its named after Jimmy Jim, a Squamish chieftan and only survivor of a massacre by the Chilcotins. those fucking Stick Indians from Redstone Reserve comin' down to Squamish and getting nasty again.
legal opinion in Canada is that polygamism is freedom of religion under the Charter of Rights. leading many Mormon polygs to move to Creston BC. a little chunk of Utah without the desert!
ignorant sumbitch.
i'm devoted to being unmarried, that does not necessarily mean single. BUT what is wrong with what erik said? i don't need a piece of paper and a ceremony but some people like that stuff.
here is what is wrong with what erik said: "two people"
your monogamist chauvinism is oppressing me!
1) the route is as long as Grandwall to Bellygood plus Upper Black Dyke plus a pitch. sounds like 14 pitches to me?
2) Grand Wall is 450m high. But this route starts lower than grand cause Dihedrals begin at a lower elevation. 14X30 = 420, the average pitch length is thus calculated to be slightly longer than a half rope length to make it up the wall....
3) rather than establishing a pitch in the middle of wherever when you run out of rope is it not better to use a natural no hands rest or ledge? even if it means your pitch is only 30 or 40 m long?
4) if you want full rope stretchers PP maybe you could go to the mountains where simulclimbing may be required regularily between belays? i seem to recall Fern leading a number of 75m+ long pitches on Mt Athelstan a few years ago
not testy just wondering new MY PITCH IS LONGER THAN YOURS FORUM
I think the DMMs are one digit higher, so a 3 DMM is the same as a 2 Camalot. Could be wrong though.
no you are right Jon, but a CAMALOT is not a Friend, DMM or Clog or HB!!!!!!!!
well get with the program and get a special plastic screw racking biner thingy then! orget some DMM notchless wiregate for racking stoppers! i mean really
dont confuse mountaineering with Mountaineers or Mountaineering Freedom Of The Hillz with Extreme Alpinism
should this go in the new EXTREEEEEME forum?
Japanese Alps.... Southern Alps in New Zealand..... Conrad Kain called the Rocky + Columbia Mts the Canadian Alps....
there is also a range of mountains on the Moon named the Alps. Lots of FA potential I bet. Oxygenless would be tough.
ditto HBs.
rock empire does give good value but not weight. dmms is pretty good for alpine weight wise. i mean i have camalots in bigger sizes but if i was gonna buy a whole rack right now i probably would get tech friends in the 2.5 and up and dmm in the smaller sizes
On Everest, all the other gapers on the summit could hear you scream.... if you only took your stupid oxygen mask off... and if that damn Toyota wasn't revving its motor....