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Posts posted by Retrosaurus

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Peter Puget:

    ...I view it this way: by asserting yourself and taking public property in order to make the FA you have a broader responsibilty to make the route resonably safe and climbable for everyone. That doesn't mean a bolt every four feet, but certainly the normal effects of the normal accumulation of dirt on the nut placements should be considered.




    More routes please!

    [laf][laf] PP, I can smell your pussy from the other side of the range. Spare us and use some feminine deodorant spray or douche or something for christ's sake!


    "...responsibilty to make the route resonably safe and climbable for everyone."

    Why of course because ever since the advent of sport climbing so few climbers develop the ability to assess the risks of a climb and act appropriately (such as down climbing). Establish routes to the lowest common denominator. You degrade climbing and climbers.


    "...but certainly the normal effects of the normal accumulation of dirt on the nut placements should be considered."

    [laf][laf] Advocating bolting because nut placements might get dirty. [laf][laf]


    Why are you not still sulking? [laf][laf]

  2. We're bring back the grizzly. There are so many more cougar than there have been in 40 years that they are comming into towns and carrying house pets from their yards. What we really need now is some fucking tigers. Yeah, now we're talking.


    My sympathy goes to jkrueger. Prevent natural selection; don't let your kids play in the backyard until you load your handgun.

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by telemarker:

    ...I don't have the gumption to get on brass balls yet. Any info. on that route?

    Sling your pro below the first roof right to avoid fucking yourself with rope drag. The 2nd roof (crux) has really great pro (med-large stopper) that you can place from the straddle. Fingerlock as high in the crack as you can with your right hand to rreeaacchh up and left to the sloper.


    By far the best route on Castle Rock. [Cool]



    Originally posted by Dru:

    I dont think you can scuba in jello.

    [Eek!] Hey, watch it with that snorkel!

    That's not my snorkel. [Wink]


    25. You have to believe that it is unethical to work a route on top-rope before you lead it with traditional gear, but it is ethical to first bolt the route and then work it from bolt to bolt.



    Originally posted by RayBonbon:

    Dude, the only Si I know is man, guess that makes you a Log Cabin Republican.

    You should meet the Si I know. That would make you a heterosexual.

    Presuming you are male.


    23. It is OK to drill and bolt anywhere regardless of other types of protection available just because you think you got there first.


    24. It is OK to drill and bolt anywhere.



    Originally posted by trask:

    Retro- I heard it thru the grapevine that you solo'ed Si. Hooahh!
    [big Drink]

    I think your grapevine has fermented. Si who? Is she the one with the big tits and powerful thighs? She carries my pack and polishes my helmet.


    To Be A Good Liberal


    1. You have to believe the AIDS virus

    is spread by a lack of federal funding.


    2. You have to believe that the same teacher

    who can't teach 4th graders how to read is

    somehow qualified to teach them about sex.


    3. You have to believe that guns in the

    hands of law-abiding Americans are

    more of a threat than U.S. nuclear

    weapons technology in the hands of

    Chinese communists.


    4. You have to believe that there was

    no art before Federal funding.


    5. You have to believe that global temperatures

    are less affected by cyclical, documented

    changes in the earth's climate, and more

    affected by yuppies driving SUVs.


    6. You have to believe that gender roles are

    artificial but being homosexual is natural.


    7. You have to be against capital punishment

    but support abortion on demand.


    8. You have to believe that businesses create

    oppression and governments create prosperity.


    9. You have to believe that hunters don't

    care about nature, but loony activists who've never

    been outside of Seattle do.


    10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more

    important than actually doing something to earn it.


    11. You have to believe the military, not corrupt


    start wars.


    12. You have to believe the NRA is bad, because it

    supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the

    ACLU is good, because it supports certain parts of the



    13. You have to believe that taxes are

    too low, but ATM fees are too high.


    14. You have to believe that Margaret

    Sanger and Gloria Steinmen are more

    important to American history than

    Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee

    or Thomas Edison.


    15. You have to believe that standardized

    tests are racist, but racial quotas and

    set-asides aren't.


    16. You have to believe Hillary Clinton is really a lady.


    17. You have to believe that the only reason

    socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been

    tried, is because the right people haven't been in



    18. You have to believe conservatives telling the

    truth belong in jail, but a liar and sex offender

    belongs in the White House.


    19. You have to believe that parades displaying drag,

    transvestites and bestiality should be

    constitutionally protected and manger scenes at

    Christmas should be illegal.


    20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic party

    funding by the Chinese is somehow in the best

    interest of the United States .


    21. You have to believe that this letter is part of a

    vast right wing conspiracy.







    Originally posted by slaphappy:

    I for one find your bolt choppin, racist asses down right offensive and can't believe that we share any interests (climbing) what-so-ever. People like you piss me off! Are you truly that ignorant?

    We don't share interests.

    You are a sport climber.

    I am a climber.

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