore"
"And I'll never go to texas.....anymore!!!!!"
Fence sitter- are you still talking about cat food?????????
"The most dangerous time for the climber is the first year after starting to climb. He does not yet know the dangers well enough, cannot estimate things properly and is far too easy going" Hermann Buhl
"The climber who sees only the rock experiences Nature just as little as the the hiker who sees only flowers" Hermann Buhl
"To help us understand what we were experiencing from a point of view seldom visited by the western mind. We were trying to make sense of this new awareness. To unfold the mysteries. Drugs were equipment". Jim Bridwell.
"There is something elegant, something stisfying about climbing the steepest of faces solo, without all the tiresome ironmongery." Hermann Buhl.
"why climb? For the natural experience; for the danger that draws us ever on; for the feeling of total freedom; for the monstrous drop beneath you. IT IS LIKE A DRUG...." Hermann Buhl
BIGWALL CLIMBER. pulls out wanker pisses on ropes, belayer, gear left in rock, pisses all over leg, rotten piss reaks for the next 5 days, partner cuts rope, dead climber reaks of piss is now a good source of sodium filled food for pikas in talus.
Hey here it is this is the dating service i was spraying about. All girls welcome. add dimensions and climbing experience.
I love it this topic has almost generated as much spray as my DATING SERVICE idea. you people are all sooo awesome. HEY WHO WANTS TO START A DATING SERVICE?????
yo otherguy i think you missed my point, war isnt good but sometimes action has to be taken to protect "our" freedom. p.s if you miss it so much maybe you should stop by your local recruiting office. GET OUT BEHIND THE SCREEN AND GO CLIMB!
I think that thelawgoddess and trask would make good drill sgt's!!!!!. WAR MAY BE STUPID AND POINTLESS BUT, I DONT WANT TO BE IN A BUILDING ONE OF THESE DAYS AND HAVE SOMEONE RAM A PLANE INTO IT!!!!!. you guys are all my heros
the law goddess said she'd be willing to give everyone a turn, just as long as trask can watch. or we can all fight over the one female that has joined this excellent idea. oh by the way the crux move into my bedroom is 5.5
Wheres the law goddess on this one I thought she'd be all gitty that there was finally a picture of trask on this site.
the law goddess is really desperate. most likly to mount her= trask
Well trask would be headlining the stud category since apparently he has the cleanest meanest penis. although he'd probably only get one date after all the women found out he was broke dick.
Yeah.... Iam just kidding you guys are all my heros.
What.....what I got beta like you got time on your hands to endlessly type bullshit on this website.
AHHHHH theres just a bunch of old hags in the mountainqueers.
well as a fairly infrequent visitor to this website Iam surprised everyone hasent started a dating service through cascadeclimbers. Iam just judging by how much I see thats actually about CLIMBING. I mean dont get me wrong I enjoy all the spray as much as the next guy. A little more useful information would be nice. Oh, by the way where can I get one of those bumper stickers thats says "northwest forest pass...DONT BUY IT"
Ok enough spray. Ive done a few routes on liberty bell and most of them dont live up to their original ratings anymore. {example thin red line really isnt A3 anymore}, personally I'd give thin red line C3. anyway I was wondering if anyone was thinking of doing a better guide book for the area. By the way does anyone else think that theres a shit load od FA potential up there.
was wondering if the approach to liberty crack, thin red line area was snowfree??.