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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    dawn patrols

    nice ducknut!
  2. probably because the smell is trapped by the way your head is stuck in there
  3. opiions are like assholes everybody has one and they all stink
  4. speaking of alpine chickens
  5. snaffle with a mohawk
  6. Dru

    Kill Bill II review?

    if you only have enough money to go to one movie you should go see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind instead of Kill Bill2
  7. Dru

    dawn patrols

    i know but i am wondering more what people have climbed on weeknight dawn patrols. i was thinking of going after tomyhoi n face one night next week if the good weather holds - full moon coming up...
  8. Dru


    he was forced to sell...dude is bitter about it.
  9. Dru


    they beat him up and took his lunch money and controlling interest.
  10. EXTREMO!!! lol
  11. summer snaffle hunting heh heh nothing like repetition to make a point
  12. what if a girl stole your jeep huh?
  13. Dru


    s7 isnt even made in sheffs anymore it got hostile-takeovered by pusher from ben moon, now its prob made in bangladesh or something...
  14. rumors are rumors whatever the source
  15. Dru

    oh canada!

  16. yeah some dude named ray borbon tried to get me to come climbing down there last summer, he said beckey had told him about unclimbed rock - sounds like sketchy beta if you ask me
  17. Dru

    oh canada!

    hey pope - in the new issue of gripped you will seee a photo of sonnie rap bolting hold on to those accolades its not like the guy rejects sport climbing
  18. Dru

    oh canada!

    i would like to see a video of the 65 foot fall
  19. Dru

    Tough Kid!

    wtf if you were a bear would you rather eat fat kid or ricearoni???
  20. Dru

    oh canada!

    but the 02/05/04 date of that... 2 and a half months old news!
  21. http://www.climbing.com/news/troteastface/
  22. did you ever think about how when lightning hits the wires and all the traffic lights go dead it slows things down? oh wait you have congested freeways with no traffic lights...except at the offramps
  23. skinhead chicks like fully bald or skinhead chicks with front fringe
  24. Anton Miewes?
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