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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I refuse tobe an "enabler"
  2. They need Icarus giant laser mirror, like in the James Bond film.
  3. Last years or this years How rocked are they How many falls they take?
  4. Dru

    NPR "Enviro-science"

    Maybe it was 10 million pounds of sludge, ever think of that? there was a guy an under water guy who controlled the sea got killed by ten million pounds of sludge from new york and new jersey this monkey's gone to heaven the creature in the sky got sucked in a hole now there's a hole in the sky and the ground's not cold and if the ground's not cold everything is gonna burn we'll all take turns i'll get mine, too this monkey's gone to heaven rock me joe! if man is 5 [3x] then the devil is 6 [4x] and if the devil is 6 then god is 7 [3x] this monkey's gone to heaven
  5. "No matter what conditions are like elsewhere, it's ALWAYS happening here!"
  6. Ask j_b
  7. Maybe she got a job workin for Ivars and Jk and the kids are coming for the Holiday All You can eat special cause employees relatives eat for free that one night.
  8. S'matter muffy aint you a turkey girl? Crab cakes? CRAB CAKES??? Rhat some kind of Druid solstice thing or WTF??? You think when the 3 Wise Men showed up in the manger Mary was passin' out the Crab Cakes to them??? Dont fuck with tradition - serve pie if you gotta innovate.
  9. Erik - if you quit smoking crack, but afterwards, you remembered how good it felt to smoke, would you start again??? If you need to get away from woman, there's always wildlife
  10. Speaking of which how did the Snoop Dogg show in Seattle go? I think his show here was a scalper only even cause all the tickets sold out in the first MINUTE they were available.
  11. DROP HER LIKE A HOT POTATO there are too many fish in the sea to keep catching and releasing the same one over and over my friend. As for your family disowning you, why worry about some people whose only relation to you is biology. I think the real family is the people who Choose to like you, not the people you happen to be related to. That said I totally like my family.... but if you dont dont get beat up about it As for lack of $$$ it sux. You can always take dirt jobs? A buddy of mine just got back from 6 months of climbing in South Asia and is currently gigging as a life drawing model, he gets paid $50 to stand nude in front of art students for 2 hours a day. Or you could go help tex on the snaffle ranch.
  12. Dru


  13. Dru


    "Fiction" - Are you saying Perkins fictionalized some typical snow cave drippy suffering into a rosy -colored romantic evening, Tex?
  14. jb and mtn goat take it to PMs????????????????????????????
  15. I think they could have revived this process if they'd got some Anglican priests to run the FMD bonfires.
  16. I bet the pairing off is like at elementary school baseball games and the last two fat ugly Druids always end up stuck with each other after everone else has left the fire.
  17. Isnt that the one where you have sex in the freshly plowed feild to make sure the crops are fertile?
  18. Skis dont work so good in chimneys? Unless the chimney is just the right width....
  19. I hate to tell you this, modern Druidism is totally made up. REAL druids put captives in large wicker figures and then burn them to death, sort of like Burning Man butwith your enemies instead of your material possessions. I dont think any of the modern pagan hippies ever sacrifice anyone. Too busy getting naked and dancing Sounds cool to me though. Id like them to try and convert me. But i bet the patchouli factor is too high.
  20. Dru

    More Gun Stuff

    Re the muffy story about someon breaking windshield and victim driving away... I know she was probably stopped in such a circumstance... but I have heard of similar events where a gun is not necessary - cause you already got a CAR! Most dangerous weapon out there, you just drive it into the bad guys. Dont forget to back-up over their heads if they are writhing on the ground with mangled legs, so they can't sue you later.
  21. Yes they will not cut down Oak trees. Bloody conifers are fair game. Especially ones with dwarf mistletoe infestation. But they have to cut them down with a golden sickle, so it takes a long time!* * This info courtesy of Asterix comics
  22. Depends on how much is in your pack, how fast you hike and how much smokage.
  23. True Tex, Druids were priests of the Celts and the megalith builders were pre-Celtic. But that does not mean that their religion might not have been similar.... And the Celts appear* to have incorporated the older religion's monuments into their belief system. * Based on what little archeological evidence we have.
  24. Ya, but if they had predicted that giant mushrooms would dance the hokey-pokey with a purple lizard on the moon and everyone would grow 6 inches overnight, no one would ever remember the prophecy, sisu. Hell even Creswell went about 1/20 with his prophecies.
  25. I saw Die another Day last night what a farce that is. "These diamonds are chemically identical to african diamonds!!!"yup, pure carbon is pretty much the same all over. And the CGI kite surfing sequence looked like an Xbox outtake. Talk about poor quality!
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