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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Unless you can quote me R-values for 1) skin over muscle at 5% body fat and 2) skin over 2" of fat over flabby muscle at 30-35% body fat and show they are not significantly different, I'm not going to trust your claims that fat provides no insulation.
  2. Dru

    Inaugural Address

    Bush is the Anti Christ
  3. isn't it Foucault? Yes it is
  4. Psychologically not, because your nerve ends come out to your skin, outside your fat layer. But physiologically, it does insulate. That's why cold-living groups like the Inuit are physiologically adapted to be chunky. Well, that and the seal blubber diet.
  5. can't find the climb in the guidebook, how will you find your way up the route?
  6. Dude you are looking in the wrong part of the Jo Jo.
  7. EBs
  8. Why are Iain and Harkin Banks never online at the same time? stoke
  9. Who's the lard sack at left? His rear admiral?
  10. Fat does keep you warmer. Ive known tubbies who could swim in cold water for like an hour, I was shivering after 10 minutes. Also I've seen anorexics who would be fully shivering and wearing sweaters on +25C days in July. Additionally fat has no metabolic load so you don't have t divert energy to it (unlike bone and muscle) and can use that extra energy to keep warm.
  11. i thought the Bogen plan was deep fried Mars bars 3x a day?
  12. I heard the Wishbone Arete is a good line in Turkey. But you must be familiar with the placement of climbing ankaras.
  13. Dru

    Inaugural Address

    Freedom is free of the need to be free. Free your mind and your ass will follow. The kingdom of heaven is within.
  14. how about some more stoke?
  15. N.P.T.N.C.C.O.E. = Now Possibly The Nodder Could Climb On Everest
  16. BUMP
  17. Partner for pagetop attempt Must have big nuts
  18. redirects you to http://www.travelmateinfo.com/page002.html
  19. Most useful. A couple full bottles of liquor for those 48 hours tentbound. Why liquor? Cause if you bring beer youll fill the pissbottles faster and have to go outside in the storm
  20. a board game is good or crib board, but bring one you are evenly matched at vs. your partners. if you can win every game of scrabble no one will want to play you.
  21. Dru

    Yes Mandrake

    reefer madness science!
  22. i know who you are
  23. take a 2-burner coleman and canned butter!
  24. I found them too
  25. Dru


    Failure to snaffle
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