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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Off trail while wearing ungainly boots, they "really serve a purpose".
  2. You could get hurt if you fell off your bike.
  3. It's better for you to get out of the sport, homo. Here's a shot of the last Dutch women's mountain bike champ (she got t-boned on the last turn of this year's championship. She was robbed):
  4. quote: Originally posted by terrible ted: Big deal. What? You obviously don't see the value of NOAA's hard work. I'm using the report in combination with my tea leaf patterns to plot a winter's worth of activities. At the very least, the NOAA forecast isn't promising for the refilling of Washington resevoirs not to mention PNW water-ice climbs. But there's no escaping the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and all its implications.
  5. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Maybe Lillooet will have some ice this year. At least something to get festive about. BC chron and Kootenay ale isn't enough?
  6. Lilloeet still needs an organizer. And ideas. The latest from Bernard Schulmann of the Lilloeet Chamer of Commerce: "The better an idea I have what is needed to make a skookum event, the better I can assess what an organiser woudl have to do and by when. Please feel free to send out my email address and request for ideas and help to anyone you can think of." Email this guy with ideas for the festival and offers to volunteer: bernard.schulmann@lillonet.ca
  7. dated Sept. 12, a weak El Nino: "Over North America drier-than-average conditions are expected in the Pacific Northwest and mid-Atlantic states during fall 2002 and in the Ohio Valley states during winter 2002-2003. Wetter-than-average conditions are expected in the Gulf Coast states during winter 2002-2003, and warmer-than-average conditions are expected in the northern tier of the conterminous United States, southern/southeastern Alaska, and western and central Canada during late fall 2002 and winter 2002-2003."
  8. So, this seal goes into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says "what do you want?" The seal replies, "anything but a Canadian Club."
  9. quote: Originally posted by Dru: I believe I heard some of the Squamish locals are interested... bitchin. But it wouldn't hurt to operate under the assumption that the Festival still needs an organizer. Bernard wrote that some money is available to support that organizer. No doubt, a Canadian --especially a BC local-- would be preferred. Know anyone? Like, how much effort would it take to buy a few kegs, advertise "Lilloeet Ice Festival featuring Free Beer", then watch the stampede?
  10. quote: Originally posted by Edgar: Have you gone to the "big guys" yet. Cascade Crags in Everett, Second Ascent in Ballard, Feathered Friends in Seattle?? They usually have a fair amount of climbers on staff who may be willing to assist. Also-- how about contacting some of the local guiding companies-- Cascade Alpine guides, Alpine Ascents, etc. most guides would be more than happy to help (especially since most of them it's their off season) dude, I live in Utah. In a cave. As a hermit. (kinda, sorta, not really). I don't know too many folks in the PNW let alone the big guys. The Lilloeet Chamber of Commerce contacted me because of my iceclimb.com website, not because I'm a PNW local. But I'm trying to do what I can to help the Lilloeet Ice Festival continue. Can you list some contacts (i.e. email addresses) of some "big guys"? I'd be happy to email them on who and what. BTW, the Lilloeet contact guy is Bernard Schulmann (bernard.schulmann@lillonet.ca)
  11. quote: Originally posted by Goat Boy: There are good sites in the Bonney Pass area, but crossing the Dunwoody will give you a nice advantage on summit day and you won't have the bugs to deal with. Bugs are highly dependent on the time of year. In late August through Sepetember are the best days of the year to climb, IMHO. No bugs, stable weather, and (after Labor day) few people.
  12. I've used MEC's Shoeller Dryskin Ferrata jacket and tights for a couple years. It's more versatile than pile (eg. polarplus, or synchilla) since snow and light rain don't stick. It's kind of wind resistant, too. And it makes a great first, or second layer. But it's not a substitute for a "hard" shell. It's what Twight would call and "Action Suit", I guess. Too bad it doesn't come in any day-glo colors.
  13. freeclimb9

    All about GU

    Is this an experiment in devolution?
  14. freeclimb9

    All about GU

    Who produces "artificiaaly flavored...spunk"? Steroid boinkers, drug addicts, Michael Jackson? And how do you know what it tastes like?
  15. Apparently the Chamber of Commerce is set to meet and make a decision on October 1st. A part-time, paid (I repeat, PAID!) position to ensure that the event happens is a distinct possibility. Anyone with skills in event planning?
  16. It's the effect that exercise has on blood chemistry that makes working out important during recovery. Like the Nike slogan, "just do it". You'll benefit.
  17. I got the following email, and decided to share it with you folks in hopes of getting some suggestions from near-locals. Any ideas? quote: I am writing to you from the Lillooet Chamber of Commerce. It has fallen to us to organise the ice climbing festival here and we are unsure if we can pull it off for this coming January. We are short an organiser for the event and short of good ice climbing contacts (the guys that were big into it locally are all working out of town due to problems in the economy. We want to make this a successful and ongoing event, but are needing to get suggestions on where we can get support etc.... yours Bernard Schulmann Lillooet Chamber of Commerce
  18. A man tells his doctor he’s unable to do all the things around the house that he used to do. After the exam, he says, “Now, doc, I can take it. Tell me in plain English what the hell’s wrong with me.” “In layman’s terms, you’re lazy,” says the doctor. “OK. Now give me a medical term, so I can tell my wife.”
  19. This guy was lonely and depressed so he decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. The man went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy a unique and unusual animal to be a companion. After some discussion, the owner brought out a little white box that he said contained a talking centipede. The man, although skeptical, took the box back home, found a good location for his purchase, and decided he would start off by taking his new pet to the bar to have a drink. He asked the centipede in the box, "Would you like to go to the bar with me and have a beer?" The man waited but there was no answer from his pet. This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes thinking his new pet might be shy, and then asked him again, "How about going to the bar and having a drink with me?" But once again, there was no answer. The man was starting to feel ripped off so after a few more minutes he tried again. Only this time he put his face up against the centipede's house and shouted, ''Hey, in there! Would you like to go to the bar and have a drink with me?" Finally, a little voice came out of the box, "Jesus Christ man, I heard you the first time! I'm putting on my damn shoes."
  20. "increasingly scarce resources" Waves and climbs? No way. The vast majority of ridable waves go unridden; Most climbable days on ice and rock routes pass without climbers. It's my opinion that most ice-climbs haven't even been discovered. And I know of some phat waves that break on Navy-guarded property that are ridden once a year, at most. Get into the backcountry. Drive a little further. Travel abroad.
  21. weight training on other parts of the body helps limit muscle wasting on the healing limb. Go to the gym, and work on your legs and torso.
  22. Q- What happens when you poor beer in a drum machine? A- It starts singing. Q- What's the last thing a drummer says in a band? A- "Hey guys, I wrote a few songs."
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