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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Lambone:
    The gym is the only place to learn anything about how to rock climb and mountaineer safely.

    Nice troll!

    right up there with your comment on "The Freedom of the Hills" being full of garbage Lambone.

    I say the gym is the only place to learn how waste your life away; safely of course. Stay away from the gyms and go to the mountains.

    jpb19752001 - the first reply sounds apropriate in addition to a rope, harness and belay device.Try to go with erik, use your head and you will be fine. smile.gif" border="0

  2. and you must like the smoke of the "evil weed" if you are staying in the hut.

    I'd say bring a tent and camp at the bee-hive if possible. It looks like a really nice bivy and you can trundle the RMI shack with big ice clods for entertainment and a little extra work out.

    [sarcasm] and if you stay in the hut you should disclose that when talking about your winter climb so people don't mistake you for a real climber cause everyone knows "real climers" dont accept any assistance or cheat in any way [sarcasm] rolleyes.gif" border="0

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by Beck:
    Hi all, just read in the Times that Marrin Volken's giving a talk tonight at 7pm at the main REI store on "skiing Snoqualamie Pass"- I think he's got a new edition of his Backcountry guidebook out or something. In addition, he might drop some beta on the upcoming Randonee Rally his store's sponsering with Lifelink up at the pass March 31

    Isn't he the guy who made Alpine Trekkers famous? rolleyes.gif" border="0

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by trask:
    Do you really think there are more than 4 people tops on this website? Not hardly. hehehe

    Nope, I thought there were two, me and caveman. Everyone else is an avatar of caveman or me. Includingyoutrask. Now I think there might be a third. Everyone else I have met at Pubclubs and out climbing are probably just actors hired by Caveman as part of the conspiracy to decieve me. I am willing to play along with you though. grin.gif" border="0

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by Alpine Tom:
    Or, you could go to your neighborhood grocery store, and use the scales in the produce department. I expect they're pretty accurate, and they probably wouldn't mind.

    I think they might mind me flopping my smelly boots in the fruit scales. shocked.gif" border="0

    A lesson here is WASH YOUR PRODUCE before you eat it kids. wink.gif" border="0

  6. Sorry I left you out Lambone,

    Super WOO HOO!! to you as you were the unfortunate inspiration of Caveman's rantings. He couldn't have done it with-out you, dude.

    But,now I am have a quandry, I thought Lambone was one of Caveman's avatars all along and now I am not so sure. confused.gif" border="0

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by vegetablebelay:
    Hey man, throw a little credit my way too willya?After all the categories were dominated by death threats, I calmly brought all the old topics back up with a friendly
    cool.gif" border="0


    yes, well done! I felt myself slipping into meditation and breifly considered countering your actions with a mad.gif" border="0 back on Cavemans death threats, but, I seemed like it would have distracted from the legitimacy of Cavemans posts if there is such a thing around here. And I had to get back to work frown.gif" border="0

  8. Nothing against Lambone, I never met the guy, and as everyone knows, don't take nothing on this website seriously.

    Point is, I logged on yesterday at about 2:45pm and CAVEMAN WAS DOMINATING the board. Almost every topic showing on the Main Page was owned by Caveman! It was really intense here in case you missed it. Truly a landmark in Cascadeclimbers.com history. He does it again -the SPRAYMASTER Capt. Caveman.

    What will he do next?? We wait in anticipation. grin.gif" border="0

  9. I wouldn't take that dog (or any dog for that matter) climbing with me. She grew very protective of my wife over the years and so whenever my wife wanted to punish me or just show off for a guest, she would start slapping my shoulder and give this high pitched yell "hey, stop it" and the dog would flat out attack me biting and slobbering and everything.

    She thought it was sooo funny.

    I tried everything except an animal psycologist and letting it sleep in our bed to get it to like me. In the end, that dog disliked me almost as much as I disliked it. mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0

  10. did you have your beacon on?

    It makes it alot easier for rescuers to find your body after it is burried by more snow.

    What kind of dog does your friend have?? Sounds awesome. My old dog would've taken a nap on top of me to make sure I was firmly burried. mad.gif" border="0

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