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Everything posted by Dru

  1. "Oh Muffy Oh!" 12d Skaha "Anna Is A Fine Wench" 2 pitches 10b 12a Calcheak.
  2. Make your partner solo on a pair of clove hitches while you pack the bowl crank the tunes and kick back on the ledge.
  3. Glacial sediment in large quantities definitely causes the runs. I can attest. The little bits of rock cause irritation of the intestine with their microscopic sharp edges, is the explanation I have heard.
  4. "Funny" how wall climbers always use GriGri from boredom, yet no device is more likely to cause sketchy #0 Copperheads, dowels etc. etc. to rip out if you whip.
  5. If you like offwidths you can climb Ixtlan.
  6. quote: Originally posted by Jason Martin: I've never pitched out the third and fourth class. If you pitch that out it's certainly going to be a long day. Six pitches was an estimate off the top of my head. Swain's book gives it ten pitches. I know we did it in less than that. Jason By the same method, then, Solar Slab is 2 pitches long.
  7. Dru


    Flying Tankers, Inc.
  8. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/West/10/18/offbeat.alaska.bird.reut/index.html Dinosaurs 2 days ahead of you with this breaking news SUCKA! Bow your head to my Spray Godliness.
  9. not a route resume but so i can compare this yr to last yr and see if i climbed "more" or not.
  10. quote: Originally posted by thelawgoddess: c'mon, dru; if you can't ropegun muffy up diedre in the rain you're no real kind of climber! squish, squish!!! I am a has been washed up wanna be. If its raining I dry tool up Penny Lake to practice for mixed climbing
  11. Its an easy solo right now with no gear or helmet required I suggest you go do it
  12. On Monday, after leading Meat Grinder, while the hordes of other Canadians around were lining up to TR it, I grabbed the crashmapazad and did a few boulder problems down by the road side below Alfalfabet Rox. The boulder in question is about 8 feet high with a slab on the upstream side and a steeper face on the side facing Alfalfabet Rox. I did an easy slab problem on the slab (v0), an easier knob problem on the arete (vo-) and a harder face on sharp little crimpy edges on the Alfabet Rox side (v1?). Not writing this to chestbeat but i am trying to write down the names & grades of all routes I climb this year so if anybody out there has the L'worth Bouldering guides out there and knows if these are named problems could you please Pm or post the names? Must have complete tick list
  13. if you could wait the extra 2 days i would rope gun you up diedre assuming it isnt raining
  14. quote: Originally posted by fern: how many ass-shots of me? lots from above and none from below cuz I have to lead everything
  15. quote: Originally posted by thelawgoddess: quote:Originally posted by Dru: There may be a small door charge and likely also door prizes. what kind of doors? any with stained glass panels? the door to my backseat
  16. False. Snow is merely solid water. When you melt it you get liquid water. You need add nothing to make it drinkable. HOWEVER, i have heard that drinking nothing but rainwater/snow is eventually bad for ya because the water is not mineralized, and can slowly leach mineral from your bones. As opposded to drinking surface water and/or groundwater where the water has had a chance to pick up ions in solution. This might be junk science or an old wives tale. Certainly I dont think it makes a difference over a weekend, especially if you eat enough salts in your food.
  17. Well those same sources advertised a book I was hoping to buy as coming out in 2001 and the author has not, to this date, even finished writing it yet! They want you to buy it so they will say it ships now even if it is not available yet, just so you order it from them.
  18. I bet it cause they havent shipped yet. ANAM 2002 has been outfor months but AAJ 2002 not yet. I bet it is late this year cause it the first year with John Harlin III as editor after the AAJ Putsch where Beckwith was dumped in a bloody coup.
  19. Dru


    Only in flatlands would little domes like that be called mountains.
  20. quote: Originally posted by Jason Martin: It is important to note that that the Urioste Guide is a trad guide. You have to get the Swain book if you want to be able to find the sport climbs. You can get the Urioste book at Desert Rock Sports on West Charleston about fifteen minutes east of the Red Rock loop road. In theory Swain's next edition of his guide will be a "comprehensive" look at all routes in Red Rock. Jason Yeah but whoever would want to do something lame like sport climb
  21. Dru


    Bush about to be abducted by a flying hat. I heard most of those cattle mutilations up in Montana and suchlike are the work of them Texans in the black helicopters trying to get a monopoly on American beef production.
  22. Dru


    If Texas is so great why is it so flat? God must hate them, cause He gave their mountains to the West Coast.
  23. If you can find the old Urioste guide get it cause it tells you where all the uncrowded routes are. Swain guide is Ok if you can overlook his stupid grading, lame attempts at puns, and him crediting himself with the FRA of every other route at Red Rocks. Also his wildly inaccurate times for approaches and descents. Or his descriptions like "Supposed to be a 5.10 route somewhere on this face. I havent done it"
  24. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: I have the bouldering guide Ill let you know if no one else does first. Are those V grades McKlane or Select guide? PP I think you mean Michaux or Select. Actually I have done more bouldering in J Tree and Queen creek than in Squamish.
  25. quote: Originally posted by Beck: best not let the snafflehounds get wind of this one! Teodor Ruxpinov
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