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Posts posted by Retrosaurus

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by COL. Von Spanker:

    You may be correct, but I say screw you to people who degrade my climbing skills and the level that I climb at because I don't/can't climb things as hard as they do. That's elitest...


    ...Maybe I am mireading what mithc is saying or something, but probably not.

    You assume too much. I did not degrade your climbing skills. I have never degraded someone's climbing skills. If they unnecessarily drill or something like that, yes. But not because they climb at 5.4 insteead of 5.12. You assume that "bumbling" is an insult. Wrong. Bumbling rocks. Bumbling is an integral part of learning. Bumbling through WI4, averting disaster through sheer force of will, is one of the most rewarding experiences that someone can experience. I did it. And it was fucking cool. I have bumbled my way through all sorts of stuff, and continue to. And I don't get all my weenie in a knot when someone says they enjoy climbing at higher standards, because they were once here and in the future I may be there.


    It must be really stressful being so thin-skinned and sensitive. Have you lost your virginity? Talk to Dru about it. He may be able to enlighten you.

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by David Parker:

    ...Personally I don't know many people who can "bumble" up WI 4-5 and most of that isn't vertical. I think you are probably a great guy and would be fun to climb with, but you're sounding a little elitest for my taste.

    Senor Parker,

    What is the problem here? Is it poor reading comprehension, lack knowlege, or just plain stupidity? The way I understand it, WI4 has significant vertical sections long enough for most persons to want to place pro somewhere in the middle of it. It is these vertical sections that usually give waterfall routes their character, appeal and difficulty. Yes, People usually don't bumble their way up WI4&5 because of the vertical ice. But you knew that.


    (If you've just got an attitude and want to talk down on me you're going to have to do better.)


    BTW: WI4 is often way fun. I reccommend Murchison Falls. [big Grin]


    BTW II: New ice leaders frequently "bumble" their way up WI4. It looks like a desperate battle fueled by fear and adrenaline born of the desire to avoid compound fractures and death. At least that's the way it felt to me.

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by SEF:

    ...You fell for the rumor that the female gender ratio there is larger than cc.com.

    No. The rumor was that The Mountaineers is really a dating service for people that drive Jeep Cherokees.

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by allison:

    I ...have NO IDEA what this Big O thing is...

    Aaahh, The Mysterey of "O".

    I am sure Peter would offer to take you there.

    Post a trip report about the experience.

  5. Holy moley, Snoboy. I didn't know it was so complicated. [Roll Eyes]


    How in the world do you get on the right bus to get home from school? Do they pin your bus number on your collar, or what? [Wazzup]


    Think outside the box, just a little. You don't even need axes to get up WI2. Try it on top-rope. It's fun.


  6. Fentanyl is a schedule II opioid analgesic (a powerful narcotic)commonly used to supplement general anesthesia, usually with other agents to produce balanced anesthesia. Usually delivered via intravenous or intramuscular injection. Rapid onset and short duration. Also commonly available as a transdermal "patch", Duragesic, is used for management of chronic pain. The "patch is usually changed every 72 hours.

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by mattp:

    Mitch, you are right that the demands increase exponentially as ice approches vertical but I think you overstate your case. Frozen waterfalls are beautiful and I find the climbing plenty enjoyable even on "low angle" falls suitable for a bumbly like me and I believe many moderately experienced climbers find sufficient challenge when the overall angle exceeds, say, 70 degrees -- even if they could thrash their way up someting "truly vertical." You are in a fairly elite group of you don't consider anything less than that to be worthy.

    Just a statement of my personal tastes in ice climbing. Nothing against moderates or "bumbling" up low angle stuff. I have spent a lot of time doing just that and reveled in every moment of it. But it just don't put lead in my pencil no more.

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by russki82:

    aw dang! and I thought this was a singles dating site...


    climbing? huh? what's that? boy did I stumble into the wrong place


    [big Grin][big Grin]

    You must have been looking for the Seattle Mountaineers.

  9. quote:

    Originally posted by mattp:


    Originally posted by Retrosaurus:

    Water ice ain't water ice until it's vertical.


    Unless it is VERY thin or actively falling down, water ice requires very little in the way of skill or technique to succeed, and most will be able to bumble their way through it.


    But when it is truely vertical it is a completely different animal and you will need to have your shit dialed wire-tight. Placing gear on sustained vertical ice (especially if it is of less than ideal quality,) is one of the most demanding things that I have ever done.

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by Lambone:


    Originally posted by Greg W:

    Great Northern Slab at Index (wasn't altogether serious but wouldn't that be cool?)

    Depends if you think WI 2 is cool or not...


    Personaly I'd prefer to farm ice on the steeper wall. Too bad it will fall down evry afternoon...

    Water ice ain't water ice until it's vertical.
  11. quote:

    Originally posted by Figger Eight:

    IF carabiners are failing at loads less than their claimed kn limit...might there be a case?

    And wouldn't that be great?


    And if you fuck up... might you die?


    It is obvious to me that multiple things went wrong in this accident.


    Is the purpose of this "investigation" to determine cause, thereby increasing knowlege and safety, or to fix blame (as in building a case $$$)?


    Some of the recent language suggests the latter. I hope not. Too much of the price of US-made products (and services) is already passed directly on to insurance companies and lawyers.


    [big Drink] Here's to all of us [big Drink]

    who carry on the seductive dance with Death that is CLIMBING .

  12. quote:

    Originally posted by erden:

    [QB]...Please do not confront Dr.Nil as such. Dr.Nil is meaning well, providing a different perspective, wanting no holes in our case when we make it...

    Weird. Making a legal case, and why?

  13. quote:

    Originally posted by Dr.Nil:

    ...However, be aware that carrying out an investigation yourself, including selecting investigator/laboratory, may legally work in your disfavor, and I strongly advise against it...


    Your language disturbs me very much and seems to be symptomatic of moral and spiritual ills now ingrained in our society.

    Just what legal favor/disfavor are you alluding to?

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