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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    top posters list?

    oh so true don't forget yaya, I think I have a cupple hundred there too that there second = shouldve been a + but y'all understood anyways right
  2. skinheads rock OI!!!!! just shaved my head on friday!
  3. weed killer
  4. Dru

    top posters list?

    2425+1715= almost as much as DFA (4140) but not as much as Cpt. Caveman + Rayborbon = 10 other avatars at 200 posts each
  5. yeah thx i think it has also to due with thermal radiation from surrounding trees same effect that melts tree wells. in high elevation and arctic lakes the middle does melt out first sometimes when there is a lot of ice blown up on the beach by the wind and as for melting lakes, this should say it all
  6. Dru

    Reptile Zoo

    snakes and spiders crocodile hunter vs. reptile man? who would win?
  7. klenke when you see lake freeze it is usually frozen in the middle before the shore freezes up to a certain size anyhow i'll let you figure the size but the center of the lake has maximum sky view hence greatest black body radiation at night and cools fastest
  8. Dru

    top posters list?

    User list Number Of Posts Sort Descending (click twice) king_of_freshies User 50115 Dru User 11133 trask User Cpt.Caveman User 7628 erik Moderator 5470 iain User 5213 Dr_Flash_Amazing User 4333 Greg_W User 3584 Lambone Moderator 2959 mattp Moderator 2545 Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer User 2424 AlpineK Moderator 2148 gapertimmy Administrator 1816 freeclimb9 User 1770 sk User 1715 chucK User 1691 specialed User 1584 Bronco User 1571 allison User 1551 RobBob User 1545 thelawgoddess User thelawgoddess.com 1544 JoshK User 1495 sexual_chocolate User 1441 jon Administrator 1435 Off_White Moderator 1378 Bwahahaha looks like Trasks # of posts has been made invisible And erik is kicking iains ass JoshK is #22 and there are at least 2 avatars ahead of him
  9. How dare you impose your views about reincarnation on the sex threads!!!!
  10. vietnamese drunken crab special?
  11. is it still raining and snowing in yos????
  12. about 5 hrs via i-90 if you go above 70mph most of the way much fewer cops along the 90 & 97 than on i5 i used to go i5 to pdx then cross hood but now i go by 90 & 97 every time. more fun drive, better scenery etc.
  13. Dru

    Reptile Zoo

    Disco Channel is good fun for staying in strange hotels at work. You can go to sleep watching some sort of doc about hyenas, and miss half of it, and when you wake up in the morning they are showing it on repeat so you see the other half.
  14. Dru

    Hey mountie bashers

  15. bullshit - where is the GPS log and 3 witnesses
  16. gowans - what about violating the dress code? show up in a mu mu. if anyone complains, tell them you are Pre-Op and they are discriminating against you. then start handing out promotional literature for Scientology and multi-level marketing schemes. or bring unloaded firearms to work and display them prominently in your cubicle.
  17. Dru

    Hey mountie bashers

    Carhartts or bust If they are good enough for M12 they are good enough for me. convertible pants looks funny when one of the cheap zippers busts and you have 1 long leg and 1 short
  18. Dru

    A little help please

    there ya go, all my experience with anatomy has been "hands on"
  19. Dru

    UEFA Cup Final

  20. Dru

    A little help please

    Im stumped by the Some Lovers one.
  21. Dru

    A little help please

    O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now Sweety.
  22. Dru

    A little help please

    ROY G BIV Mabel Very Easily Made A Jalapeno Stew Using No Peanuts C. HOPKiNS CaFe M'ghty Good Muffy - do a web search for Giordano Bruno and the "memory palace" idea.
  23. Dru

    Reptile Zoo

    also says venomous scaled poison
  24. Dru

    Reptile Zoo

    says here venomous "Venomous" but that the Mexican Bearded Lizard is venomous too.... so much for Triv Pursuit.
  25. Dru

    Reptile Zoo

    so you're saying they are no more venomous than, say, the kmomdo dragon with its infectious bite from the rotten meat stuck in its tooth cavities? what about that Trivial Pursuit answer "only venomous reptile" then, huh? are you saying Trivial Pursuit is WRONG
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