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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. After getting all his luggage loaded in the limo, and His Holiness doesn'ttravel light, the driver notices that the Pope is still standing on thecurb.

    "Hey, Mr. Pope," says the driver in accented English. "Why have you notseated yourself in this excellent limo?"

    "Well, to tell you the truth," says the Pope, "they never let me drive atthe Vatican and I'd really like to drive."

    "That is very much against the rules!" protests the driver, wishing he'dnever left Calcutta.

    "There might be something extra in it for you," says the Pope.

    Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Pope gets in behind thewheel. He quickly regrets his decision when, after clearing the airport,the Pope accelerates the limo to 105 mph.

    "Please be driving not so rapidly, Mr. Pope," pleads the worried driver,but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal. Then they hear the siren.

    "Oh, my gosh, now I am surely losing my license," moans the driver.

    The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the patrolman approaches,but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorcycle, and gets onthe radio.

    "I need to talk to the Chief," he says to the dispatch.

    The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limogoing a hundred and five.

    "So bust him," said the Chief.

    "I think the guy's a big shot," said the cop.

    "All the more reason."

    "No, I mean, really, a big shot," said the cop.

    "What'd ya got there, the Mayor?"




    "Well," said the Chief, "Who is it?"

    "I don't know", said the cop, "but he's got the Pope driving for him."

  2. I thought it might have been climbing rangers burning garbage on the summit. rolleyes.gif" border="0

    I actually watched the King 5 report and they said that a reported had phoned the rangers at Mt. Rainer, the ranger had "checked it out" and it was a normal phenomena. More like they put down the phone to laugh hysterically and then tell the reporter that they had "checked it out"

  3. There is a new gym opening in Monroe this month, It's near the McDonalds/Chevron on the West side of town.

    My name is Bronco and I have been gym free for over 1 year now. HMMMMM sunny today, dry Granite at GNS tomorow.

  4. buckets with the snap down lid work sweet for the critters, you can probably get them for free, if they do get trashed or lost or left behind they were free, and they are lightwieght. did I mention you might find some for free? Or really cheap at a hardware store if you need them right away.

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by mattp:
    Last night I was watching some of the men's downhill, and they kept said that the course they called "grizzly" had slopes of up to 75 degrees. I listened carefully and they said it at least two or three times. I watched a couple of racers, and there terrain rolls where the course looked as if it might approach 40 degrees but I saw nothing as steep as Snow Creek Wall (I would estimate the latter to be 70-75 degrees).

    I caught that as well. Pretty funny. Not to take anything away from the skiers though. Those dudes are nutso! [hell no]

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by wdietsch:

    Any idea what size boot they have been set for? I might be interested. I wear a 11-1/2

    They are adjustable, and if you need to, you can move the bindings. I have done this in the past (not on these) and had no problems despite my best efforts to hammer on the skis. You just fill the old screw holes with epoxy and re mount them where you need them. Someone who works at a ski shop may say different but, thats been my experience. (what do you want for $50?)

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by chucK:
    Bronco, Is that the voice of experience or are you just making shit up?

    I am offended you would think one of us capable of making up something like this. NO, I AM NOT MAKING IT UP. I don't do it every weekend, but you don't really need sleep as bad as you think. Thats why God gave us COFFEE!!

    Why, do you want to go climbing with me?

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by Mike Gauthier:
    ....should we require everyone to put the crampons on to ensure a proper fit?

    Mr. Gator:

    First, I enjoyed the article in this months Outside mag about you and the other climbing rangers at Mt. Rainer. You guys are awesome. Now, whenever I see your name or picture I always think of that punk from American Pie 1 and 2. It will be a long while before you live that down smile.gif" border="0

    I don't generally get permits to climb my mountain so do what you want with the other folks. However, a suggestion for your proposed test would be too have them soak their hands and crampons in a bucket of ice water for 2 minutes prior to putting them in a dark cold closet to put on thier crampons. tongue.gif" border="0

  9. thanks for all the good advice on taxes you geeky accountants. tongue.gif" border="0 I'm just jealous cause I hate bookeeping and all that paperwork that goes with it.

    Anyway, the free stuff is gone to the Volunteers of America but, the Rossi's are still for sale, I looked a little closer at them and they are really nice, mellow curved skis. $50.00

  10. right on roger!

    What are we there for? Climbing tough guy style, or sleeping with the comforts of home. Personally, I'd pack a bottle of coffee, climb through the night and leave all that bivi stuff in the car for emergencies.

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