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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Out of the Closet

    cause he's going to "out" Peter Puget!
  2. Dru

    Out of the Closet

    It has been known that Pope is Eric Mohler for years. It was pretty funny when someone else was posting as E_Mohler though!
  3. Dru

    The End is Near..

    look out for tornadoes full of West-Nile infected mosquitoes, polarity reversals, comet impacts and halitosis too
  4. Attention cc.com pagetops U know who u R
  5. Who do you think set the fire
  6. Dru

    Out of the Closet

    It sounds like Pope is talking about Peter Puget. DISH, Mr. Eric Mohler, DISH!
  7. Dru

    Meat and Water Exports

    i heard they are splicing some squid genes onto a chicken so we can get 10 drumsticks per bird
  8. Dru

    Meat and Water Exports

    speaking of rabbits maybe we should change the focus of our livestock from cattle and pigs (big creatures that respire a lot, which wastes water) to small-but-tasty critters like guinea-pigs and rabbits
  9. http://climbing.com/news/takena/ Climbers for kerry plans a 3 week siege of the NA Wall with hundreds of climbers on the route!
  10. Dru

    Meat and Water Exports

    kill the fat people first when reducing the population and BBQ them and feed them to the skinny people
  11. Dru

    Meat and Water Exports

    We can replace our agricultural dependence on water by feeding our livestock alcohol instead!
  12. found this guy on my keyboard this morning at work!!
  13. yes, yes and yes
  14. all the pro you need
  15. It's about the Borax Mule team!
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3559542.stm Eat em while you got em --->
  17. RIP Jeff
  18. Up GW's nose dude.
  19. Der Toothel ist gefallen.
  20. Dru

    Fig-8 Devices Can Kill

    i use a figure 8 and 4 inch aluminum bong piton combo as a windchime
  21. Here is a news story describing the accident. http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=ab_home&articleID=1688877
  22. Dru

    Fig-8 Devices Can Kill

    It's all irrelevant cause Figure 8s suck in the first place and no one sane would ever use one.
  23. Yes a lot of people know him
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