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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Another one?
  2. Dru

    I like beards

  3. Dru

    I like beards

    Remember when Distel had that goofy neckbeard?
  4. And just like Frodo Baggins, only 9 fingers.
  5. Dru

    Muir on Saturday

  6. Dru

    Muir on Saturday

    That's so true!
  7. Dru

    For RuMR

    When I saw the headline I thought of you
  8. Dru

    50 or 60M double ropes

    why not just free solo
  9. Dru

    Muir on Saturday

    A glitch in the Spraytrix?
  10. Squid
  11. Dru

    Muir on Saturday

    You mean your three week old dead squid link?
  12. Dru

    Freakin' Creep

    I like it. Taxman bounty hunter! Saves the IRS money. Or is tax evasion somehow noble? It's passive-aggressive is what it is. If you oppose the government, buy yourself a Waco compound and buy guns. Wimping out of paying your taxes as a business, while still counting on police protection for your property and state and federal services for your workers, is neither.
  13. Dru

    Muir on Saturday

    PP, a weekend late and a dollar short
  14. I don't smoke tobacco
  15. The Campus Crusade for Jim Jones gives out free kool-aid. Don't forget to tank up!
  16. Dru

    I like beards

    Bearded clams?
  17. none of these "records" are being supported with independent witnesses or GPS record!
  18. you're going to die
  19. the beauty of WiMax. spray anywhere! 22 cams go pretty quick when you start stacking them in chimneys. i also have 22 pieces of plywood for making the cam sandwiches
  20. Dru


    Just falsify your data and get your degree.
  21. Dru


    No, you're knotzen average guy, alright.
  22. I'm climbing the crack RIGHT NOW and I have 22 of each size cam; take that!
  23. The mayor has been implicated in America's obesity epidemic.
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