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Everything posted by Dru

  1. bruce hendricks used two daisy chains and no rope
  2. Dru


    how about 30000 punk
  3. bottom strap holds your bindings, top strap holds ski, get a velcro powerstrap to hold the tips together. it's not rocket science and other packswill hold skis better than a nozone will
  4. i think it's based on the size of the grid cell in their climate model... jmace will know
  5. is that measured, or forecasted in clinton? cause the clinton forecast is based on 100 mile house...
  6. bushy-tailed uncomfortable
  7. Anyways most kids nowadays will need multiple seats themselves.
  8. Fat virus is communicable disease. Would you want your kid to catch fat? Oh wait, they probably did from you.
  9. This isn't about you, unless you're a midget.
  10. If a midget only uses half a seat should they pay half the price?
  11. http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/city/pages/bc-28_metric_e.html Currently +10C in Lillooet....
  12. Dru

    Valentine's Day

    St FSM?
  13. This seat is only "Wafer thin"
  14. http://www.psychovertical.com/?lowtemptips Andy Kirkpatrick tips Just duct taping a shake n heat hand warmer to the cartridge base has worked quite well for me in the past.
  15. Dru

    Meanwhile at NASA!

    http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/space/3644847.html The guy resigned yesterday after it was revealed he was a college dropout and had lied about it on his resume.
  16. Yeah but some people that find gear are scared that it might have microfractures and stuff, so they don't want to use it...
  17. Imagine the snake is coiled around your canister and the burner is under its chin. And imagine the tail isn't sticking out like that either. Just cut the tail off flush with the canister.
  18. Just hope they're not on the olestra diet if you sit next to them, remember the grody side effects!
  19. buy some thick copper wire pound it flat with a hammer wrapit tightly around the canister about 5 times and have the end flare over so it sits in the burner. It should look like a big ol' cobra wrapped around the stove and ready to strike the burner. if its not wrapped tightly it will slide off the canister*. don't wrap it underneath or your heat exchanger will burn a hole in your stove board. maybe it's OK in a hangoing stove. the wraps make it hard to grab your stove until it cools down. for less efficiency (full cannister) use less wraps for more efficiency (almost empty cannister) use more wraps practice in backyard so your exchanger doesnt blow up your stove leaving you stoveles halfway up the Nordwand of der Gross Shmeeb. * you can put a wrap around one or two of the pot rests on the burner, just below the cobra head part, to stop the slide off effect
  20. Fat people should only Fed Ex themselves to destinations
  21. If they had someone at the airplane on-ramp to determine if you needed to pay for one or two seats they could call that employee the "Chubby checker"
  22. Who sai anything about alpine, this is the ROCK CLIMBING forum!
  23. What if chucK had caught the fat virus from him? Could he sue?
  24. Stoke!
  25. You should have poked his flab (ewwwwww) like the pillsbury doughboy goin "Hey fatty, it shakes like Jello but can you back that thing up outa my space?"
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