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Posts posted by Retrosaurus



    Originally posted by Figger Eight:

    Look man...I don't wanna know what you do in your spare time, but leave me out of your little fantasies. That might've been Harmon rustling around in your bushes outside your window. He likes you bitter angry types.

    How did you know about the bushes rustling? Harmon doesn't even know I have a window.

    Now go away and tie your self in a figger8 and figger f*#k yer sef.



    Originally posted by Figger Eight:

    Go back to practicing those back stretches...maybe one day you'll be able to achieve your life long dream of BLOWING YOURSELF

    Dammit finger!

    I leave the drapes open for a minute and you're spying on me again. Leave me alone. Respect the restraining order or you'll be roomin' with your buddy Shaft in King Co. Jail again. Quit hounding me.

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Highlander:

    If your going to do it in a day, you must be one fit muther. IT is just over 10 miles with something like 7,000 ft of elevation gain, then you have to hike out.
    [big Grin]

    Did it a day in '95 with my girlfriend, now wife. I figured if she could pull that off then she could put up with me. [big Grin]



    Originally posted by Figger Eight:


    What I am though is an enigma, like a Chink, and will always keep you guessing

    Keeping in mind your limited vocabulary, lower than average reasoning ability and non-existant people skills - you can still keep us guessing without using racist language.
    [Roll Eyes]

    You are just lucky that you don't live in Seattle where you have to prove that you are PC to get a driver's license or gain employment.


    Figger it out,

    It is funny to watch people twitch over something as silly as slang.

    Chink this [Moon]

  2. Gynecomastia.

    Gymnomastia is a similar problem suffered by climbers that spend too much time in a climbing gym. Refer to pp and lambone for specific first hand information.



    Originally posted by Peter Puget:

    Sadly mitch we continue disagree on this.

    You would disagree with God, for the sake of arguement.


    Seems like he hit more of a goldmine than he intended..

    Anyone that was not the product of indescriminant breeding and that has had the love of a father would expect exactly that. Enter "poor Scott." Enter pp/mk. Enter generation-x.

    pp, who's your daddy?


    Since before the current "offensive" post you already sized him up as a wimpy asshole, how can any of you now complain when your constant harassment of him elicited an "offensive" response?

    Because I have never harrassed scot'trix. This was unprovoked. All I did was provide the info that he was looking for. The route can be protected with traditional gear and should have not been bolted for the convenience of the inept [i.e. scot'teryx]. Scot'trix and anyone else who cannot protect that route with traditional gear is inept although not necessarily a wimpy asshole.



    Relax Mitch Life really isn't so bad.

    I lack your comfort in the "moral and ethical void."



    Originally posted by Peter Puget:

    ...The comments regarding Retro's son were directed at Retro not his son...

    This is total bullshit; it was directed at my son with the intent of injuring me.


    ...Since before the current "offensive" post you already sized him up as a wimpy asshole, how can any of you now complain when your constant harassment of him elicited an "offensive" response...

    Because I have never harrassed scot'trix. This was unprovoked. All I did was provide the info that he was looking for. And he was foolish enough to attack the one thing that I value more than life itself. If you want to get fucked up, this is the way.


    And why are you not still sulking?


    Back from the moral and ethical void to defend the likes of scot'whatever and to dance with "logical coherency." And why are you not still sulking? You had 86'd your self and cannot even stick to your own decisions. You reek of moral-relativism.


    PP, MK, whatever,

    Back from the moral and ethical void to defend the likes of scot'whatever. Why does this not suprise me? It took this long to get your tail out from between your legs and to repair that ENOURMOUS ego. You must change your face more often than your sox. Your position in an argument depends more on who you are argueing against than on what is right and wrong.


    For what it is worth, Scott has apologized.


    "I have to call BS on the sudden attention to gentleness."

    I hope you don't spend much time around children.

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by scot'teryx:

    ...After just finally getting into trad (way too late), I did my first trad lead this weekend at Clamshell Cave, and once I got to the top I noticed that the hangers were missing off of the bolts...

    A year ago at age four my son was following trad routes at clamshell cave. Not only did he clean the pitches after I led them, he didn't whine about not having enough bolts to clip. You are not just a late bloomer scot'fuk, you are a wussie. You do not have what it takes. Before you insult and belittle children, make sure they are not more man than you are.

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by scot'teryx:

    ...maybe he was bleeding from the crotch as well, must have been time to change his panties.

    Is scot'teryx a practicing pedophile or does he just fantasize like one?

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by scot'teryx:

    ...Little Bridge Creek Rock "Arete" 5.8

    Was recently bolted this winter (I was told) because gear looks difficult on that side of the face, and I loved that climb as a sport route, but we went back there this weekend, and all but 2 of the top hangers are gone - and the anchor hangers were in place. It makes sense to me if the original setter thought it was trad, then that's cool, but why leave the top 2 hangers?...

    The route can be protected with traditional gear and should have not been bolted for the convenience of the inept [i.e. scot'teryx].


    I left the top two bolts because my son got tired and it was time to get him home and read him stories before bedtime. I'll pull the rest of the bolts out when I get time.


    Did you notice that the bolts were gone also, or just the hangers? If I had glued the hangers back onto the rock sans bolts would you have merrily clipped them? [Roll Eyes][Wazzup]



  6. quote:

    Originally posted by Crackbolter:

    I think Mitch has offended just about every climber that I admire. The cheese stands alone on this one. I always thought that there was a sense of comrodery with all of the crag caretakers. Mitch, are you out to change this philosophy?

    You need a hug, or what?

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by Dru:

    Mitch 4 posts in a row? Dont get worked up
    is only a few minutes away.

    I guess I'm compensating for something. Have to ask MK about what. [Roll Eyes] He's my new shrink; his advice sucks but, he's cheap and doesn't mind when I ridicule him. [laf]


    Going camping now. Taking my toys and my tools. Guess where? [Wink]

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