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Everything posted by Dru

  1. the new mclane guide will be out in spring 2005, i saw some proofs, it looks pretty good...better topos for one thing.
  2. Squamish Select Sux
  3. Dru


    It'll be a bit harder to make an unsupported climb on Iapetus than on Mars though. Especially if you have to row your own rowboat there.
  4. Dru


    No cause it is only on the darkside... read closer CBS
  5. Dru

    Crazy Colleagues?

    I knew this guy in the federal Fisheries Department who would show up barefoot and wearing leis, and give flowrrs from it to women at the meeting. He was a Fed and basically had enough seniority through his union to be unfireable. We all just tried to work around him and/or not tell him about meetings until they were over.
  6. Dru


    But hey, the Solar System has a new K2!! Saturn's Moon Iapetus Shows a Bulging Waistline 01.07.05 Images returned by NASA's Cassini spacecraft cameras during a New Year's Eve flyby of Saturn’s moon Iapetus (eye-APP-eh-tuss) show startling surface features that are fueling heated scientific discussions about their origin. Image left: This stereo view of Iapetus shows the spherical shape of Iapetus and some of the moon's topography. The prominent linear ridge in the center of the dark area - a place known as Cassini Regio - marks the equator quite closely. The ridge was first discovered in this set of images and was seen at higher resolution in images taken during Cassini’s flyby of Iapetus on New Year’s Eve 2004. Image credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. + Full image and caption. One of these features is a long narrow ridge that lies almost exactly on the equator of Iapetus, bisects its entire dark hemisphere and reaches 20 kilometers high (12 miles). It extends over 1,300 kilometers (808 miles) from side to side, along its midsection. No other moon in the solar system has such a striking geological feature. In places, the ridge is comprised of mountains. In height, they rival Olympus Mons on Mars, approximately three times the height of Mt. Everest, which is surprising for such a small body as Iapetus. Mars is nearly five times the size of Iapetus.
  7. no shit, supposed to rain in Lillooet on tuesday. i know there are people out right now trying to get some big projects done, will be funny to hear stories on monday about who got what.
  8. Dru

    that's my county!

    I evolved from a dinosaur-eating snafflehound
  9. Dru

    Dry ropes

    i don't think they'll take back a year old rope.
  10. More like Snugli on top
  11. Marie - google "Troy Hurtubise". he's got the perfect solution for you!
  12. but my resume is printed on my t-shirt!
  13. I always ask my new partners if they found my wiregate biner on Girth Pillar.
  14. Dru

    that's my county!

    next up once evolution is no longer taught... astronomy.
  15. Dru

    that's my county!

    can the theory of intelligent design explain the dodo bird? sounds more like UNintelligent design to me. the Edsel of the bird world.
  16. Are you allergic to wool?
  17. Dru

    that's my county!

    why, it's what the science says. tell it to the slobbering bible thumpers!
  18. i guess with one of those you don't need to bring a fork cause you'll be spooning all night
  19. Dru


    Good job Huygens. Please report on any new ice climbs found on Titan.
  20. Dru

    that's my county!

    humans did not evolve from apes humans and apes evolved from a COMMON ANCESTOR sheesh!
  21. Really windy in the chilliwack valley today. I could see plumes of fresh snow being blown off Cheam, Tomyhoi, McGuire and Slesse. Undoubtedly Baker's got a white shadow too.
  22. parrots are aid
  23. that doesn't look like the west side in that photo?
  24. THIS THREAD KICKS ASS good find oW how did i miss it? i must have been climbing
  25. they eat nuts just like squirrels
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