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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dan's getting pagetops over there.
  2. I think they mean that they noticed Dan_H has signed up.
  3. Will trade avatar for avatar. You know who you are.
  4. i am still waiting to be sent my password
  5. I should register over there too. Oh wait, someone beat me to it. Bwahaha! Maybe I can register "burkshard"
  6. Dru

    New From Russia

  7. Wanted:
  8. Dru

    ultimate ice climb

    I'm sorry, the ultimate ice climb is on Miranda. There is a 10km high cliff of water ice. This is the largest cliff in the solar system, and is 3km higher than the curtain wall around Olympus Mons. Due to the cold temperatures, though, the climbing will be more like drytooling than water ice climbing.
  9. Yes, it should be out by RocTrip.
  10. That pic with the stick man bivy may have Mike Layton sue you for copyright infingement
  11. I think Polish Bob did some sheep tipping in Poland except he probably used more than just the tip.
  12. Based on last winters washouts in Nesakwatch Creek, the start of the trail to Slesse's east side has changed. You need 4x4 to reach the existing parking area, due to some debris chutes on the road. With 2wd, it will be a 4km hike from the point you have to stop at. From the old spur where the Slesse east side trail used to start, follow signs marked "Slesse trail" with arrows. These lead up the main Nesakwatch Creek road (currently undriveable even with 4x4 past the parking area) as if you were heading to Rexford, then drop down steeply to Nesakwatch Creek on a new trail and cross on I'm not sure what exactly b/c I didn't go down there to look, I assume some fallen logs or a new bridge. This will lengthen the approach to Slesse by 15 minutes or so.
  13. So then it takes you 8 hours to lead your pitch cause you have to stop and dig all those T-slots?
  14. First of all Tim Spector obviously has the best job possible Second how come most of the women I meet want to wait at least a few dates or more before sex to find out all of the above when according to Tim, these matters could be quickly assesed within 45 minutes?? Do the women out there think they may need to re-asses their dating strategy?? And it would only take them 2.5 minutes to find out they need to keep looking!
  15. Dru

    summer job?

    Good luck on being a "portal of entry", Mike. Is that from the front or the rear
  16. pickets suck, just solo
  17. polishbob's harem
  18. Is that the one with the rainbow sign? The one in J-Tree is a good place to find microbrww Oktoberfest Ale at New Years, or Winter Ale at Easter
  19. Dru


    I wonder how many nodders voted?
  20. Micromanaging a 5.6 into a 5.9. How hard is the S Face route then - 15c?
  21. Dru


    one vote per login, per IP. if you had an avatar you could have voted 4 times, not twice
  22. Dru

    summer job?

    I'm thinking more like Ladyboy. Work evenings, days off to climb!
  23. YOU will never find out... you're the wrong sex. You will have to hope for a juicy "kiss and tell" TR. And goats can't type.
  24. I'm curious about the 21% of women that keep on working away solo with no result
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