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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. you crack me up!!!!!!
  2. ohhhhhh...checkit: http://www.maximonline.com/sports/girls_of_extreme_sports/images/steph_davis/gm_l1.jpg
  3. yeah, i wouldnt listen to pope, he hasnt been climbing for very long and probably doesnt know anything.
  4. he he he- yeah, git 'em!! ............ "If you wanna get to know the real me, maybe we can MEAT?" .......hey jim, i think you may have found yourself a date. [This message has been edited by Charlie (edited 10-08-2001).]
  5. very well said Pope! Trads are definitely LESS conservative. Spend the night in joshua tree and youre likely to here people raging 'till 3:00 am, followed by a day of runout sandbags. Ever camp at smith? Its quite time at 10:00-
  6. I second city park- it starts with a bolt ladder and then joins a straightfoward crack-easy to solo, tie off to the big tree at the base and feed yourself out slack using 2 clove hitches as a belay. You will need a second rope though, to rappel back down and clean your gear.
  7. mt cruiser (dont forget the olympics) mt shucksan, fischer chimney forbidden, west ridge mt stuart, north ridge the tooth (Im serious!) dragontail, serpentine ridge- havent done backbone yet, but i hear its better.
  8. email me- charlieburnett@hotmail.com....or call me on my cell-206-931-6036 Im very interested, ready to buy [This message has been edited by Charlie (edited 10-04-2001).]
  9. it measures 6'4" on the outsides, so im assuming it is the 6'
  10. stop humping the lazer!!!
  11. this might be a long shot- last time i was on the west side, i saw an ad for a canopy for a toyota tacoma (posted in the entryway at marmot in bellevue) i ripped off the # but i lost it. does anyone know the guy who was selling it? or, anyone else have one for sale?
  12. oh well. did you see that guys setup at the ropeup (inside his canopy) that was sweet! im designing something similar, but it will have to be on a smaller scale as his was a fullsize.
  13. for cragging- lots of falls, scraping edges while topropping, etc- i would go ahead and get an 11mm. personally have 2 ropes i use- an 11mm 60m nondry for crags and a 10.2mm 60m dry for alpine. i bought the 11mm from http://www.sierratradingpost.com for $100. i wouldnt waste my time with a 50m-
  14. jim, you are a nerd
  15. jim, you are a nerd
  16. damn you guys for reoppening this thread, im trying to forget about it. scott- you know exactly what the caveman meant(a 5.8 at those places is of similar difficulty as one in yosemite) stop antagonizing him.
  17. after yesterday, its nice to watch other people get all worked up....cc-get rowdy mofo!!!!
  18. i recently bought the ROCK CLIMBING WASHINGTON book by Jeff Smoot- I noticed several incorrect ratings of climbs (in the areas i was very familiar with) in frenchman coulee and lworth. This could be a problem if you are using the book in an area new to you. How about posting the mistakes and giving the correct ratings so we can make revisions? [This message has been edited by Charlie (edited 10-01-2001).]
  19. retro- was just looking through the frenchman coulee guidebook- you the man! Looks like you've put up a lot of hard cracks there.
  20. OK, i just read this post through. I was wrong for snapping the whole 23 cents comment. sexual stated that he did not own the book or ever want to own it. but, if i wanted he would give his opinion on a certain route- that's not what i was after. i just thought that everyone who owned guidebooks that were specialized in a particular climbing area could input any mistakes they have found. that way, everyone who owned the smoot guide could pencil in the corrections and we could all own a fairly accurate guide to all the climbing areas listed for washington...anyone who did not want to participate could simply click off and move to the next post- sounded like a good idea at the time, sorry it didnt work out.....how can you climb harder than you ever have before if you don't know how hard the route is you are climbing- or how hard the routes you previously climbed were? [This message has been edited by Charlie (edited 10-01-2001).]
  21. thanks for the backup cc- but im not in the getting angry and ripping heads off business, im more into climbing with friends and having a good time. i guess this is my cue to get off of this site and do something constructive.....seeya
  22. thanks for the backup cc- but im not in the getting angry and ripping heads off business, im more into climbing with friends and having a good time. i guess this is my cue to get off of this site and do something constructive.....seeya
  23. nevermind- perhaps i overestimated the resources of this site, i was just trying to get some useful info.....anyone want to tell about some really hard climb they did, or complain about some unnessesary bolts they may have spotted lately? would that be more appealling?
  24. when i said "5.10c should be 5.9" I meant jeff smoot's book states that it is 5.10c, every other description I have read calls it 5.9- leading me to believe that it is in fact 5.9 and, mr smoot made an error when he transfered the data to his book................sexual chocalate: You were offering to give your opinion. I was not looking for an opinion, I simply wanted to correct some errors in my new guidebook....as for calling me an idiot and bringing my momma into this conversation, that is very bad form- especially since you have know idea who you are talking to- for all you know i could be a 70yo lady or...
  25. have you ever recieved a letter sent to someone who doesn't live at your address, yet the sender has written YOUR address on the envelope? Do you think the sender felt, that regardless of what everyone else has said, that person SHOULD actually live at your address- so, they went ahead and wrote the wrong address. NO- Im talking about mistakes! misprints! errors! typos! I could give a damn about anyones opinions- Ive climbed a lot in joshua tree and ive climbed a lot at vantage- I know ratings are subjective, that's not what Im talking about.
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