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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Happy New Year!

    in with the old out with the new
  2. actually the caption says "first ascent of Howse peak" nothing about winter. once again stupid Mountaineers Books photo editors triumph
  3. Dru


    ask the mod who changed it
  4. snafflehound cage match! city squirrel vs country squirrel
  5. reynolds hotel restaurant (real obvious when you enter town) opens at 5 am for ice climbers ice fishermen and snowmobilers. <--- "The Hungry Man" $6.99
  6. you better stop off in abbotsford or chilliwack on the drive up and buy a 6er of some good microbrew or a big bottle of unibroue! you can't expect to bribe me with what m&j has on tap
  7. no, we didn't check it out.... im taking my hipwaders up will rent them out for if not using them
  8. OMFG i was browsing around on that cafeshops site look what else I found!!!
  9. Dru


  10. the capricorn and house of cards pix are too dark to be any good and the sun went down by the time we got out to jade falls
  11. Old Dogs New Picks
  12. The Gift and The Theft
  13. Silk Degrees
  14. shriek of the sheep
  15. The Virgin/Mix Master J
  16. Night N Gale in the gallery
  17. zelda skylark
  18. i dunno what room #, serl made the reservation. sumallo does have avvy hazard i'm bringin my bosch up
  19. Dru

    50% longer python

    to find pictures of trask & greg_w together type "johnson slobbering 69" into google image search
  20. Dru

    50% longer python

    get yo tape measure cause you'd have to tape together two rulers
  21. Dru

    50% longer python

  22. Conditions not worth it for alpine. Bring your American $$$ and your belay slave Justin up to Lillooet.
  23. forecast getting colder! hell, honeyman might come in Text Forecast from Environment Canada Lillooet: Issued 11.00 AM pst Tuesday 30 December 2003 Today .. Cloudy. A few flurries. High minus 2. Tonight .. Occasional snow. Low minus 5. Wednesday .. Cloudy. 60 percent chance of flurries. High minus 1. Thursday .. Cloudy. 30 percent chance of flurries. Low minus 2. High zero. Friday .. Cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries. Low minus 5. High minus 3. Saturday .. A mix of sun and cloud. Low minus 10. High minus 8. Normals for the period .. Low minus 6. High zero.
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