Based on last winters washouts in Nesakwatch Creek, the start of the trail to Slesse's east side has changed.
You need 4x4 to reach the existing parking area, due to some debris chutes on the road. With 2wd, it will be a 4km hike from the point you have to stop at.
From the old spur where the Slesse east side trail used to start, follow signs marked "Slesse trail" with arrows. These lead up the main Nesakwatch Creek road (currently undriveable even with 4x4 past the parking area) as if you were heading to Rexford, then drop down steeply to Nesakwatch Creek on a new trail and cross on I'm not sure what exactly b/c I didn't go down there to look, I assume some fallen logs or a new bridge. This will lengthen the approach to Slesse by 15 minutes or so.